For example, recently I tried to buy a vintage Shure MM cart from a friend. He was asking for Rs.5000/- with a new non-OEM replacement stylus. I really wanted this one but could not see any value in spending 5k for it, hence let it pass.
Good luck!!
Reuben, as you are the lover of Shure M44-7, I may ask you that, Is it worth to spend Rs:10k for the SAS stylus? What are the experiences of you on replacing different type of sylii for 44-7 cart? Is Your existing styli of that elliptical? It is said that the cart body of Shure M97Xe will accept the stylus of 44-7 and the musical tone will be nice, since the body of 97Xe is alloy. Is it? Please share with some ideas. Thank you.