Malvai's TT Setup

Re: My New TT : The Cello from Scheu Analog

Hiten, i think the Accuphase E250 would cost about 2.5L INR.
Thanks bro. Everything I like is out of reach :D
By Phono card you mean like computer you can add phono stage or DAC ? I mean like plug and play right ?
Thats preety good. one can try various phono stages. :thumbsup:

Perhaps the mods would allow you to edit the first post, so that you can properly introduce the thread. At the moment the first post clearly seems to be related to an earlier post which is missing. I was mystified when I read it. The mystery was only cleared up when I read your last post.
Re: My New TT : The Cello from Scheu Analog

Thanks bro. Everything I like is out of reach :D
By Phono card you mean like computer you can add phono stage or DAC ? I mean like plug and play right ?
Thats preety good. one can try various phono stages. :thumbsup:

Ya accuphase is expensive but then they do put in NASA grade parts!

also on the Option boards... the amp comes with two slots that can take in the specially designed AD20 (phono) board and the DAC 20 and DAC 30 dacs from accuphase. it all plug and play from there on!

Perhaps the mods would allow you to edit the first post, so that you can properly introduce the thread. At the moment the first post clearly seems to be related to an earlier post which is missing. I was mystified when I read it. The mystery was only cleared up when I read your last post.

perhaps.... Venkatcr... over to you!

wow!!!! just checked the interiors of Accuphase. Isn't that the neatest amp. :licklips:
@hiten: It is a solidly built amp bro. and sounds like nothing else... do read up about its pre-amp section as well and its specialised AAVA volume control!

@Anil... thanks bro...

The phono stage or dac would have to be the one which Accuphase is selling. I don't think it would be possible to use a phono stage or dac from another brand. Even if it was possible, the result would be destructive rather than constructive :)

E250 225K 115 WPC/4ohms

E350 350K 140 WPC/4ohms

E460 450K 260 WPC/4ohms

Accuphase specs seem to be very very conservative. Any of these amps would probably blow away most other amps 'claiming' to be twice as powerful I am willing to wait patiently for a lightly used E450, the older version of the E460. My budget would be sub 300K. The other option I am considering is an Esoteric A1-10, 150WPC, Class D amp. The Esoteric option seems a little dicey, therefore I would only buy it after an audition. But I would be willing to buy the E450 blind, from a reliable seller.

My hifi mantra? Esoteric for a source. Accuphase for amplification. I have yet to come across a speaker under 300K which would make me want to trade in the VA's.
Hi Ajay

For sub 300k, a Luxman 590A or a 509 is great. Would mate with Esoteric better.
Re: My New TT : The Cello from Scheu Analog

Asit the speakers are about 8 and half feet apart (measured from the centre of each speaker...)

Eight and a half feet is quite okay, I'd think. Most probably because of the large width of the speakers, I was having an illusion of much less distance between the speakers.

Didn't you say somewhere that the Rondo Red is too much on the warmer side? Did I misunderstand something? A little warm is okay, but anything more than that is not good for me. You certainly know better, because you have used it, so has Santosh.

On the Accuphase (for Ajay): Dinyaar says the E460 is a lot better than E450. I have heard the E450 for close to 3 hours, it was certainly good, but nothing phenomenal sonically, and in my mind not worth the money. I have not heard any of the current Luxmans, but have heard a few of the old ones. If Luxman has found their feet again as Prem says (because I know he was considering Luxman before he settled for the Rethm SET), they are certainly worth at least a listen.


That's two thumbs up for Luxman, from folks whose advise I would be willing to take.

As usual an audition would not be possible, but I will certainly start reading up on Luxman.
Folks, am new to this forum. Have been delighted that some people have seen the merit of an integrated amplifier. I have an Accuphase E-450, plus Linn Sondek LP12, and use the Accuphase AD-20 Option board. I also use the DAC-30, the source for which is a Squeezebox Touch. There is just too much of great music i got in FLAC format, and this set-up was the quickest way to exploit, rather than potter around with CD players, which i dispensed with altogether. There are no interconnects in this system, except the optical cable. LP12 comes with its own interconnects.

