Making baby steps into Hi-fi


It's a great feeling to be blessed with the HI FI baby which you have been pining for!

I can almost hear you crooning Rod Stewart to your new lady love called Rega :)

"Stay away from my window
Stay away from my back door
Disconnect the telephone line
Relax baby and draw that blind

Kick off your shoes and sit right down
Loosen off that pretty French gown
Let me pour you a good long drink
Ooh baby! don't you hesitate, cause

Tonights the night
It's gonna be alright
Cause I love you girl
Ain't nobody gonna stop us now
@ajay & anm, you guys understood exactly how I felt! :)

@vasishta.sushant, Price + UK shipping + International shipping + Duty = a shade above 50K INR. Not bad, considering the price in the US is $995.

First Impressions

I know I'm going to sound like a dumb fan boy here, but this DAC is just something else! Right out of the box it sounded great.

The music it makes is so unlike anything my setup used to make, I really don't have a frame of reference I can use to describe it. Everything about the music is better.

The DAC makes things sound fast and rhythmic. The music sounds very engaging and involving, so much so, that it is like it is urging you to get up and groove with it. At the same time, it feels as though the setup is doing all this easily and effortlessly.

I listened to music all night yesterday, right from 10.00PM. I'd started listening with a plan to cover some specific favourite tracks and artists first. But as I started listening, I found it hard to change tracks/albums/artists as per plan once the track I intended to listen to was over. Without even realisiing it, most of the time, I continued to listen to and enjoy the next track in the album that came up. This is how much I got drawn in by the way the DAC made music. I continued listening all night, till nearly 5.00AM. I'd intended to stop by around 3.00AM, but I just couldn't.

The music is quite detailed, without being at all harsh or sharp. Passages that used to sound a bit grainy on the top notes (extended vocal passages, trumpets pushing the limits, etc.) now sound very very smooth and liquid without any hint of graininess or roughness.

Since the Music-PC is down, I'm now using the WDTV as a transport. The WDTV normally has a very narrow sound stage, and the stage is pretty shallow. But with the Rega in the mix, the stage has really opened wide and extends back a lot more. There is a very defined layering, especially in live tracks like Patricia Barber's "Let it Rain" (Live version), I could place the singer, the guitar, the drums and the rest of the instruments in very distinct zones and layers.

The vocals are very full and life-like, and stand out almost holographically. There is a very luxurious texture to vocals now. Sound trails (my way of describing the last lingering part of vocals) of artists like Alison Krauss, Eva Cassidy and Katie Melua which used to sound a bit lispy/bright/harsh to my ears, sound buttery smooooooooth now.

There is a lot more bass. Bass is one place where the DAC confuses me. In some places (in tracks), the bass sounds a lot more defined, faster and controlled than before. But in some other places, the bass sounds looser or more smoothed down than before. There is significantly more bass weight than before, without there being too much bass, which is good.

The only thing I don't like about the DAC is the way it looks. It looked butt-ugly in the pictures on the 'net. It looks quite a bit better in person. But still, it could have looked better. Also, there are too many LEDs that light up when it works. Other than the Rega logo which gets backlit in red when the DAC is switched on, there are 4 LEDs that light up when music is playing. The LEDs are only low-to-medium bright, so I can live with it.

A lot of this enthusiasm could be attributed to the honeymoon effect, but I'm certain that I got exactly the kind of music I wanted. I understand the DAC improves substantially over the first couple of 100 hours and I look forward to more enjoyment. What I'm really waiting for, is to be able to listen to it with my real source, the Music-PC. I'll have to wait for the mother board replacement for that. At least the DAC will be mostly burnt in by the time I get the motherboard.

I know the Rega is too much DAC for my current setup. But then, I'm sure my long-term source is ready now. My main requirement was that I wanted something to work with my Music-PC, that sounded less "digital", and that had a lot more body. Though I haven't been able to listen to it with my Music-PC yet, I think my need has been met.

Next stage > Speaker upgrade, to something around 1L (in maybe a year).
Next stage > Amp upgrade to a pre/power combo or an integrated that comes to something around 80K (another additional year I guess).
Next stage > Online UPS (no idea when)
Next stage > Quit upgrading :)

Sorry for a really loooong post. :o
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Thanks for the update hydra! Glad you are happy with the product. Need to dig up some phone numbers of family members in London :)

If the LEDs really bother you, you can tape them over.

EDIT: Please post a couple of pictures with the DAC powered on. Thanks!
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great review. I had the same feelings and experience when I got the EHHA headphone amp. Then for some time I shifted back to a lower powered headphone amp for my yamaha hp50, but then when I connected back to EHHA, it was again mesmerizing.
i was wondering
did you hear this dac before purchase

the reason i ask is because this is a NOS dac (unless im really wrong) - and not everyones cup of tea .They are known for their smoothness, sometimes at expense of other things
Im currently evaluating an AudioZone Peter daniels premium dac ( with black gates et all)

P>S : im a nos fan

You have got all the four upgrade stages right. But you can start with the online UPS first, because it is the cheapest, and will benefit your current system also. For the speakers and integrated amp you may need a combined budget of 250-300K. Don't even consider a pre/power unless you are prepared to take the budget even further north.

