NAD 20 Series 3020 models

I had a 3090 that I repaired and used for a while and then sold. While it is a great amplifier, it actually has some rather poor quality components. I dont remember 100% everything, but I remember the main PCB being rather poorly made, and very easy to damage and lose a solder trace. That was what I had to do to fix it too, I literally had to run a wire from one point to another to another to another ...
I've got a Series 20 3020 (the 80-83 version as reuben mentioned) and the phono stage sounds very dull. The sound is rather too warm for my taste in general when played through the aux inputs, but the phono makes it very dull and veiled (compared to the phono stages on my Pioneer & Sony vintage gear) .
Will a recap or any tweaks help?
Finally found the problem
I was running the pre out to the power in via the normal in
Tried switching to the Lab in, and the sound is a revelation.
I came very close to selling this amp after being so frustrated, and thinking it was all hype, just like my SL1200 - Not any more :ohyeah:
my NAD 3020 stopped working altogether. It's from the first series, identical to the second pic reuben posted(with the transformer mounted to the back panel)
I could not troubleshoot it with any of the NAD 3020 original schematics. finally I started tracing the output back from the preamp out ( I had isolated the fault to somewhere in the preamp section
I found a pair of transistors Q509 and 510 - these are not there at all in the original 3020. a search for them showed that they are from the 3020B. but mine is not a 3020.
so i guess they did a lot of "continuous improvement" on these amps

I isolated the issue to the muting circuit, and back to the power switch which sends the trigger to the muting ckt. Unfortunately a replacement switch is not available, so have made the switch work after turning it on and off.
Need to figure out a longer term solution- Deoxit?
i have a NAD 3010, bought pre-owned from a embassy sell off during my college days - almost 20 years ago!

Its is still around, though is giving trouble...
Does any one have any info on it? I still love the amp though!
Hello Malvai, I think you got the model number wrong. Is it the 3120? Like the one in the pic below?


What are the symptoms?
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Hello Malvai, I think you got the model number wrong. Is it the 3120? Like the one in the pic below?


What are the symptoms?

I'll check the model no again, once I go to my dads house... have it in my room there... you may be right though...
One channel isn't working... was thinking that I should update all the electrolytics... in both channels...

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One channel isn't working... was thinking that I should update all the electrolytics... in both channels...

I would say take a shot at it with contact cleaner first

in the meantime, i am considering a recap of my nad 3020. if yours is a close relative, would you be interested in a combined purchase from element14/ vendor of your choice for the electrolytics?

the <10 quantity pricing there is scandalous!
Hi greenhorn... mines a 3130... is it similar?

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The 3210 (assuming that this is the correct model no.) is the 3020 without tone controls.

A word of caution on 3020 recapping - most of the 3020s we've heard have been playing music for nearly 35+ years. To get a recapped 3020 to sound amazing like what we're used to hearing, that would require significant burn-in, not the 30-40 hours we're generally used to.
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thanks malvai, what are the symptoms?

Loads of distortion in one channel...

Was thinking that it might be a good idea to give it a complete overhaul...

It seems that this model was just as highly regarded as the original 3020... it came just after it, apparently with a slightly modded circuit etc...

To my ears it sounds as good as my dad's 3020 which was in service until 3 years ago! (Wonder where that amp is now, tho!)
Is there value in buying NAD3020 used from UK (assuming i can get friends to carry it in a bag). Which are the hifi shops to consider in UK?
Is there value in buying NAD3020 used from UK (assuming i can get friends to carry it in a bag). Which are the hifi shops to consider in UK?
Yes. The best way to go would be to look on gumtree or ebay, especially for sellers who offer only local pickup and are near where your friends live. Thats how i bought mine. In my experience from tracking ebay uk auctions , most of the ones that were offered on ebay with international shipping were bought by americans at crazy prices!
Buy from India's official online dealer!