The pics looks stunning,good contrast,rich colour....good job,stick to white screen only..
Thank You..
what thickness is the black borders is it tape??. It shld be min 2inch to 3 inch thickness to get a immersive depth while viewing. ..
Those are matte brown painted wooden strips nailed to the screen.. Wooden strips are 20mm wide & abt 5mm deep all along the screen..
IMO, 2 - 3 inch thick might give the impression of very thick borders.. at-best 1.5 inch wide borders should be fine for say 120 inch screen..
How do feel the picture quality of xgimi h1 compare to branded projectors like epson,benq,optomo etc.
I had demoed the projectors when i wasn't aware of the brands and features, that too on vinyl screens..
XGIMI H1 is an excellent projector, for the very bright image & picture quality on a fabric..It should easily stand up to some of the best mainstream projectors in that budget..
I think, image on Fabric looks best..
How is your center channel sounding now with/without screen.any change in sound being a transperent screen..
Before doing the AT screen, i used Vinyl screen, where i had the center channel 15 ~ 18 inches of the floor.. Almost 16 inches below ear level..
After moving to AT screen, i had identical speaker for left, center & right..placed the center (tweeter) at ear height.. Center channel behind the AT screen, is by far the best experience..The whole dialogue seems to come from full of the screen now rather than below the screen earlier..
Think there must be atleast 2 dB loss of sound since the sound has to over come two fabric layers.. But that should be adjusted in calibration..