MY DIY Interconnect !!


Suri that idea is already thought of :p ! but thanks anyway...

I first want to check with local folks so that I can get first hand experience of its performance ! also in this bargain I get to meet and know more of our fellow members !

So after this I shall surely come to out station members !! I was to write a PM on this to you today,since you have already posted here Am replying here directly !

But in any case let me see how many folks are interested ;) !! if the response is more perhaps I can make a pair for out station members and send it (any how I need another pair for my use ) !!

So it all boils down to the response I get ! so far some major folks are missing from action in this thread that I thought would be first few to comment !! so I don't know what to make out from this absence :p!!

Btw Am still waiting for the answers for my questions suri :p!

hi soundsgreat!

great job from you as usual. congrats!

you are welcomed to check out your cables with cary audio amp.
just give me a call and come over. i too am interested to see your diy stuff.
you may call me at 9845881387 or email at [email protected]


Abhishek thanks for your interest :)! Also thanks for extending the first official invitation to comparison saga that's about to began :yahoo: !!

Am very glad to hear from you as it was on my cards to communicate with you from quite some time and drop in to checkout the stuff (from the time you started posting here with old ID and also in Sulekha,Click,Quickr etc ) !

Shall Surely give you a call and fix up a timing soon ! hope you are ok with the week end (this weekend in particular ) ? coz I don't want to come and disturb your business :p!!

You are most welcome to visit my place to Audition and checkout all my DIY stuff :ohyeah:!!

hi soundsgreat!

great job from you as usual. congrats!

you are welcomed to check out your cables with cary audio amp.
just give me a call and come over. i too am interested to see your diy stuff.
you may call me at 9845881387 or email at [email protected]


hey abhishek

will you mind if i come tagged along with Sreekanth to sneak view the Cary stuff...???

Suri 100% it will be way way cheaper then those VDH and WBT !! that is the whole idea of making these DIY stuff :ohyeah: !

Suri what exactly have you done ? you have bought the VDH wires and stripped it and ????

Also I've requested you last time itself,Instead of attaching the pics to the post you can do what I've done ! that way the pics will be big and we can see it in great detail !


Hi soundsgreat
I had a meter or so of left over van den huls, so I stripped them out to wire the crossovers and the speakers internally. I use cloth tubes for insulation

Suri thanks for the reply ! and please please take the appropriate steps next time while inserting pics in your post (even now if you can edit and insert it properly we'll be able enjoy the pics better ) !

If I may ask ;) why did you choose to remove the VDH sheath and use cloth instead ?? Am bit clueless here so I ask :p ! any improvement in SQ after Replacing the stock sheath with cloth ?

You Read bout sending the cables out side Bangalore right ?

hi soundsgreat,

i have been reading about the dielectric effect of insulation materials, for example here is the legend regarding interconnects -

If you are looking for the best interconnects at any price, look no further than the new Resolution Series of Antipodes Gold, SG and Silver Interconnects.

All Resolution Series cables use only SenzaVoce ultra-pure wire, made using proprietary techniques developed here in New Zealand.

The Antipodes Silver uses SenzaVoce, pure solid silver wires. Insulation is raw unbleached cotton for unmatched low dielectric effects - far superior to any plastic insulation materials such as teflon. Termination is with gold-plated copper Eichmann RCA Bullet Plugs or Switchcraft XLRs.

The Antipodes Silver will compete with ANY silver cable on the market.

for this reason, i use the cloth insulation.

Suresh, who makes the rethm speakers also thinks that wire is best insulated with cotton
Hi SG,
Congrats on another fine attempt and am sure the cable soundsgreat:)

I last made a balanced (XLR) cable using some spare kimber 4TC speaker wire. Basically this is a pure copper teflon coated wire. Took two blue wires for the HOT (+) and two black for the COLD (-) and another for the ground. Tried to braid it as best i could, put heat shrink on it and then finished it using a Nylon sleeve. The XLRs i chose are NEUTRIK @ Rs 130/peice.
Checked the continuity and put this cable to use and it sounds good. Naturally one can make a single ended IC using similar too.
Basically guys who want something better than the supplied leads that come with gear should DIY and should get good results for small money.

Asit if u are reading this these are the same RCA connectors that i have used on your D102 ICS. They seem to be good.
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Asit if u are reading this these are the same RCA connectors that i have used on your D102 ICS. They seem to be good.

Hi dinyaar, I suspected you would use those NEUTRIK connectors because somewhere else you mentioned them to be very good and at a good price. I cannot thank you enough.

