Need a DAC/Streamer or a source


New Member
Apr 15, 2023
Hello everyone, I’m pretty new to this forum and to the understanding of good audio. Recently a generous friend of mine is handing me down his old pair of Focal Chorus 726v tower speakers. So bought a Luxman intergrated amplifier L507z. Now I’m in hunt for a good DAC and a streamer to play or any other source option. Eventually would love to get a good record Player too.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with the amount of options one has in terms of DAC and dac with streamer. Also is it better to have a separate Dac and any other type of source (better and cheaper than a streamer). I use Apple Music airplay for now. But I’m happy to upgrade, just don’t have enough knowledge about how to go about it.

P.s. I read from old post about MHDT labs dac not sure if we have better options today in 2024.
Also has anybody imported it to India ? Know how it works out ?

Thank you for all the help. So sorry for my ignorance, I’m just very very new to audiophile universe.
Do mention your budget - makes life super easy.

Not sure about MHDT, but you couldn't go wrong with either approach. Though the separates way is always touted as better, but then different strokes :)

If you have the option to, you can get a separate well regarded DAC & pick up a well regarded source. Of separates - Cons, too many things, too many cables; Pros, upgrades are easier. As you can perhaps tell I am in the "separates" camp, so my opinions are based on those experiences.

**In my personal experience at-least - spending more on DAC has had more impact on the sound rather than the streamer transport, most streamer transports for me have been fairly similar in terms of SQ - regardless of the price. But YMMV.

Kinda off topic, but do consider a very good sub as well, that has always had the single largest impact on the sound of any system I have ever owned. Quality of sub & integration however is key. So best of luck.
thank you so much Chander for your advice. Would under $2000 to $2500 be a realistic budget for both ? I mean having a decent pair of speakers and good amp. But a big compromise on the dac and a streamer might be counterproductive.
I’m good with getting a separate dac and streamer. Would anyone be able to suggest both within the budget.

Thank you so much
As we all know - opinions on such setups are extremely subjective & YMMV. I am a cheap streamer + better dac guy - which may not be a popular opinion.

Streamer Transport -
My criteria for choosing streamer transport is to always find a cheap yet stable streamer that allows constant updates to the OS & works with most things. Stability is paramount & bit perfect capability is non-negotiable. I wouldn't however go for anything above 500-800 USD as far as a streamer is concerned. You do not want to pay too much for an AIO streamer as if you go separates route then you are paying for the DAC you aren't using.

So I would go this route -
1 - Wiim Pro Plus or maybe wiim ultra - use as transport I use the wiim Pro as transport.
2 - CA CXN V2 - use as transport it is great.
3 - If I feel like splurging Lumin U2 Mini Transport but even a used one will eat most of your budget.

A wild yet practical idea that I am using in my secondary sound system - an iPad mini connected to a USB dac. iOS is bit perfect & allows you to run a beautiful device with a touch screen with tidal & spotify connect & I believe you can also control apple music through your iphone - but haven't tried it. A used ipad mini can be had for really cheap upto INR 30K odd.

DACs -
Unlike the streamer transport, this will depend a lot on what flavours you like. Hence an audition will be extremely important. This is as tough as suggesting the right speaker or the right amplifier.

You can go from the-
well regarded tried and tested - Chord, Denafrips.
The practical & reliable - RME adi 2 dac FS
Or the empty your bank - though way out of your stated budget - TAD, MHDT, DCS, Bryston, Lampitzer etc.

This is an area where the more you listen/audition, the better idea you will have in terms of how much you want to pay or what makes sense.

****Please note - you will get many opinions just like mine, they will be what works in our scenarios & MAY NOT work for you. So I would suggest please go around, listen to a few, check with FMs in your city, go to audio stores. You will learn, have fun & make friends. It is a great way to achieve audio nirvana.
As we all know - opinions on such setups are extremely subjective & YMMV. I am a cheap streamer + better dac guy - which may not be a popular opinion.

Streamer Transport -
My criteria for choosing streamer transport is to always find a cheap yet stable streamer that allows constant updates to the OS & works with most things. Stability is paramount & bit perfect capability is non-negotiable. I wouldn't however go for anything above 500-800 USD as far as a streamer is concerned. You do not want to pay too much for an AIO streamer as if you go separates route then you are paying for the DAC you aren't using.

