Marantz pm8005 for Ikon6mk2

Iam suprised its from India, because of English language. I know that Indians can speak English but I wouldnt expect Indian forum in English Language.

then you must visit India sometime in the near future..:)

try to audition the Phoebe III ... my spidey sense tells me it will be a good one..

i wouldnt not mind better parts / components if it leads to better sound as well.... but the perception of sound differs from person to person and so does the value..

But do try for a home audition... whenever you are ready..after some time with the Zensors as you correctly mentioned.

In the audio line... many times.... simple stuff done right beings much pleasure to the table.

Whenever you find time, please try to browse thru the forum posts. There are many interesting threads and informative posts too..


I am thinking to go to India in future. I know few Indian people, we worked together in Ireland few years ago and iam invited already.

I saw your system

I am curious, how does it sound. Never heared about your speakers brand before but Ive been intresting in stereo audio system since november 2014 only.

best regards mpw
it sounds nice.... good enough for me..

Do visit Merlin Music Systems Opening Page if you need more information on them.

these are sealed speakers - no ports on them and so the bass quantity is lesser but better. They are also quite transparent in nature.

Try and listen to a sealed speaker and that will make it more apparent. I know of ATC and Merlin who make sealed speakers.

But at the same time it must be said that the focus must be on system matching and a simple well implemented design rather than sealed vs ported ..

Last of all... one needs to njoi the music and not necessarily the hardware..

Hi insaimz, I have heard mpw's system. The Merlins are excellent. You must listen to them if you can.
I have Zensor 1 with Marantz player in the bedroom. Very good sound.
I made some DIY absorbers. Stage got deeper. I can find where musicans are on stage. Even those musicans on the back.


try removing the TV altogether or use a thick blanket over the screen - for starters..


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