Marantz Model 50 Analogue Integrated Amp or PM8006 with Linton Heritage

Having owned lintons for past 4-5 years, I have paired them with multiple integrated amplifiers and separates too.
One thing I can say is these don't lack low end grunt or bass, and won't feel fatiguing if placed right.
But some pairings don't do justice to these speaker.
Placement and room is the key

Favorite Parings are:
Willsenton R8
Audiolab 7000a
Audiolab 6000a
First watt F7

Some of the amps I have paired them with are:
Fosi Audio V3
ACA Class A Monoblocks
Marantz 8006
Audiolab 6000a
Willsenton R8
Audiolab 7000a
O&B Dual Monoblock 2180
First Watt F7

If you think bass is missing try a amp with subout, but I doubt you will need a subwoofer with right pairing.
Having owned lintons for past 4-5 years, I have paired them with multiple integrated amplifiers and separates too.
One thing I can say is these don't lack low end grunt or bass, and won't feel fatiguing if placed right.
But some pairings don't do justice to these speaker.
Placement and room is the key

Favorite Parings are:
Willsenton R8
Audiolab 7000a
Audiolab 6000a
First watt F7

Some of the amps I have paired them with are:
Fosi Audio V3
ACA Class A Monoblocks
Marantz 8006
Audiolab 6000a
Willsenton R8
Audiolab 7000a
O&B Dual Monoblock 2180
First Watt F7

If you think bass is missing try an amp with subout, but I doubt you will need a subwoofer with right pairing.
Thanks what is your view between 7000A and 6000A with the Linton, from what you heard and is 9000A likely to be different from 7000A? I totally agree that it does not need an external Sub.
Thanks what is your view between 7000A and 6000A with the Linton, from what you heard and is 9000A likely to be different from 7000A? I totally agree that it does not need an external Sub.

yes, its lot better than 7000a. But you won't need to spend so much for Lintons, would be a overkill in my opinion.
get 7000a and maybe a better streamer, you have a great DAC and 7000a also has a good dac.

Auditioning is the key, try out home auditons.
Thank you for the feedback, good to see that you have actually used the 8006. I listen to a wide verity of music genres. I heard the NAIM 5Si recently not with the Lintons but with Focal Spora N1. It did not appeal to me at all, underpowered , no bass etc. The NAIT XS3 is of a different class but could not hear it.
I have the 8006. Excellent. Though it's more neutral than others Marantz, it's still not the liveliest. I play it will Dali Rubicon 6. Excellent pair, though the Rubicons can do with more power.
Lintons will need lively amp with lots of 'PRAT'
Interestingly I moved my Lintons to be about 6 to 8” from the wall and boy the bass depth has certainly improved. Still driven with the same valves 35W at 4 ohms. I play them at 9 o’clock which is 25% of the volume and it’s pretty decent. Should try higher levels. When they were new this same position sounded a bit boomy. It has back firing ports, so I had moved them forward. Now after 100 hrs and closer to the wall it sounds great. Very slight tow-in. Speaker center to center 80 inch apart. Like someone said earlier and in many reviews the Lintons need positioning (like most) and what a difference it makes. I wonder how it would sound with the Audiolabs 9000A though I realise it’s an overkill of an amp for them.
Finally settled in for an Audiolabs 9000A. Strangely I am having to use a volume setting of -25db and even go to -18db to get the minimum floor level punch for most songs.
The overall volume range is -75db to 0db and it being a 100W per channel at 8 ohms and 160W at 4 ohms. I am surprised that I need to use this high volume setting (does not sound too loud and very controlled) even at these volume levels. Streamer is a Bluesound Node N130 coaxial out to a Metrum Accoustic DAC which is a R2R NOS DAC. Bluesound node is set to fixed volume. DAC’s RCA out to Amp which is set to run as an integrate amp. Speakers being Wharfdale Linton heritage 6ohms driven, 90 db sensitivity which is easy to drive. The amp is brand new, but I do not think it’s a burn in that will make a difference. The volume level is the same if I go from Bluesound node coaxial directly into the AMP using the DAC on the AMP. Any one else see this with the Audiolabs 9000A or 7000A volume level having to be set this high.
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Finally settled in for an Audiolabs 9000A. Strangely I am having to use a volume setting of -25db and even go to -18db to get the minimum floor level punch for most songs.
The overall volume range is -75db to 0db and it being a 100W per channel at 8 ohms and 160W at 4 ohms. I am surprised that I need to use this high volume setting (does not sound too loud and very controlled) even at these volume levels. Streamer is a Bluesound Node N130 coaxial out to a Metrum Accoustic DAC which is a R2R NOS DAC. Bluesound node is set to fixed volume. DAC’s RCA out to Amp which is set to run as an integrate amp. Speakers being Wharfdale Linton heritage 6ohms driven, 90 db sensitivity which is easy to drive. The amp is brand new, but I do not think it’s a burn in that will make a difference. The volume level is the same if I go from Bluesound node coaxial directly into the AMP using the DAC on the AMP. Any one else see this with the Audiolabs 9000A or 7000A volume level having to be set this high.

When I had the Audiolab 7000a -25db was my volume setting too, occasionally i used to go at -20db. This was also similar on 6000a i owned.
I think it is normal, what is the gripe you are facing ?

My usual listening is around 60-70db in room when measured.
When I had the Audiolab 7000a -25db was my volume setting too, occasionally i used to go at -20db. This was also similar on 6000a i owned.
I think it is normal, what is the gripe you are facing ?

My usual listening is around 60-70db in room when measured.
Thanks for the response. No gripe as such. When an amp has adequate power it usually means there is a lot of headroom. Also depending on the build one can get decent depth at low volumes. Fortunately the sound is well controlled but did not expect to drive closer to the peak volumes given the power rating of the amp and my speaker sensitivity.
Thanks for the response. No gripe as such. When an amp has adequate power it usually means there is a lot of headroom. Also depending on the build one can get decent depth at low volumes. Fortunately the sound is well controlled but did not expect to drive closer to the peak volumes given the power rating of the amp and my speaker sensitivity.

That's not the peak volume at all. The volume dial on Audiolab integrated amps doesn't work that way.
Although I can't find the document, Audiolab amps increase the volume in 0.5dB increments up to -18 or -15, then start increasing by 1dB increments after that.

Try playing at -10db for sometime and test, you will know. And you still have 10 more attenuations to go.
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