Musical Fidelity M1 DAC-A - HotDeal.

It looks like it is the "Amarra HiFi" ($49) version. But it is pretty good of them (and MF) to set this up!

There's also a discount on offer for the bigger versions: "You can purchase Amarra, MINI or Junior at any time by choosing the "Purchase" Button. Use the coupon code on the next page for a special discount."
M1DAC owners: Any idea if we can eliminate the need to pressing button to 'select input' on M1DAC every time you switch it on? I am driving M1DAC through optical or usb input, but have to stand infront of it and manually select desired input type everytime i switch it on. Can't it store the last selected input in memory? my amp from same brand does that. so wondering if i m missing something here.
M1DAC owners: Any idea if we can eliminate the need to pressing button to 'select input' on M1DAC every time you switch it on? I am driving M1DAC through optical or usb input, but have to stand infront of it and manually select desired input type everytime i switch it on. Can't it store the last selected input in memory? my amp from same brand does that. so wondering if i m missing something here.

Such a nuisance!! Especially since there is no remote.
Mine goes to 'standby' instead of switching on.
So I have to first start it, wait for it to boot and then select input.

Thankfully it goes to coax everytime and it is where I have connected my input.
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