Powerful SS Integrated amps with Indian distributor:

Musical Fidelity M6i
Krell S300i
Bryston 100 B SST

Good Tube amps with an Indian distributor

Ayon Orion
Pathos Logos

For new speakers under 200K with a distributor in India, the choices are very limited. Some options :

Magneplanar 1.7 ( app. 170K )
Spendor A9 (No idea about pricing)
Theil 2.4 ( lightly used )
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i was wondering
did you hear this dac before purchase

the reason i ask is because this is a NOS dac (unless im really wrong) - and not everyones cup of tea .They are known for their smoothness, sometimes at expense of other things
Im currently evaluating an AudioZone Peter daniels premium dac ( with black gates et all)

P>S : im a nos fan

This is not a nos dac magma. This is based on dual wolfson 24/192 delta sigma converters. I think you are confusing it with the old gen rega dac which was a nos design.
@Bluu, I wish I had somebody in the UK too! :(
The LEDs don't bother me that much. I'm used to seeing the blue LEDs, so the red ones just seem a bit alien now, heh heh. I'll post pics (with the DAC switched on) tomorrow or the day after.

@anm, thanks!

@ajay, thanks for the pointers! :) I'll be looking at only 2L to 2.5L max for the upgrades, and that too, over the next 2-3 years (or more, depending on how thing turn out for me). I won't really be able to justify any more to myself. So I guess a really good integrated is what I should be looking at, huh? What you said about getting the online UPS first does make sense!

@magma, I didn't get to listen to it first. This was an "informed" leap of faith. I knew the kind of sound I wanted, and all the reviews of the Rega DAC -- professional and well as user -- were very consistent in describing the sound signature ("tube like", "full bodied", "very analog", "very much like a TT" etc.), which was exactly what I was looking for.

@RoC & magma, This is a non-oversampling DAC. Rega says that the DAC has no sample rate converter, and that data is processed right at the incoming rate. That does make it an NOS DAC, right?

The sound signature is very much like what I've heard a NOS DAC is supposed to sound like -- very relaxed and easy, and tending toward the dark side. The funny thing is that it also sounds quite fast to me. Fast, not in terms of HF attack, but in terms of rhythm and pace. This does sound contradictory (relaxed vs. fast), but it does this.
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@RoC & magma, This is a non-oversampling DAC. Rega says that the DAC has no sample rate converter, and that data is processed right at the incoming rate. That does make it an NOS DAC, right?

Nope :). That makes it a non upsampling DAC. The spec sheet of the WM8742 states that it has an oversampling rate control. So I assume it is oversampling by default.

Anyway intricacies apart, did you try the different output filter options of the DAC? I'm especially interested in knowing how the apodising filter sounds like. The WM8742 is a very very capable DAC chip.

heres what the rega features state

Non-Oversampling DAC
Rega believes in simplicity and purity of signal and the only way to implement oversampling is to add DSP to the signal path. For this reason the DAC does not over-sample, upsample or upconvert the incoming data."
@vasishta.sushant, Hahaha, no, buddy, this is the only thing I really spend money on. Well, a bit also on my car and on gadgets. For the rest, I live like a skinflint miser and a pauper. I don't go out much, I rarely eat out, I haven't bought new clothes in about 3 years, I travel outstation only by train, I stay in the cheapest hotels, etc etc. What I save this way gets spent here. :)

@abhi, thanks :)
@RoC and magma, thanks for clearing things!

RoC, I actually tried changing the filters just today, a couple of hours back. All my listening yesterday was with Filter 1 engaged. I frankly could not make out any real difference when the apodising filters (Filters 4 & 5) were engaged.

This could be because I'm not completely familiar with how the DAC makes my reference music sound. Or, more likely, the rest of the kit may not really be revealing enough to bring out the subtle changes the filters bring about.

I'll try this again in a couple of weeks, when I'm really familiar with how Filter 1 sounds :)
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seems the upgrade bug in home audio is biting as hard as car audio.Hope you know treatment of the home audio bug costs way more than car audio

P.S i see youve been with the Tru tech and IDv2's for long - havent found a ugrade worth considering have you?
i agree there.
Yup, upgraditis is hitting hard :)

Between car audio and home audio I find home audio far more rewarding to the senses. Earlier, I used to get very little time at home, so car audio was the only way I could get my fix.

Yup, my current kit in the car sounds just right to me. I'm actually quite satisfied with how it sounds. It has been almost 2 years now since I've changed kit in the car (except for some install tweaks). It took me about 6 years, a lot of equipment (and 2 cars) to get there, but that journey was worth it.
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