McCormack gone.. what next ?


New Member
Oct 17, 2008

Now looking for my next amp.

I will clear myself why a power amp. For both stereo and HT setup.
As we all know, the reciever or AVR is very poor candidate to drive load-heavy speakers. Moreover when the AVR says 120x7 Wts, it does not mean all channels are driven at 120 wts when all run simultaneously; it means only when one channel is driven to full.
When all 7 fire, the watts may drop to 50-60 Watts each.

So need a powerful 2channel or more-ch amp.
Speakers would be the Dynaudio 72 still or similar spears. Most of the speakers in this league are power hungry. So these speakers take a min load of 250-300 Wts up and above 600 Wts.

So, multiple combos possible :

1) AVR + 2/3-ch amp
2) AVR + int. amp
3) Processor + power amp

Probable candidates :

1) Emotive xPA-2/3

2) Odyssey Stratos

3) Anthem 225

4) Any other suggested by you.

So need your views and sugestions.

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Honestly the amp you sold is better in many ways than the ones you are considering. Have heard the Stratos and I find it to be a bit grainy. Haven't heard this particular Anthem but have heard others and they are strictly mid-fi. Never heard emotiva but would love to do so sometime.

f you really are looking for a proper upgrade, I'd suggest the following

Solid State
Symphonic Line RG1/RG7
Pass Labs
Aesthetix Atlas
Plinius SA-125/Ref
Mark Levinson
Older Krells

Ayon Audio
Einstein Audio - Light in the Dark

Also do not go by raw numbers - they mean nothing :P.
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ROC, thanks for your views.

I would welcome suggestions on models that can be purchased here in India either through new or used way. So pls mention source for your models if possible.

DNA 500 would be a good choice, but where available ?
You can try the used route through audiogon or echoloft.

Most of the amps I mentioned also have Indian Dealers.

Symphonic Line, Ayon are distributed by ARN
Einstein is distributed by Jochen(TLR on the forum)
Not sure if Soundsmiths still deals in McCormack but you can ask
They definitely still deal in Plinius.
Mark Levinson is distributed by the JBL guys but I'd not buy a new one - their older models were far better.

I'm not sure if McIntosh or Pass Labs have indian dealers.
Another good easily available amp is Accuphase.

Be prepared to spend on any of these.
Not sure how much are you prepared to invest on this upgrade. Besides the ones already recommended by ROC, few names that come to my mind are Bryston and Modwright.

Since you want to incorporate HT and stereo, the Axiom A1400-8 might be worth checking out. Believe they provide free intl shipping and accepts paypal payments. Add a processor of your choice and you are good to go.

I had an option of getting a used 3BSST when I got my Mccormack and I preferred the latter by a mile. I was never really impressed by the cold boring Bryston signature.
Some basic questions:

- Budget ?
- Preference of sound ? What do you want more in your next amp ?
- Willingness to buy used, especially from Audiogon ?
- Willingness to buy from small boutique brands, Indian and Overseas ?

Having said that, ROC has sighted some great candidates for upgrade, all are expensive:D. One thing though, the Odyssey will sound better than your McCormack with your Dynes. It has the grunt and Open top end goes well with speakers like Dynes. However I cannot say if it is a all round upgrade.
@Unleash me : Thanks for your suggestion.
The Axiom 2 chanel has a landed cost of 1.5lacs plus here,without customs/ has anybody heard it or used it?

@Dr.Bass : Budget flexibel.
Willingness to buy used : a big YES
Willingness to buy from Audiogon : again a YES, if they are ready to ship.


Now looking for my next amp.

I will clear myself why a power amp. For both stereo and HT setup.
As we all know, the reciever or AVR is very poor candidate to drive load-heavy speakers. Moreover when the AVR says 120x7 Wts, it does not mean all channels are driven at 120 wts when all run simultaneously; it means only when one channel is driven to full.
When all 7 fire, the watts may drop to 50-60 Watts each.

So need a powerful 2channel or more-ch amp.
Speakers would be the Dynaudio 72 still or similar spears. Most of the speakers in this league are power hungry. So these speakers take a min load of 250-300 Wts up and above 600 Wts.

So, multiple combos possible :

1) AVR + 2/3-ch amp
2) AVR + int. amp
3) Processor + power amp

Probable candidates :

1) Emotive xPA-2/3

2) Odyssey Stratos

3) Anthem 225

4) Any other suggested by you.

So need your views and sugestions.


The dynaudio audience 72 is one of the loudspeakers I had shortlisted along with the Linn Ninka some 6 years back after extensive auditions when I was looking for speakers to use with my Nad amp. I chose different.

I would suggest you hunt for a better loudspeaker first based on your music preferences and then shop for an amp which works well with that speaker. Speaker / amp synergy is the key to good sound. If you like the dynaudio sound, look at the contour series.
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Pricing ?

Symphonic line .. does it not strike a chord ??

I think , one brand suggested , which is it ? a direct "copy" or inspiration of this : i think Stratos.
^ That post was supposed to be for the OP hence no pointers to the post above me,I was just adding to the three earlier posts above.
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