Musical Fidelity M1 DAC-A - HotDeal.

I have started thinking that async USB is not worth the hype for home stereo. IF you have to use a system, use a desktop with juli@ card. It is useful only if you want to use a laptop, as there isn't an option of a digital out, except USB.

A well implemented Asynchronous USB will be superior to co-axial connection technically.
There are Adaptive USB DAC's too which perform as good as some of the best Asynchronous USB DAC's.

It might cost about as less as $40 more for a manufacturer to give asynchronous implementation on their DAC's. Some asynchronous implementation may require some micro controller programming which all manufacturers might not have that expertise and in some cases the software implementation has to be bought from a third party vendor which the manufacturers might not want to bother as it increases cost.

Asynchronous USB is a good to have feature and there are many DAC's in the market which offer it.
Hi Murthy,

In that site, shipping for India is not listed. Please correct me, if I'm wrong. This is perfect for my requirement, wish I get this in India.

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You can contact Mr. Stan (the owner of the site) regarding it. I don't think he stopped shipping to india.
I have bought my DAC like this only. we need to pay through this site and send the shipping details to Stan and then he will send the shipment to us.

I PM you his email id.
@BLASTO: Sajjad wanted to connect 1 speaker set to 2 amps (stereo & 5.1) as he said in the last meed we had.

Oh ok..
Speaker switch can be reversed and can be used as amp switch (by changing the inputs ans outputs).
So you can use the same one I sent in the link earlier today if you are particular in getting from india.
Firstly about the setup. The B&W floorstanders are too big for the room. Also, the right speaker was placed deep into right corner. The Bass was overpowering to such an extent that not only the midrange got obscured but even the furniture was rattling. Pulling the speakers about 2' into the room & right speaker 1.5' from the side wall did improve things but the rattle was not fully gone. We located the culprit to the attic door on the left top corner. We kept the attic door open 3' & bingo, the rattle was history.

This boom is fixed currently.
Changing the free cables he had to straightwire waveguide 16 did the trick.

I installed them at my house also and boom vanished and is replaced with strong and tight bass.

Same effect with my jamos also. It was not the room or the rear port which was responsible after all.

Sajjad can add..

So, if you have boom in your room, try out this cables. A 3m pair costs 1000/-. Nothing compared to the benefits. (Iam not telling these will fit your setup but will most probably remove the boom. There could be other cable which could fit your setup AND remove boom though)

When I started a thread regarding this earlier, I got different suggestions starting from bass traps to treating the first reflection points etc. Obviously not feasible in a living room.

Afterall who would have associated boom to speaker cables? Extra ordinary clams require extraordinary results to backup. We have 2/2 success rate. :)

Try it out if you have bass boom covering other frequencies.

Speaker cables are fu**** equalizers.. Never believed in sound differences between speaker cables till last week. Now it is exactly opposite..
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From whatever cables I tried over last week, the ICs contrbuted more in imaging, stage, vocals, solidity etc.. The speaker cables contibuted to harshness control, bass control, boom reduction etc.
Completely different aspects.

Digital cabes, as mentioned in the other thread (coax and optical) did not have ANY change. 700/- cable is same as 6500/- cable. I have no reason to believe any costlier cables will be any better.
good findings Blasto. If you can send your old cables to me I can see if they sound more boomy in my setup. I am currently using Supra cables for my fronts.
That is wonderful news Blasto. You guys seem to have hit upon a very innovative way to manage bass overhang resulting from disproportionately sized speakers. This calls for some more research on the subject.

Why don't you guys also try to do some measurements for authenticating the findings.
That is wonderful news Blasto. You guys seem to have hit upon a very innovative way to manage bass overhang resulting from disproportionately sized speakers. This calls for some more research on the subject.

Why don't you guys also try to do some measurements for authenticating the findings.

Currently we are of the opinion that 3 ears cannot be wrong in 2 different rooms. Sajjad, Krish and myself are witness.

When you are here again, please visit. We have both the cables. So easy comparo. :)
Currently we are of the opinion that 3 ears cannot be wrong in 2 different rooms. Sajjad, Krish and myself are witness.

When you are here again, please visit. We have both the cables. So easy comparo. :)

Hey buddy, why are you so defensive? I'm not trying to counter your claim. You guys have as good ears as any of the gurus of the forum. I can vouch for that. I think one of the experts has given his opinion on the phenomenon on the other thread. For me, it really sounded novel and hence being curious; because I've neither heard it nor experienced it.
Hey buddy, why are you so defensive? I'm not trying to counter your claim. You guys have as good ears as any of the gurus of the forum. I can vouch for that. I think one of the experts has given his opinion on the phenomenon on the other thread. For me, it really sounded novel and hence being curious; because I've neither heard it nor experienced it.

Oops.. Where did you get that?
Iam simply inviting you to hear the change sir.. Nothing defensive.. :)
Oops.. Where did you get that?

:oMy bad. What I highlighted below sounded defensive.

Currently we are of the opinion that 3 ears cannot be wrong in 2 different rooms. Sajjad, Krish and myself are witness.

When you are here again, please visit. We have both the cables. So easy comparo. :)

Lesson learnt. "Don't read between the lines":o
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