My first Turn Table.

For example, recently I tried to buy a vintage Shure MM cart from a friend. He was asking for Rs.5000/- with a new non-OEM replacement stylus. I really wanted this one but could not see any value in spending 5k for it, hence let it pass.
Good luck!!

Reuben, as you are the lover of Shure M44-7, I may ask you that, Is it worth to spend Rs:10k for the SAS stylus? What are the experiences of you on replacing different type of sylii for 44-7 cart? Is Your existing styli of that elliptical? It is said that the cart body of Shure M97Xe will accept the stylus of 44-7 and the musical tone will be nice, since the body of 97Xe is alloy. Is it? Please share with some ideas. Thank you.
I have no experience with SAS stylii but I did consider buying one when I looked up the JICO website recently. I also read this page on their site: S.A.S Super Analogue Stylus | JICO stylus | Online Shopping for Japanese Phonograph Needles.

My existing stylus on the M44-7 is its OEM N44-7 spherical stylus which came with the cart, new. I have never changed this stylus.

Not sure about the compatibility of the N44-7 stylus with the M97Xe, but I have seen articles which mention that the V15VxMR's stylus VN5xMR, fits like a gem.
does the M55e stylus fit in the M44 body? I wonder how it would sound

A friend of mine tried something similar - fitted an M44 stylus on an M55. It works but the SRA looked funny. To get correct rake angle, he probably needed to up end the pivot much higher than normal, and end up with an arm tube with the counterweight end raised noticeably higher than the headshell end. The playback itself sounded ok, but not great.

I also saw another similar transplantation, using M44 body and some other stylus. It also had an instantly recognisable rake angle problem.

It's not optimal.
Yes but you will need to heighten the tonearm marginally. When I tried this, the bottom of the stylus frame that holds the cantilever, was way close to the record surface, but it worked.

how did it sound compared to the M44-7? I'm toying around with the idea hoping that it will make the M44-7's highs a bit more refined. I already tried the M44G and was disappointed.
how did it sound compared to the M44-7? I'm toying around with the idea hoping that it will make the M44-7's highs a bit more refined. I already tried the M44G and was disappointed.

I don't have very critical listening ears but to me the original M44-7 stylus sounded bright and better. But I would assume the M44-7's signature sound can be bettered by using the connical Jico version of the N44-7 stylus. I am planning to try this over my next purchase from Jico.
I don't have very critical listening ears but to me the original M44-7 stylus sounded bright and better. But I would assume the M44-7's signature sound can be bettered by using the connical Jico version of the N44-7 stylus. I am planning to try this over my next purchase from Jico.

What about the Jico N44E/ Improved version Elliptical Stylus ($56.00)? Will it be brighter than the conical stylus ($29.00)? But the former one comes with the stylus guard. Is there any reviews on the elliptical version?
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What about the Jico N44E/ Improved version Elliptical Stylus ($56.00)? Will it be brighter than the conical stylus ($29.00)? But the former one comes with the stylus guard. Is there any reviews on the elliptical version?

There are numerous opinions on this front. Some say that the high frequency response of the elliptical is better than the conical version. Also the elliptical stylus tends to sound better on records with fine grooves. There are many conflicting opinions on conical styli and record wear but Dad has used conical stylii in the past and found them to play extremely well, especially good with older records.

I have always used this page for my reference on the subject. You may find the read, interesting as well - Advanced Stylus Shapes: Pics, discussion, patents. - Vinyl Engine

I ended up getting myself a Technics 1200M3D which is in a pretty good condition. Over excitement, nervousness and dizzy brain got the best out of me today morning when i plugged my technics without voltage adapter and ended up blowing the fuse(fingers crossed on the damage to the transformer)

CNC + DCB1 build in progress. Few more hours of hard work and it should all come together.

I hope it is only the fuse. Look fwd to an update.

Original transformer info is here -

If unfortunately, the transformer has blown, there are folks
who replaced it with a generic 30V secondary unit -
( i guess it is actually a 15-0-15 ). I understand 30VA is enough.

It’s an SL1200 Power Struggle | SL1200Dex

Diy Power Supply For Sl 1200? - Vinyl Engine
Thanks guys! Just a bad day! :( can't help it.. I figured only the fuse should be gone. Ended up opening the TT from backside completely , couldn't find the fuse. :( had no Internet access to get additional idea.

Got frustrated, came out. Will get back to it in a while.
For electrical access, you should not open 1200 from backside. Remove platter and there are screws holding plastic cover. Remove all screws, take out plastic cover, all electronics is open for repair. :)
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