ok guys here it is! a brief revision of the clues strewn in the thread...:
1. came with strings attached
2. was more 'there'. remember i bunged in viren too saying he keeps it in mind when creating his equipment and even he'd approve of it
3. takes some skill to master
4. far more fluid and live than any system
5. japanese
6. see forty (c40 was ze clue)
7. will take 6 months burn in time (the top part, the sounding board takes that much time to age and then the proper sound emerges, the more one plays the better it sounds)
8. no tubes in it
9. a 'classic' connundrum (classical)
10. the cant afford to bite my nails - (classical guitarists grow the nails on their right finger picking hand) psychotropic you could have used this clue to narrow down the musical instrument you were pretty pretty close with takamine!!!
11. midway through the thread i made a post on how the title ought to be changed from 'audio' system to 'music' system
first prize goes to viren, psychotropic and gobble in the chronological order they guessed what i was getting. :clapping: of course psychotropic got confused again with the six month burn in hehe

the first proper recording i make will be burnt on a cd and sent to you three first!
i particularly enjoyed the marriage suggestion, well its still at a love at first play situation right now
hiten came eerily close with the shape of the speakers pic he posted!
and i LOVED vinod's article link with 40 in the first line GRIN
i have just reached home had to reinstall nokia pc suite which somehow wasnt working! here are ze pics of the