MY DIY Interconnect !!


New Member
Sep 23, 2007

Guys its finally done ! Today I was able to get a decent quality RCA's for the cable project !

This is the top quality that I could afford :D !

This IC project was started sometime back and due to various reasons was never able to finish it ( the latest issue being the RCA's) !

Some details of the cable, I've used 18Gauge OFC with 5Micron's pure Silver coating,the outer layer is Teflon (obvious choice ). I have used 6 wires per IC and have braided them in my own tried and tested method ! The length of the cable is 1 Meter .

I have also used the Braided Shielding to cover the braided wires and avoid any possible external interface.

Above this I've used a Heat Shrink tube to sort of suck out all the air and make it Vacuum ( although its very very effective but may not 100% Vacuum ).

Next is my customary Nylon Braid for dust proofing and other purposes besides making the cable look Very good ;) !

After finishing just connected it and heard it for a while before posting the thread here and the initial reactions are as follows (although its strictly speaking it should have some Run-in to get a actual feel but still )

I played 5 tracks in total and this is what I think,

When I played the Allan Taylor's "Old Friends and New Roads" CD's 4 track ,the Guitar was very very natural compared to before,the background had now increased to considarable amount !

Next was Livingstone Taylors "INK" ,The first track where the songs starts with he whistling,There was ample Air in the sound and was much more fluid compared to before,again the whole soundstage was much wider and was almost immersed into it !

Same CD track 4,The shakers that opens the song felt more real then before and had more life to it !

Same were the story with the next two tracks ! All in all Am so very happy with outcome and cannot wait to compare it with some branded ones to see how it fares !

About the previous IC, It was OEM make,The same company makes cables virtually for most of the Biggies from the Industry and is called Choseal !

The Above observations were made with the following Setup !

1)Amplifier : NAD 906 (Power-Amp)
2)Pre-Amplifier : Home Brewed 12AU7 Tube Based
3)CD Player : Marantz CD63 MKII
4) Inter-connects : From CDP to Pre ( this new one )
5) Speakers : My DIY Towers
6) Speaker Cables : The Anaconda's

Important Note : This project and the subsequent results are my own perception and I have written what I felt like,If anyone or someone doesn't agree with the views then please express it in a proper fashion !

Below are the pics of the cable in different stages !






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As expected from you sir, the quality and finish is too good
Am not the person to give technical reviews as I don't have indepth knowledge about it and I don't like to write for the sake of it. But from the list of materials you have used to make the interconnect and the shielding part of it, it shows you have done no compromise with the quality
Looks like you've done a good job there. I'm still trying to get a chance to come to B'lore to check out all your goodies. :p (just like how you would end a post!)

Rikhav and Gruby for the comments :)!

Gruby pal you most welcome to drop in anytime ! plan for a trip soon ! perhaps by the time you come even the Aerials might be ready for action :ohyeah: !

Hi soundsgreat,
Of course, I want these and I will pay you for the privilege of having these interconnects.
Please tell me how much money I must send you - I must have those!
Hi soundsgreat,
Please sell me the first pair and autograph it as such
it will give me great pleasure to use it and think about it at every listening session!
i think i need to drop in again...

i came when they were under construction (i knw these are nt buildings to construct, but i m nt gtting the right word, so please dont mind..hehe)...:p

Hmm, they looks solid, and before the audition itself they are approved...
as i knw, hw ur cables work...

And see u hv ur first customer as well...gud gud...

...Jeete Raho aur aise hee vastuyein banate raho...
(Live Long and Continue making these kind of Products)

Great Interconnects !

Few points to clear.
What is the brand of the primary cable used (6 lengths of 1m each). Is it commonly available or an imported one?
How did you heat treat it to shrink the tube? brand and cost?
RCA connector used? cost/piece?
The soldering part, inside the connector.
the color end padding tube used again(red & black). type?
Was the number of cables increased to 6 to contain within the initial braided shielding or shielding available in different sizes(dia)?

Estimated total cost if length reduced to 1/2m.

thank you
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Suri I have no words to say,All I can say is thanks for your blind faith in me :ohyeah:!! I will surely consider making a pair for you :)! But let me just first try it out and see how it really performs,also let me do some 1 to 1 to know where it stands with the bigwigs of the game ! don't worry will keep you in the loop ;)!

