Malvai's TT Setup

Sorry Panditji and others. My info was wrong and I stand corrected. Just spoke to a friend who is very good at this. He said used electronics are banned.

Only way is to get used stuff as new and pay customs. If the item is caught by customs, there is a 5k fine slapped on it. Then we need to pay customs additionally and release the electronic item. He said for high value items, best is hand carry as ticket prices are affordable.

5k is min. penalty of anti dumping it could be very high depending upon custom officer.


it could be very high depending upon custom officer.

Very true. My colleague from the UK brought a container of stuff and the customs guy charged her Rs 2000/- (yes, two thousand for a container!) because he is Jewish like her. What a coincidence! How many Jewish customs agents do you think are there in India? :)

I wish there was a more standardized procedure to all this. Sorry, this thread is getting derailed.
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Can you point me to that lady or the customs agent please? I asked my father right now and he said we could be Jewish as our forefathers since we are direct descendents of Adam and Eve.... Please also let me know which port does the Jewish agent work out of.... Would be great adding a new member to our family and hopefully he/she could help me out with some imports as well .....

Very true. My colleague from the UK brought a container of stuff and the customs guy charged her Rs 2000/- (yes, two thousand for a container!) because he is Jewish like her. What a coincidence! How many Jewish customs agents do you think are there in India? :)

I wish there was a more standardized procedure to all this. Sorry, this thread is getting derailed.
One thing that is making m love the Accuphase E460 amp more and more is the fact that it is soooooo soooooo good for the vinyl rig... the sound is so palpable and rich that it is amazing...

i feel that when an amp is new, everything seems nice... its only when one lives with it, that the true picture emerges.... well, having said that, its been 3 weeks since i introduced the amp into the chain... that too a well tuned chain... and I have nothing to complain about!

now, anyone who knows me personally, knows that I am extremely anal about the sound and for me Vinyl takes prime focus... if the electronics fail with the vinyl, then it a deal breaker. The Accuphase E460 is a thoroughbred in all aspects! It is sublime when paired with my vinyl rig! (Btw, it does digital just as nicely too!)
Nice setup Malvai!

Those B&Ws look quite dominating I must say. Very clean setup too. Like that part.

The set up has now been run in for over 70 hours... and i must say that the amp has shown a very subtle improvement... i wouldn't say that it is a day / night change, bit yes it is kind of like an early evening / late evening kind of difference.

Specifically the HF's seem even more refined. the mid-range sounds a bit more... ummm.... for the lack of a better word ~ juicy!

The LF is more taut. now, the amp is ready for some really serious listening sessions!

Next up, I have a 3 fold task:

1. Get my reference cartridge back on... it'll take 3-5 more weeks to return from a re-tip from sound-smiths...

2. nail the room treatment once and for all... just very tiny little touches that will improve the sound. I believe that over treating a room is worse that leaving the room untreated!

I actually have heard a grossly over treated room... it was as if the multi-million dollar set up was comletely devoid of HF's and a soul!

3. The last thing on the list is to get the AD 20 Phono Board and the DAC 30 dac board... this will take care of the digital media : both cd & computer
good one buddy

This is a thread on Malvai's TT and other audio equipment.

@Asit: just a few pictures of my listening room!

My pre-power combo has been replaced with an Accuphase E460. For simplicity's sake... the sound is awesome!

Unfortunately, i don't have a great camera... Nor is my room brightly lit... but here it goes anyhow!
The last month or so has been blissful. I have never been so satisfied after an audio purchase, as i have been with this amp!

This time around, I am satisfied. The overall sound is blissful!

I just need to get back my Clearaudio Concerto back (from its re-tip) into the mix and the analogue rig will sound heavenly!

The CDP is as good as it can get on the budget that I set up for it many years ago! (This is only piece of equipment that has not been upgraded in the last 4 years!!!)

the AD 20 and the DAC 30 will come in by and by, as I save up the spare change. Then I put the brakes on the spending!
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