Purists would scoff at this (i myself would have), but i believe 30% sonic improvement is possible with any system (between worst case and best case set-up) including acoustics+Aesthetics+listening time+(as Malvai puts it)Safety.

I believe i am halfway there, and with some tweaks, i can live with the resulting sound quality, despite being somewhat fastidious. The music is the rest.

Also saw an interesting comment about dust cover. I found that the LP12's dust cover did not do the job of dust protection, which i badly needed, and since i have the system installed in the main room, could not manage to insulate from dust. So this is what i did. When not using the system (i.e. 90% of total time), i designed a satin cloth cover, which has the same shape as the Linn Sondek (5% bigger), and had an elastic band on the open side at the bottom. 5 sides are closed and the cover is pulled down from the top for a snug fit. Hope this helps.
Manav, quite neat and clean set up, tell us about the speakers (drivers, performance etc.), but why a dark black color background for it surely does not reflect the acoustics performance produced in front of it, use a brighter one which will also help you in observing the needle for periodic cleaning, needle are best seen in a white background even in night time.

very thoughtful purchase

Nice set up Manav, i want to have audtion some day if you permit.

Thanks & Regards.
Nice setup Malvai. Interestingly I am yet to listen to an Accuphase 460, clearaudio TT and B&W 801 so your setup would be the one to listen to when I visit Delhi.

One thing though, I have heard the Accuphase E2XX series amps and they sounded very average to me. Upon speaking to some audiophiles I was told that Accuphase starts getting good only at E4XX series onwards. Unfortunately the pricing of Accuphase 2XX and 3XX is quite esoteric hence I would suggest any one looking at these series of Accuphase amps to buy only after proper auditioning and if possible pre-owned. I am sure one would very quickly outgrow the sound of their entry level amps and would want to move higher up the chain.
You're most welcome to come over any time Dr. Bass... It would be a pleasure to come pare notes, listen to some good music and sip some nice wine!

I really looked around for a certain kind of sound... I wanted something that is not only extremely detailed by also something that would have great tone and timbre... the accuphase does that very well... in fact, i sound it a little better than even some of the ARC pre-power gear...

this one box solution sounds superb and has made life simple... the rack neat.
Nice setup Malvai. Interestingly I am yet to listen to an Accuphase 460, clearaudio TT and B&W 801 so your setup would be the one to listen to when I visit Delhi.

One thing though, I have heard the Accuphase E2XX series amps and they sounded very average to me. Upon speaking to some audiophiles I was told that Accuphase starts getting good only at E4XX series onwards. Unfortunately the pricing of Accuphase 2XX and 3XX is quite esoteric hence I would suggest any one looking at these series of Accuphase amps to buy only after proper auditioning and if possible pre-owned. I am sure one would very quickly outgrow the sound of their entry level amps and would want to move higher up the chain.

Congratulations Manav. Am glad u are happy as both Grattan & me were a bit apprehensive of the end result! Very good amplifier. Am glad u went for 460 & not a 450. If there was a simpler, lesser demanding speaker then even the 350 would have worked well.

Dr Bass why do u say the 2XXX & 3XXX sound average? When u say average do u mean it sounds like any other amplifier from the usual suspects? I thought the 350 sounds very good and even the 250 is a decent performer.

Yes the 460 is the better amp if u are putting it alongside the 250,350 but thats a bit like saying that the S Class is better when compared to the C or the E class Mercedes. But that does not make the C or the E any less of a car. The 460 is more than double the cost of the 250! If anyone is looking for a top class power amp please hear the 6100. Its not yet reached our shores though.

I know a couple of guys using the 250 & the 350 and these blokes chose the accuphase after auditioning a hell of a lot of amps. I think apart from the symphonic line which is a rare commodity in Bbay most other so called biggies were compared.

Manav the E 460 at my uncle s home will soon be driving the new B&W 804 diamonds which will replace the Thiels..Went & heard all the new B&Ws and some wilsons a while ago & I think the 804 is the star in the range not the highly regarded 805 and definately not the 803. The 800/802 is always great provided its adequately powered & placed.

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not the highly regarded 805

I concur. The diamond 805's were a major disappointment to my ears and a major reason why after having lived with B&W 705 and then N805 for about 7 years I have abandoned my upgrade path with these and switched directions.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.