My first set up - Need expert Guidance

Hi All... Update Time :)

AVR - Closed on Marantz 5015 - delivery update pending
Subs - QB12

Still did not find time for speaker auditions but few coming by sat and sun.

IQ - near by FM's place :-)
Epos , cabasse , kef , tannoy
The first baby of the setup is here.. QB12
Thanks @nvnaveen @GeorgeB for guidance and looking forward for support in next steps.

IQ audition done at FM place @dannyarcher for spending time and giving valuable inputs
@sid.rhythm for details on DM

Other auditions done Epos , Elac and cabaasse..


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The first baby of the setup is here.. QB12

Do let us know how this sounds, being sealed it will be great for music too.
I was confused between QB12 and BIC AMERICA PL300, but I use my subs only for movies so went ahead with BIC.
But still waiting for delivery as covid crisis, now in two minds thinking to get QB12 instead of waiting.
Do let us know how this sounds, being sealed it will be great for music too.
I was confused between QB12 and BIC AMERICA PL300, but I use my subs only for movies so went ahead with BIC.
But still waiting for delivery as covid crisis, now in two minds thinking to get QB12 instead of waiting.
Sure.. Amrut.. Will do :-)
Hi FM's.. Update / Input request
I am still waiting for my marantz 5015 as the stocks are low.. :-(
Hoping to hear some good news by weekend.

In the mean while I am trying to check out options for speakers , and planning to add floor stander in options too. I wanted to get inputs on below points

1. Does the speaker SQ / output change if the drive changes from AVR direct mode vs Pamp ? Reason - I checked out QA concept 40 at friends place sounded pretty good but the same in audition at store when played via 5015 were different

Should I always audition with the AvR I am going with.. ? Any one using 5015 can shine light of good pairing

2. I have attached picture of my living room were I am planning to setup 5.1.2. The right side is open for 8ft will that be a cause of concern : if yes what is the work around
Total size is 20ft * 11ft
Listening distance : 9ft
Distance between fronts : 7-8 ft
I am planning to modify the left wood work to add the towers - req to HM is in process :)



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1. Does the speaker SQ / output change if the drive changes from AVR direct mode vs Pamp ? Reason - I checked out QA concept 40 at friends place sounded pretty good but the same in audition at store when played via 5015 were different

Should I always audition with the AvR I am going with.. ? Any one using 5015 can shine light of good pairing

2. I have attached picture of my living room were I am planning to setup 5.1.2. The right side is open for 8ft will that be a cause of concern : if yes what is the work around
Total size is 20ft * 11ft
Listening distance : 9ft
Distance between fronts : 7-8 ft
I am planning to modify the left wood work to add the towers - req to HM is in process :)

Pre-amp mode is meant if you have a power amp. But all processing done in AVR. Direct mode, means no processing done by AVR.

Each room will have issues, read, experiment, listen, repeat :)
Pre-amp mode is meant if you have a power amp. But all processing done in AVR. Direct mode, means no processing done by AVR.

Each room will have issues, read, experiment, listen, repeat :)

Thanks Sud98.. Trying to do the same.. :-)
But FM 's with all years of exp can give out something that might be not in text books.

Got the point on direct mode.. Let me put it in another way - so speaker with driven by different AVR like 5015 and then 3700 , does the processing diff the SQ
Thanks Sud98.. Trying to do the same.. :)
But FM 's with all years of exp can give out something that might be not in text books.

Got the point on direct mode.. Let me put it in another way - so speaker with driven by different AVR like 5015 and then 3700 , does the processing diff the SQ

Different AVRs and models have unique built qualities and components in them For example the Marantz SR50xx has Audyssey version Multi EQ XT while the SR60xx SR70xx and SR 80xx has Audyssey Multi EQ XT 32 which is the highest version and also has subwoofer management for dual subs...the small models NR series have Multi EQ version. You can google and check on this.

As for me I am a hardcore Marantz user and tried baby steps using NR series then SR series (50xx) and now using SR (60xx) series.

There will be a difference if you have used / heard various systems and combos with different speakers.

End of the day, one would settle for the system which pleases him SQ wise, performance and of course budget!
If you can wait till your AVR comes home, it would be a good idea to carry it along when hearing out speakers.
Every AVR/IA has its own sound signature in the pre-amp and power sections; like house sound.

Source direct mode is useful to evaluate 2 different amps on the same set of speakers (assuming all else like source, wires are same).
AVRs do have lots of sound processing algos built-in; these are needed to render multi-channel audio.
In 2-ch or stereo mode, you should get a fair idea of how the amp will fare on a set of L/R speakers.
Try in source direct mode and with tone controls engaged. Personally, I feel source direct on my AVR/IA sounds sterile, YMMV.

When auditioning, make sure you are convinced with the amp-speaker presentation in 2-ch and 3-ch modes.
2-ch for music performance, 3-ch for movies (dialog, voice clarity).
5.x.y performance will depend on your listening room, sub and AVRs have calibration tools, so don't worry too much here.

The Journey Begins – Thanks to FM’s

I started the idea of setting up a dedicated HT in the month of June 2021 , it all began in Jan-Feb phase where I went to a friend’s place and watched a movie using Onkyo HTIB 5.0 setup.

I never had any idea on HT or HiFi and this was my first experience, I loved the factor so much that I decided to go for an HTIB the very next week (Yamaha was the prime target). Roamed around RD, Chroma and other shops for sourcing the same but did not managed to get stock L anywhere.

There were options to go sounds bar, But these were something that were having the loud sounds but it did not have the same feel of sound as music it was something different with a proper setup and the month of March-April went off in a flash.

Denied the things that I was looking for I started my study / research on the topic of Hifi/HT/HTIB etc

I spent around~ 3-4 weeks surfing through the web/youtube /reviews to learn more , then I landed by my luck on our HFV forum in month of May.It was like a Pandora box opened for me , so much of information and all flowing over the head without knowing the basic stuffs.

I was a silent observer and reader till end of Aug and then I posted my first help post in “ What should I buy ?”

This is when the love of the forum poured in @nvnaveen contact me via PM and explained lot of things

Perhaps now safe to say he was the one who was there is support on any topic be it vendor,equipment,preloved. I started to interact with further FM’s who all showed wonderful support and patience to answer all the queries no matter how silly it was.

@GeorgeB , @Prodigy – Thank you for the hours spend to discuss and explain the stuffs

@dannyarcher – Thank you for allowing the Home audition of the setup and providing wonderful pointers

@sid.rhythm , @efernand1 @argho , @Phani24 – Thank you for the input on speakers and vendor

@Beast_of_burden – Than you for detailed explanation of sensitivity , Impendence , crossover and cabase speakers details.

@amrutmhatre90 – Thanks for QB12 , Nivida shield and other inputs , a lot of things to catch up.

Finally to @vikramdesigner for directing towards the right all-rounder person @Alfahath

@Alfahath Thanks for being such a professional in all dealings and personal touch. My best wishes for your company “Dream Home Cinema” indeed made my dream come true.

My setup is now complete and I can put the below in my signature

AVR – Marantz 7015 , LCR – Elipson facet 14 , Sorrounds – Elipson 7SR , TV – LG 55’’ , Mediaplayer- NVidia Sheild TV pro

Looking forward for learning more and fine tuning my new setup.

The journey continues…. Thanks HFV forum member for the bottom of my heart

Wishing to make new friends and meet in person if there a get together in near future J
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