Mridul you know the drill ;),anyways you don't need no invitation to come ! you can drop in any time !

Anm Thanks for your comments,Am not really sure of the area but in general you should be able to get these in general electrical and electronics market !

Sulivan thanks to you too, as with costs of the materials,Am not really sure as I had bought them in bulk and have no idea of retails pricing,but I guess its should be in the range of 90-100 ! atleast from where I buy he only sells Bulk not loose/small quantities !

The Brand of wires is not known I only know that its an imported one ! the Local one's which are of the similar type (don't ask bout the quality ) are made by a company called "CHETAN",they are ok I guess but never have used it so cannot comment ! They cost 25-35 per meter !

The Heat Shrink tube is imported too,luckily the name is printed allover the cable:D its called "VERSAFIT" (both Red and Black) and cost should be around 50 a meter (again approx as I don't know the retail price) ! The Nylon braid is again nameless :p ! The Tube is shrunk using a heat gun and costs 3K (you should get some Chinese one's for 500 Bucks ) !

The Braided Shield,Heat Shrink tube and the Nylon braid are all available in different sizes starting from 6MM going till 20MM (heatshrink tube even more) !

The Solder Used in this called Hybrid and is imported ! The RCA pins are again OEM ones and costs approx 265/- each !

6 Strands was used because of some reason and has nothing to do with the Shielding or any other thing !

I think I've answered all your quires properly, Forgive me for not giving exact retail pricing as I don't know that ! I usually buy these stuff in bulk from direct importers (I happen to know quite a few) ! I use them in various DIY projects !

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hi soundsgreat,

this is what i did for internal speaker wiring, I suppose it would be much cheaper if i could use the silver coated ofc copper that you used!

these are van den hul cs 122 speaker cables - silver coated ofc copper

i use WBT silver solder for the connections


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Suri 100% it will be way way cheaper then those VDH and WBT !! that is the whole idea of making these DIY stuff :ohyeah: !

Suri what exactly have you done ? you have bought the VDH wires and stripped it and ????

Also I've requested you last time itself,Instead of attaching the pics to the post you can do what I've done ! that way the pics will be big and we can see it in great detail !

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Soundsgreat's work is good (as to be expected), wait till everyone sees the speakers :D
When can I hear them? :clapping:

on another note, generally silver plated copper isnt considered to be very good. You may see better benefits using pure copper, if you can get pure silver (go to a jewellery shop), nothing like it. They arent that expensive either.

Soundsgreat's work is good (as to be expected), wait till everyone sees the speakers :D
When can I hear them? :clapping:

on another note, generally silver plated copper isnt considered to be very good. You may see better benefits using pure copper, if you can get pure silver (go to a jewellery shop), nothing like it. They arent that expensive either.


Let me know when you are going. I can tag along. I already have an invitation from soundsgreat :)

Nice work soundsgreat ;)
hi soundsgreat,

this is what i did for internal speaker wiring, I suppose it would be much cheaper if i could use the silver coated ofc copper that you used!

these are van den hul cs 122 speaker cables - silver coated ofc copper

i use WBT silver solder for the connections


In case you have not thought about this, you may not want to touch with bare hands due to the oils from your hand sticking to the wire. Best is to use rubber gloves through the process

Sridhar thanks for the Comments !Although you had told me this before,but since I already had bought the wires I thought of giving it a shot :p! why do you think is the reason for silver coated to be not as good as copper ??

Also the problem is,you don't get a teflon wire without the silver coating :indifferent14:! so that also is one of the reasons to choose it !

The Aerials are coming along,Am trying to redo the Xover so that it can accommodated into the base unit ! will surely let you know once its done !

Vinny thanks for liking the project ! Hope you got what sridhar is referring to ;) ! but that doesn't make you wait for it to drop in I guess !!

Am planning to compare this with some of branded cables,So I need some folks who are willing to let me do that in their set-up ! any Volunteers ???

Hi soundsgreat,
have a suggestion - send you interconnects to one of us - we will listen and compare and send it on to the next person, by courier. after all the people on the forum who want to audition and compare you interconnect have done so it will come back to you-
this way you will get an unbiased feedback about your interconnect and comparison to top end brands.
Give it a thought
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.