Soundsgreat, I have absolutely no DIY skills, so I read about all these activities with a sense of awe and admiration. I can certainly appreciate the love and dedication with which these are made. Yes, I have read all of it and some previous threads too. I shall be eagerly waiting for the positive results and comparisons with your IC after it has been thoroughly broken in.

Is there any activity with Cat5 cables, because with the increased bandwidth of networks around the world, one can get old Cat5 cables (which have been replaced by Cat6 cables) essentially for free or at a very low cost and I have read on the net that these can be used to make good quality ICs and speaker cables. May be this has already been discussed in some previous thread right in our forum.
hi mridul!

that will be great! you are very much welcomed to come along with sreekanth.

hi sreekanth!
how about both of you coming over tomorrow? do let me know.


hey abhishek

will you mind if i come tagged along with Sreekanth to sneak view the Cary stuff...???

Dinyaar Finally ! I was wondering as to why you were missing from the action in this thread as this is your fav subject (if I may say so ) :ohyeah: !

I too think Neutrik is good,but the RCA was not all that great according to me ! I did try them out and was tad bit unhappy with the overall fit and finish and also the connection ! I also tried the cloned one's from MX which gave me same result as the original Neutrik ! hence I didn't put them in list !

I also tried Amphenol, though they are bit better then neutrik but has a limited inlet dia making it difficult to use a thicker guage wire ( as in my case which is 10MM) !! so that also failed for me !

Asit Thanks a lot for the comments and for liking my DIY efforts ! The comparision sessions will probably start today (although the cables hardly have any hours on them ) ! shall post the results soon !

As with the CAT5 cable, Asit I have posted my comments on in some of the threads ! See what I have been able to gauge from the results that I have had from making cables from CAT5 is, They first of all,They eat bass for breakfast,lunch and dinner :p (meaning compared to any other type this will have as much as 30% less bass ) the mids are bloated to some extent on some systems and source ( though not much but still ) ! what it excels though is only in the Top end,i,e the treble ! it opens up greatly in that frequency band ! but due to the deficiency of it in other bands it does not fit the bill !

Perhaps one can use them in an Bi-Wire situation for the highs at best !!

Its not only me who think this way but others who have made this have similar experience with this !


Forgot bout this in the last post :p !

Suri thank you for posting the info, greatly appreciate it ! btw any idea as to how much they cost ? Am even afraid to ask but........

Abhishek will talk to Mridul and call you in sometime to fix up the time !


Forgot bout this in the last post :p !

Suri thank you for posting the info, greatly appreciate it ! btw any idea as to how much they cost ? Am even afraid to ask but........

Abhishek will talk to Mridul and call you in sometime to fix up the time !


hi soundsgreat,
it was $500 new zealand dollars for the interconnects
The amazing speaker cables you made for me never cease to rouse my senses with the clarity and detail they convey from amp to speaker...

Rock on!

One can only imagine the hard work that's gone into painstakingly crafting this.
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shreekanth is not just audio DIY ,he is like a directory of ..hidden components vendors links and skills.
keeping alive a continuous DIY work in india is a challenge ...
as per my experience.

we want to know how to test IC cables ,if you have any procedure..may be freq.sweep etc ..!
also ,add the electrical parameters of this cable.

overall it is a piece of art !i know it is just a start of journey for the IC cables to come...:ohyeah:
also allocate a listener slot for me in your visitor list:p.

Thanks a lot for the compliments :D!

we want to know how to test IC cables ,if you have any procedure..may be freq.sweep etc ..!
also ,add the electrical parameters of this cable.

See there isn't a said method to test them :p (not atleast that I know of)! the important thing is keep the capacitance (to some extent Inductance aswell) of the cable to the bare min ;)! Now how you achieve that can depend on you and your experience :p! there are offcourse factors like Di-Electric properties of the shielding material used and the conductor characteristic etc etc,which also plays a major role ! but there is nothing to measure these,you only have to select based on the general spec available bout them or depend on your experience again !

So I have done various cable using various method's and found this particular braiding pattern to be the best ;)!

Coming to Audition part,Well you know you are most welcome to drop in any time :ohyeah:!

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Also I've requested you last time itself,Instead of attaching the pics to the post you can do what I've done ! that way the pics will be big and we can see it in great detail !


Hi Sreekanth!!

Awesome job done with the wires!! I too am a DIY person but certainly not in the same league as yourself. You are too good.

Can you explain me how you have attached the pics? Thanks.

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