Making baby steps into Hi-fi

Thank you very much, rikhav! That means a lot!

I just looked up the amp and it looks very interesting! Yes, do keep me in the loop about how the amp sounds after the upgrade.
Hi Hydra

I was lucky enough to listen to Prem's setup in mumbai recently so I can imagine your excitement regarding the Rethms .High resolution,natural,real,never drawing attention to itself and gets out of the way of music.
If possible don't compromise on amplification as far as realistically possible.
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Thanks, Himadri! :) The Rethms do have their way of pushing everything else out of the equation, and drawing us into the music itself!

I definitely won't be penny-wise and pound-foolish in terms of amplification. I plan on getting a Lyrita 2A3c SET power amp at the earliest point I can manage enough Vitamin M. I waited so long to do the speaker upgrade, so that there wouldn't be too much gap between the speaker upgrade and the amp upgrade.
Hi Hydra

The Trishnas have approx 3 db lower efficiency than the Saadhanas. I am not very sure if a 2A3 would have enough juice for the Trishnas. Check before you buy them
Thanks for the heads up, Prem!

I did see the difference in the efficiency figures. But I was under the impression that 3 watts pc should be enough to manage things in my room.

The Trishna's driver is rated at 95dB/w/m and the system is rated at 97dB/w/m.

The 6moons review mentioned that the Trisha would be happy wth 2wpc, and that was what I was going by. The 2A3c SET is rated at 3wpc.

My room is approximately 10ft x 18ft, with a 10ft ceiling. I say approximately, as the room is trapezoidal, and none of the walls are of the same dimension as the walls parallel to them. There's a bathroom inconveniently jutting into the room from one side (behind the listening position), so I'll be sitting just 7-8 ft (max) away from the speakers if I have to give 4-5 ft between the speakers and the wall behind them.

I typically listen to music at about a 88db max (at the listening chair), as measured by an Android app.

Would the 3wpc be lacking in this situation? I was looking forward to getting the 2A3c SET (3 wpc) over the 6C33C SET (10 wpc), after reading about how well it goes with the DHT pre, and about how heavenly the 2A3c tubes sound with voices, and with the kind of music I like, in general.

Do comment. :)
I am not sure if the 2a3 will have sufficient headroom. Till you try it one cannot be sure. I personally would not go with a 2a3 with the Trishnas. Even with the Saadhanas they just about make it.
Thanks again, Prem! If the Saadhana just about makes it, I doubt if the Trishna will be much too happy.

I'll check with Virenji & Suresh also. Virenji had suggested that I use the 2A3c, but I'll double-check. Best to keep it safe. Interestingly, the Rethm Gaanam is based on the 6C33C tubes.
The Gaanam would be a safe bet. Else the Red Wine Audio is also a good option. They have a 15 watter which is battery operated and should do the trick. I have had their 30 watter and it sounded good. The 15 watter will also be in your budget
@hydra, keeping in mind your room dimensions, if you listen to soft music/ vocals at reasonable listening levels, then the SET 2A3 will work for you. Speak with Virenji, he will give you his honest and sincere advise.
My 2a3 uses upgraded transformers which improve on the headroom over the stock ones. You need to take that into account because all my comments are based on my amp using upgraded transformers
Size of the room comes later. First and foremost you need headroom. Its pointless if saturation happens
I'll definitely speak to Virenji to begin with.

I don't think I'll be able to afford the Gaanam. If I'm going with the 6C33C, it will be with Lyrita for sure.

Prem, I am very concerned with what you mentioned about headroom. I don't want to be listening on a daily basis by pushing the amp to it's limits!
See if you can borrow a 2A3 to hear. Suresh will never recommend a 2A3 for his speakers
You will have to actually check with Suresh and not with Viren as to what amps are likely to work well with the Trishnas. He has designed the speakers and will know what current draw is required
Hi anup
When prem mentions more headroom i gues he is pointing to having enough reserve power for dynamic passages in the music, enough current to make a quick jump and to handle the drivers without any laziness

This headroom will als be needed if you are not listening to music at high levels

This is just my understanding and i can be not fully correct as well. Best bet is to try a lyrita 2a3 with your speakers, if possible a power amp with your dht pre
Hi anup
When prem mentions more headroom i gues he is pointing to having enough reserve power for dynamic passages in the music, enough current to make a quick jump and to handle the drivers without any laziness

This headroom will als be needed if you are not listening to music at high levels

This is just my understanding and i can be not fully correct as well. Best bet is to try a lyrita 2a3 with your speakers, if possible a power amp with your dht pre

Yes Rikhav. That's what I meant by headroom

Thnaks, rikhav, I did get that. It will be very important to have reserves whatever my listening levels are. :)

The SET amp I'll be getting will be a power amp for sure. I do intend to keep using the DHT pre. I wish there was some way of trying the 2A3c Amp out. I don't think there's anyone close, that's using one.
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Congrats on the new speakers hydra. I got a chance to hear both the Trishna and the Maarga at Suresh's studio last year. Personally, I preferred the Trishna's (I guess I'm a minority in that view though) - found them to be more relaxed and natural sounding.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.