Anyway back to the point, how much did you pay for these BS?
Did you hear Jamo speakers while auditioning for your speakers.
What is on your wishlist to complete the speakers in your setup?
- 27.2k for the bookshelves
- Yes, I did hear Jamo, along with a host of other brands - Wharfedale, Q Acoustics, Polk, Paradigm, Klipsch, PSB, Dali, Mordaunt Short, Yamaha, Onkyo, Mission Audio, Monitor Audio, Sonodyne, Focal.... long list
- Wishlist (this is risky!)...
Universal remote
Centre speaker
Satellite speakers
Gaming console (PS3 maybe?)
CD player
Stereo amp
BD player
Only the remote will be materializing in the foreseeable future, but... no harm dreaming, eh?
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