My vinyl journey has started

try to power off the set top box if you have one nearby.

The hum on my TT was eliminated when i powered off the Tata sky STB.. an unlikely cause.

try to power off the set top box if you have one nearby.

The hum on my TT was eliminated when i powered off the Tata sky STB.. an unlikely cause.


Will try this and see, yes the set top box is in close proximity and always in standby mode. This still doesn't explain the poor vocals compared to the instrumental music when Marasim is played .
Since you are using different headshells, could be that the headshell with the Altai cart gets seated correctly on the tonearm mount where as the other headshells do not (misaligned pins,etc..) Try running the humming headshells on some one else's TT to see if problem follows or swap out the Altai cart with the new M44-7 to test again.

You may have a point, the new M44-7 slides in easily while the Altai headshell is a tight fit. Am loathe to swap out the Altai cart since that is the only properly functioning unit at this time and considering that the m55e and the new M44-7 on a new technics headshell is giving me problems, that is quite surprising!
try to power off the set top box if you have one nearby.

The hum on my TT was eliminated when i powered off the Tata sky STB.. an unlikely cause.


Turned off the set top box and unplugged it. The hum persists, I expected that , given that when the Altai cart is fixed to the tone arm, there is no hum. Is the new technics headshell at fault ?
how much did you pay for the vintage turntable ( the Studio Standard by Fisher, Direct Drive, Model MT 6225) ??
how much did you pay for the vintage turntable ( the Studio Standard by Fisher, Direct Drive, Model MT 6225) ??
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