Thanks Jls.
Yes the EMT has already been ordered. I think this arm gives me perfect opportunity to build up my cartridge portfolio as new wands are not that expensive and very simple to change.
I also read about Decca cartridges go well with linear tracking arm but I am not sure the reason behind it. Actually decca produces their own reference linear tracking arm.
London Decca Audio
Similarly clear audio has their own portfolio of linear tracking arms and they produce cartridges too.
Produkte | Tonarme | Tangential | Radial | TT3, Verify, Clarify, Magnify, Universal, Statement, Unify, Satisfy
I guess there is a case that all the cartridge manufacturers who manufactures linear arms as well claims better synergy.
Transfi claim is quite simple.
"To satisfy the technogeeks, a word on cartridge compliance:
Using pivoted arm criteria to measure an air bearing in a parallel tracker is about as useful as road test data for cars being used for hovercraft. So, the below is an attempt at an explanation:
The inertias of the vertical component is different from the horizontal component. Horizontally, because there is no pivot, the inertia is equivalent to its mass, in this case ~ 80g. The vertical component, by design, is approx 25x less, ie ~3g. Horizontal resonance is typically between 12-16hz, vertical 5-7Hz.
Vertical inertia must be as low as possible, & the horizontal is already high as per Ladegaards recommendations. To a certain extent, the air pressure being used can influence all of the above.
Poul Ladegaard's Air Bearing Tangential Tonearm Page Read the 2nd arm.
If you study my online manual, you will see there is a section on increasing inertia by simple adding weight to the slider..
However, its really not worth getting bogged down in this technicality....all cartridges seem to work well with the Tomahawk wands. I have found this to be true of low & high compliance cartidges. Any problems affecting the performance of a given cartridge are mainly due to setup error.
Experiments with damping have shown it is detrimental to Terminators performance & really not necessary. "
Hence I guess it is a trial and error process. Honestly speaking my ideal linear tracking arm would be
Tonarme | clearaudio Statement TT1 | Tangential or the one shown in the video
Greek Audiophile - YouTube
check from 7:51 to 8:22.
The reason I call them ideal because they don't interfere with the platter while placing the record or the periphery ring. My long term plan is to buy something like that or ask somebody to make it for me. Lets see.