Naim Nait XS 2

Speaker placement is different for every room. No one can blindly recommend you to place the speaker xx inches from the front wall and side wall and you will come up with an impressive final sound. It is all down to Trial And Error.
And for the runin magical improvement, I have never felt any difference except that I convince myself in the end that my equipments are sounding better now than before. May be my ears are not that sensitive to sense the improvement after the runin.
Any suggestion for speaker placement with naim amp? Soundstage gets too narrow if I toe in the speakers and it loses focus if I don't toe in. My room is 11 ft wide and speakers are kept at a distance of 4 ft from behind wall. Distance between speakers is about 5ft.

Whatever you get on internet are meant for when the room is acoustically perfect/treated (if you follow that, you may get little or no bass). For you, as somebody mentioned, it will be good to do a trial and error.

For me, for a normal room, I have noticed that keeping speakers closer to back wall gives good bass and then by toeing in/out, you can adjust the midrange per your liking.
Whatever you get on internet are meant for when the room is acoustically perfect/treated (if you follow that, you may get little or no bass). For you, as somebody mentioned, it will be good to do a trial and error.

For me, for a normal room, I have noticed that keeping speakers closer to back wall gives good bass and then by toeing in/out, you can adjust the midrange per your liking.

Perfect you watched the difference.Its really trial and error makes some good listening experience.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I think its time to experiment with speaker position. Also I am thinking of upgrading my DAC from rlink to audio-gd dac-19. Any idea what kind of improvement I can expect? Some people say all dacs sound same and some say they do make lots of difference in sound, so I am in doubt whether to go for it or not.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I think its time to experiment with speaker position. Also I am thinking of upgrading my DAC from rlink to audio-gd dac-19. Any idea what kind of improvement I can expect? Some people say all dacs sound same and some say they do make lots of difference in sound, so I am in doubt whether to go for it or not.

Not sure how long have you been in this hobby but this is such an area where small difference in sound can bring in a great (big) amount of enjoyment. A good DAC will take you closer to realism. You will hear a better placement of instruments and vocals. If you appreciate these qualities, you will be amazed by the kind of improvement a good DAC will bring in.

I have already mentioned it somewhere that when the world started recording audio digitally, they did not realize (or probably they did but did not tell us :)) that retrieval and presentation would be difficult and that is the reason why DAC market if flourishing.
Make an all Naim system.

The pleasures are immense.

The Naim DAC V1 will be good starting point.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I think its time to experiment with speaker position. Also I am thinking of upgrading my DAC from rlink to audio-gd dac-19. Any idea what kind of improvement I can expect? Some people say all dacs sound same and some say they do make lots of difference in sound, so I am in doubt whether to go for it or not.

On paper and theoretically all DACs are supposed to sound the same as they are all supposed to do only one thing. That is the reason many folks say a $200 DAC doing its job right cannot be improved on.

In real life pretty much everything sounds different and adds/injects its own flavor into the mix. Again the argument if you are hearing things differently or even different things, it is only because the DAC is adding something i.e. its own sound signature.
which is also a case for Naim Dac V1 - you will get the same flavor from the start to the speakers..

but before this - get Naca5 speaker cables and experience the difference. ( atleast 2.5 mtr each speaker cable )
I used to think the same that all DACs should sound the same if made properly but there are slight differences which I realised in a direct comparison... You need to hear different DACs at different price points to decide what you should/can buy and then forget about the DAC .. You are most welcome to come over and bring your DAC for a comparison...

I too am in the process of hearing different DACs and would love to hear another DAC..
I used to think the same that all DACs should sound the same if made properly but there are slight differences which I realised in a direct comparison... You need to hear different DACs at different price points to decide what you should/can buy and then forget about the DAC .. You are most welcome to come over and bring your DAC for a comparison...

I too am in the process of hearing different DACs and would love to hear another DAC..

Thanks, will surely plan as time permits.
I echo what other Naim users have advised - Get NAC A5 speaker cables in the prescribed 3.5m length. I got that early this year and it made a huge difference to the sound.
ask hifimart or the naim india dealer

or email Dubai Audio - they will send it to you pre-terminated.

you will have to find a way to get the payment across though
I got mine from the Naim dealer in Hong Kong. Like MPW suggested contact HiFiMart or Marbin Colah of Innovative Information Technology (I believe he is the Naim distributor in India).

I do see them popping up for sale here every now and then, if you are patient you may land up with a good deal
I am hearing a motor noise from xs2 volume knob while increasing the volume from remote control. Is this normal? It seems the motor shifts to a second gear with even more sound if i press the volume button continuously on the remote.
I am hearing a motor noise from xs2 volume knob while increasing the volume from remote control. Is this normal? It seems the motor shifts to a second gear with even more sound if i press the volume button continuously on the remote.

Perfectly normal !!! In fact there is a small motor inside for turning the volume knob and gets switched on when operated from the remote control.
u hearing the motor noise in "Mute" mode ? or when at normal playing levels ?


Infact noticed it early in the morning when it was dead quiet and I tried to increase volume from zero using the remote.
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