Multi-channel amps : suggest good brands

Another way is to get Yamaha amp(like 663 with preouts) & add 3 identical stereo/power amps.
Total cost can be- 18k(avr from US)+ 50k around(3 X stereo amp)= 68k
I would suggest you go for a Emotiva XPA 5 (which is a 200w *5) and retails at 800 USD as a multichannel amp.

For the processor, you can go with UMC1/DVDO Edge which are in the 700 USD range the more higher end solutions like Parasound/Halo/Anthem.

Add shipping/duties/etc. you will have a very good pre/power combo for around 1.5 lakhs which will most likely kick the higher end AVR's back side :)
Any AVR that has a pre-out should work as one? The cheapest in the Denon series will be the 2310. But I have a feeling you may be overpaying to just use it as one.
Hi subhash , can u suggest such a combo/config ??

Denon combo is around 4 lacs+ , i think.
good but too costly.

hi spidey

i was in the same spot as you a few months back, wanted an upgrade from my AVR which i found had a lot of limitations even when used as a pre
Wanted a processor but the pricing here is Crazy, came across an used 905 but decided against (the reason being why shud i pay for the internal amps of an AVR if i am not going to use it)
In the hunt i came across a Marantz processor for abt 1 lakh and then came across Emotiva UMC-1 wasnt too sure about this bcoz the pricing was too low
compared to others @ 37k (800$) .made up my mind and bought it at a landing cost of 47k , the difference this has made is huge (night and day)

I wud recommend you go ahead and order` the UMC-1 from Emotiva, do a search for the power amps from thier website and get one/two from there. you wudnt go wrong with this combo ,it wud be a dyanmite set up .

You cud probably opt for XPA- 2 and an XPA-3 or 5 along with the UMC-1 ,
and all this with shipping wud amount to about 1.5 max at this price why wud you look elsewhere

you cud also opt for the UMC-1 + XPA-5 for now and later add the XPA-2 or XPA-1 --------the flexibility is yours with a pre
Subhash's advise is good, though I dont know about the night and day that he mentioned!

Since you haven't mentioned your budget for your gear in this thread,do be prepared to spend a bit more for the separates compared to a AV receiver.

I was seriously considering a Denon or Onkyo while in the US a few weeks ago. Since I already have separates( as well as integrateds) for 2 channel audio, I know the difference, and a couple of nudges from Subhash and Santhosh did the trick-I ended up buying a used Emotiva LMC1( which I can upgrade should I need to at any future date), as well as the Hypex UcD 180 modules to build my own 5 channel power amp. I wont be upgrading this-I consider this a keeper.Output is 100 wpc @ 8 ohms which is more than adequate for my HT room.

The cost?

About thrice that of the 3 week old Denon 1910 that I was on the verge of buying off craigslist New York.

For the processor, you can go with UMC1/DVDO Edge which are in the 700 USD range the more higher end solutions like Parasound/Halo/Anthem.

Please be aware that the DVDO Edge is not a surround sound processor in the strictest sense. It only handles video and acts as both a switch and a scaler. It does not touch the audio part at all.

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Subhash's advise is good, though I dont know about the night and day that he mentioned!

Since you haven't mentioned your budget for your gear in this thread,do be prepared to spend a bit more for the separates compared to a AV receiver.

I was seriously considering a Denon or Onkyo while in the US a few weeks ago. Since I already have separates( as well as integrateds) for 2 channel audio, I know the difference, and a couple of nudges from Subhash and Santhosh did the trick-I ended up buying a used Emotiva LMC1( which I can upgrade should I need to at any future date), as well as the Hypex UcD 180 modules to build my own 5 channel power amp. I wont be upgrading this-I consider this a keeper.Output is 100 wpc @ 8 ohms which is more than adequate for my HT room.

The cost?

About thrice that of the 3 week old Denon 1910 that I was on the verge of buying off craigslist New York.


hi george

abt the N/D difference :)-----with the processor the sound was more exciting , lively ,sharper and sorround effects way better , the dialouges crystal clear.
some scenes in horror/scary movies literally will make you jump .
Even at low to moderate levels it maintains the same excitement and at loud levels it simply blows you out-------i guess thats the difference i noticed

Its as simple as what a pre+power combination would do to a stereo set up
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My basic query again :

Would a heavy amp like Onkyo 905/906 serve the purpose and avoid going into a pre-power?
how much is wattage of 905 , is it 200W per ch?


About 905 ,you cud ask Ashish ,he cud give you better details
can u point the site for ordering emotiva ?
the emotiva site shows shipping only to states.


Emotiva Audio International Orders

Also, Subhash and Santosh, I guess, have used Borderlinx to get their Emotivas, so they should not have utilized international shipping.

Hope this helps!

in the above site ,you cud get in touch with sarah terry or vincent chen from emotiva ,they will send you the details very promptly

regarding payment you cud either opt for Paypal (thro credit card) or direct wire transfer (which cud be done from your local bank here) and for shipping you cud use borderlinx (if you have a citibank card) thro DHL ,the entire process cud take you 2 weeks max (for the gadget to reach you)
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can u point the site for ordering emotiva ?
the emotiva site shows shipping only to states.


emotiva does ship internationally but that will not include the customs and taxes so it cud be troublesome to clear customs when it reaches here
XPA-2/5 out of stock.
XPA-3 available.

XPA-3 $599.00
UMC-1 $699.00

Freight $248.52 FedEx Economy

Is that shipping good ??
XPA-2/5 out of stock.
XPA-3 available.

XPA-3 $599.00
UMC-1 $699.00

Freight $248.52 FedEx Economy

Is that shipping good ??

its good ,but it will not include taxes/customs .if you cud take care of this its fine orelse DHL via borderlinx is ideal

you cud add on an XPA-2 latter
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Dont have a Citibank card, means I cant use Borderlinx ??

How does Borderlinx differ from Fedex ?

Can i order XPA-3 , use it with my Denon 2309 and oder UMC-1 only if i feel the need??

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