Arcam CD192/Bryston BP6/Bryston 3B SST/VA Beethoven Baby Grand/Transparent Audio Musiclink Plus IC'S and Wave 100 Speaker Cables.

Bro you need to get that amp out of the boxed enclosure.... The amp needs ventilation. you need the sides open and you need to have a 4 inch gap between the top and the shelf above it.... better still if you can pull it out and keep it on the side, it will better.

This is a NO NO...
I think easy way will be to keep it on the top shelf. The CDP des not get so much hot and it will have more space as it is less in height then the Bryston power amp
The amp is not boxed in.The photo is deceptive.Sides are open,back is open,even the base underneath the poweramp is open as it is basically resting on 4 planks.Gap above the power amp is 4 inches.Yesterday the amp was running from the moment I hooked up at 12.30 in the afternoon and it played non stop till midnight.When I switched off at night it was moderately warm but within acceptable limits.My house is a 30 minute drive from the mountains so it's a lot cooler here than Mumbai.In any case the rack is a temporary arrangement from left over material at home.One day labor for a carpenter and a painter.Cost me 800/-.Now that I am free from the audio stuff I will look around for a decent rack with good isolation.I have the option of shifting the power amp to the top and the cdp to the bottom.
12 hours listening to music :)

Was it a reliability test or you were too excited ? :P
12 hours listening to music :)

Was it a reliability test or you were too excited ? :P
Since I am not working at the moment,as I wound up my business last year,I have all the time in the world to indulge myself.The amp was powered on again at 5 am today beginning with Deba's favorite Ali Akbar Khan and I finally switched off at 4pm because my senses could not take anymore music.Will restart shortly after I finish drink/dinner.Jazz session on the cards.
Musical highpoints till now;
Mahler 5th Symphony
Schubert 5th Symphony
Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Bach Well Tempered Clavier
Mozart Symphony 25
Pierre Aimard Homage To Messiaen
Yundi Li plays Prokofiev/Ravel
Brahms/Hungarian Dances
Ali Akbar Khan/ Raga Madhuvanti,Jog
Steely Dan Greatest Vol 1
Ray Charles Genius Collection
Lou Rawls Best of
Aretha Franklin Lady Soul
Ella Fitzgerald Essential Ella
Sonny Rollins Way Out West
John Coltrane Live At the Village Vanguard
Oscar Peterson/Joe Pass/Niels Henning Pederson Orsted/The Paris Concert
Musical highpoints till now;
Mahler 5th Symphony
Schubert 5th Symphony
Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Bach Well Tempered Clavier
Mozart Symphony 25
Pierre Aimard Homage To Messiaen
Yundi Li plays Prokofiev/Ravel
Brahms/Hungarian Dances
Ali Akbar Khan/ Raga Madhuvanti,Jog
Steely Dan Greatest Vol 1
Ray Charles Genius Collection
Lou Rawls Best of
Aretha Franklin Lady Soul
Ella Fitzgerald Essential Ella
Sonny Rollins Way Out West
John Coltrane Live At the Village Vanguard
Oscar Peterson/Joe Pass/Niels Henning Pederson Orsted/The Paris Concert

Great music to compliment a super system.:clapping:

