My first Turn Table.

I fear there may be more damage. Consult one of the experienced
forum member from Bangalore. Do not give it to any local quacks.
Its a 230V to 30V tranformer rught?

Is this to replace the burnt xfmr? If yes, then what you need is 110V xfmr with appropriate secondary voltage. Do ensure that:

1) Rating (in VA) of new xfmr is same or higher than burnt one
2) Physical dimensions of new is same as old so that it can be fitted in old slot without having to make mechanical mods. Transformer winding workshops ought to be able to rewind it if you give them the burnt one.

If you want an external step down xfmr to obtain 110V, then buy a 230V to 110V step down xfmr of appropriate rating (the TT label will have a rating like X Watts - so you need a step down that's rated X Watts or higher).

As quad mentioned, it is unfortunately very likely that some additional damages may have happened. I hope it hasn't.
My TT transformer 110V to 10V burnt, have got it rewound 240V to 10V would there be a current issue? still not tried it out, TT is belt drive.
Is this to replace the burnt xfmr? If yes, then what you need is 110V xfmr with appropriate secondary voltage. Do ensure that:

1) Rating (in VA) of new xfmr is same or higher than burnt one
2) Physical dimensions of new is same as old so that it can be fitted in old slot without having to make mechanical mods. Transformer winding workshops ought to be able to rewind it if you give them the burnt one.

If you want an external step down xfmr to obtain 110V, then buy a 230V to 110V step down xfmr of appropriate rating (the TT label will have a rating like X Watts - so you need a step down that's rated X Watts or higher).

As quad mentioned, it is unfortunately very likely that some additional damages may have happened. I hope it hasn't.

Hi Joshua,

I'm thinking of housing it outside the TT. So, 220 - 30V @ 1A should do it right? I'm hoping nothing else would be damaged.
Quad, Josh.,

You guys were right. All the LED's turn up, but there's no motor movement ??
Can someone advise the next steps? What I should check , etc.
Quad, Josh.,

You guys were right. All the LED's turn up, but there's no motor movement
Can someone advise the next steps? What I should check , etc.

Check the ENTIRE POWER SECTOR and related voltage components which should include D1, D3, D301, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q202 and Q201

You may need to replace the following (careful - there are lot of
fake parts in the market) -

1 x 2SD1265 (Q1)
2 x 2SD637-R (Q2 & Q3)
1 x 5V1 Zener diode (D3)

Here is a schematic which I found, which shows the voltages at
each point. First step is to check Voltages at Q2 and Q3 terminals-



You can see the positions of D3, Q2, Q3 here -

Thanks greenhorn and quad.
Quad- I'm on the right track then , I'm going to SP road today. Q1,Q2 i figured had to be replaced. I'll get the Zener diode too.

Any updates?

If you cannot find the same transistors locally, here are some
equivalents (note the change in pinout) -

2SD637 ---- BC456
1 2 3 ---- 1 2 3
B C E ---- C B E

2sd1265 equivalent - no references found, but the following
should work as a pass transistor - tip41, 2N6488
(note pin out may be different, and also metal tab may need to be
insulated from the technics case using mica insulation kit) -
Quad, I'm out of station till tomo. Last thing I did before leaving was replace the Zener diode. No luck yet. Took down the readings of all power components to analyse. Let's see where it ends up.

And yes I did mange to get hold of the components.
Update: it seems there is a SAS to go with the M44.

N55E SAS, JICO stylus | Online Shopping for Japanese Phonograph Needles

It's an M55E stylus, but it should fit!

a further update on this - I'm too cheap to buy a JICO SAS, but ended up buying a couple of EVG jico styli - an M44E and an M55E replacement
Stereo Needle Shure M44E N44E Shure M55e N55E M80E Upgrade N44 N44C 759 De | eBay
Shure N55E generic stylus (for Shure M55E cartridge) | eBay

both of them were an improvement over the M44-7. the highs were there, without any of the graininess
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