Hi Dr
Yes I have an opinion on accuphase Cdps. Have heard the older Accu cdps and had liked them but frankly at the time I myself had such basic gear that anything seemed better sounding and better built.
I have heard the DP 400/DP 500 in my home alongwith my gear and they are superb cdps. Yes they are rich sounding. The music seemed to flow and the notes seemed to fully bloom. BUT IN MY ROOM accu cdp + accu amp + avalon speakers seemed toooo full a sound and I thought like exactly like you!!! Thought I should try a more accurate source, one that does minimal.
Plus the fact that none of these cdps come cheap. Tried an Esoteric XO 5 and to my ears that was more neutral but did not have that 'sweetness of tone' that the DP 500 had so passed on that one too.
I am still sticking to a Yamaha CDS 2000 that replaced an arcam CD 192 and though I know its the weak link it seems to do fine for me at the moment. Am looking for a cdp for sure but I am a bit stumped. I dont know if an Ayon cdp will work for me plus the fact that its not available in bbay and there is no way I can buy a cdp blind.
Any suggestions Dr? Budget about USD 5K
Thanks for the info Dinyaar, I want to listen to a Accu CDP some time.
As for CDPs, there is a Cary 306Pro going for sale. It is in absolute mint condition and is owned by our forum member Awedophile.
Even, I may upgrade from my Reimyo in a few months, will let you know

If you want to buy new, for your requirement, I would suggest something like the higher end Linn or Naim, which has great Pace, Rhythm and timing + good tone. You could also look at Electrocompaniet EMC1 UP, nice product.
Another superb product would be a Symphonic line "The CD player".
I am myself looking at the S-L.