So you have decided to retain the Dynaudio Audience 72?Although my experiences with Dyn Audience 122 were pretty mixed up,I believe the 72 is a far better speaker.In fact this was my first choice in January.But Soundsmiths only had 52/62/122 in stock.Had you put up your 72 for sale at that time I would have grabbed it on day one,especially for your asking price of 45K.When I saw your 'for sale' thread I thought that the 72's would be the first thing to go.I was surprised by the lack of response.Nothing in this class would be available for 45K most places in India.I believe the Audience 72 would truly shine with a reasonably powerful Bryston/Musical Fidelity.
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4-5 days on,10 hours a day,I feel the Bryston's are f-l-a-w-l-e-s-s!I have never experienced playback reproduction like this before.Not in a home.Not in any audition room.The fact that I have a decent sized room 25x16 helps.Big amps/Big speakers need Big room to breathe.Also every part of my present set up has been assembled keeping in mind MY musical preferences.I sold the weak links.What I have now jells well with my CD's.As I pop in CD after CD I remain mesmerized.But late night listens to Sonny Rollins' Way Out West, EVERY night have a wallop like Joe Frazier's left hook.
*Vienna Acoustics - Stunning with Western Classical and Jazz,O.K. with Rock.Or maybe it's just that I don't much like Rock anymore.
*Transparent Audio IC's and Cables are a giant step over the entry level Chord's and QED'S I was using earlier.
*Arcam CD192.Truly a treasure.AND a bargain from Boomarang!
Great to see someone happy with all the upgrades. Makes it worth all the money and the time invested.
I have (in the recent past) owned most of the components u currently own. The Arcam cdp, the Bryston amps and the transparent cables. Even the chords and the Qeds have been with me for a very short while. Have never heard your speakers though.
I envy u for the time at hand to really sit back and enjoy the set up. I hope I have that luxury too sometime in the future.
Before opting for the Bryston's I had honed in on a used Krell 300iL integrated amp which was supposed to be coming up for sale.In opting for the Krell I was going against the overwhelmingly negative opinion on our forum about Krell integrated amps.But the price was good and the amp looked exceptionally well built.My appetite was whetted by its classic good looks.Even the lack of a volume knob appealed to me.Therefore I was willing to chance it. But the wait stretched on and finally I lost my patience.Also came into more funds from the sale of my Dynaudio and Cyrus and therefore considerably upped my budget and went for the Bryston's.I am happy with the decision as the Bryston is for keeps whereas I was viewing the Krell as a stop gap measure for a couple of years.However I had spent considerable man hours on the net and felt that it was a very nicely built amp and with a bit of care and a bit of luck would give good results in my system.With the new integrated the S300i,Krell has shifted production to China and based on Google images the build quality seems to have taken a hit.Reviews for these amps in international forums are largely positive although Whathifi gave the S300i only 3 stars.I take most reviews with a pinch (at times a spoonful) of salt but feel that Whathifi amp/cdp reviews pinpoint the essentials quite well.At least in the case of Bryston,Cyrus,and Arcam I agree with their reviews although I don't share their enthusiasm for the Roksan Kandy's!Anyway back to Krell 300iL.Came to know from Manav's post that its now available at Boomarang.Although I am no longer hungering for an amp I would love to audition those 400WPC at 4 Ohms.Unfortunately Bombay is 1637 KM from Chandigarh!
Would love an honest appraisal of this amp based on a l-o-n-g audition with different speakers like the Thiel CS 2.4/SF Liuto's etc.Anyone with the time and the inclination? Dinyaar,Manav,Rikhav,others...???
AllegroSound - Krell KAV-300iL Integrated Amplifier
Krell KAV-300iL Integrated
Hi Ajay,
here is the link to my review of the Theil CS 2.4 a while back...

this link encapsulates all the speakers that i heard before deciding on the Thiel CS 2.4....

Several months later, I am a very happy man to have had this speaker pair... It is truly one of the Greats!

I have heard it for several months on my Bryston 3 BSST and I was very very happy with the Bryston 3BSST driving them.

If you're considering them, I'd say, GO FOR IT!

And yes, The Brystons that you have, would KILL that Krell Integrated amp... I have heard both and the Krell integrated, is a great one when compared to integrated amps in tis own price range but, to compare them against a refined pre/power combo like the BP6/3BSST would be way unfair!
Hi Ajay,
here is the link to my review of the Theil CS 2.4 a while back...

this link encapsulates all the speakers that i heard before deciding on the Thiel CS 2.4....

Several months later, I am a very happy man to have had this speaker pair... It is truly one of the Greats!

I have heard it for several months on my Bryston 3 BSST and I was very very happy with the Bryston 3BSST driving them.

If you're considering them, I'd say, GO FOR IT!

Not so fast buddy!I've promised myself NO MORE UPGRADES!....I'll consider the Thiels...Maybe... in 2012?:)
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.