So I would go this route -
1 - Wiim Pro Plus or maybe wiim ultra - use as transport I use the wiim Pro as transport.
2 - CA CXN V2 - use as transport it is great.
3 - If I feel like splurging Lumin U2 Mini Transport but even a used one will eat most of your budget.

A wild yet practical idea that I am using in my secondary sound system - an iPad mini connected to a USB dac. iOS is bit perfect & allows you to run a beautiful device with a touch screen with tidal & spotify connect & I believe you can also control apple music through your iphone - but haven't tried it. A used ipad mini can be had for really cheap upto INR 30K odd.

DACs -
Unlike the streamer transport, this will depend a lot on what flavours you like. Hence an audition will be extremely important. This is as tough as suggesting the right speaker or the right amplifier.

You can go from the-
well regarded tried and tested - Chord, Denafrips.
The practical & reliable - RME adi 2 dac FS
Or the empty your bank - though way out of your stated budget - TAD, MHDT, DCS, Bryston, Lampitzer etc.

This is an area where the more you listen/audition, the better idea you will have in terms of how much you want to pay or what makes sense.

****Please note - you will get many opinions just like mine, they will be what works in our scenarios & MAY NOT work for you. So I would suggest please go around, listen to a few, check with FMs in your city, go to audio stores. You will learn, have fun & make friends. It is a great way to achieve audio nirvana.
I’m terms of DAC I was checking MHDT labs Orchid 69SE S2 the cost was 1500 usd plus 55 for shipping. If it’s all that better from the rest plus it’s tube then I guess it should be worth it?
sadly can't comment. Will tag a DAC know it all :p @Yelamanchili manohar.

Sorry Manohar. You come to mind first :)
Haha....Iam just an arm chair researcher Chander. And been stuck in read mode forever. So, I can only suggest from user feedback I read on the net.

@journal as @chander rightly said, app stability and long term support are most important when it comes to streaming.

Iam reading very nice things about the Ever solo DMP A8, used both as a streamer + dac, and also as a streamer feeding a separate dac. And the app and sound are both supposedly very good. So this might be a better starting point around the USD 2,500/- mark in my opinion, till you get used to the sound and see if you like it or not. By which time, you will also get a hang of which way you want your system to evolve, and then you can add a separate dac to bring that flavor and still use the Eversolo DMP A8 as a streamer.

Just my 2 cents...though I havent heard the Eversolo A8 myself.
Haha....Iam just an arm chair researcher Chander. And been stuck in read mode forever. So, I can only suggest from user feedback I read on the net.

@journal as @chander rightly said, app stability and long term support are most important when it comes to streaming.

Iam reading very nice things about the Ever solo DMP A8, used both as a streamer + dac, and also as a streamer feeding a separate dac. And the app and sound are both supposedly very good. So this might be a better starting point around the USD 2,500/- mark in my opinion, till you get used to the sound and see if you like it or not. By which time, you will also get a hang of which way you want your system to evolve, and then you can add a separate dac to bring that flavor and still use the Eversolo DMP A8 as a streamer.

Just my 2 cents...though I havent heard the Eversolo A8 myself.
Firstly I want to thank you guys so much for sharing.

Sitting in Mumbai (india) I think we can only read about these reviews and hope they will work well for our system. I don’t know of any shops that let you listen to the dac/streamer in Mumbai (on your system) and then deciding which one you like. May be happening in the high end gear. Ever since I read about mhdt labs. I’m just wondering adding tube sound to Luxman’s amplifier might be a good option.
Btw thank you for eversolo and I do think it’s a good option for now.
I have been reading good reviews about it but wasn’t sure if audiophiles approve of it. Some of my friends (who believe to be to audiophiles hadn’t even heard about it / if you mention bluenote they ask you to sit on a separate table, kidding)
Hi rose is also a good option I read ( not sure) it’s a bit higher than my budget not sure if it’s worth it.
Or one can go with a great dac and buy a cheap streamer like @chander suggested.
It’s a bit too confusing before listening to the difference.

Hopefully someone who has heard the difference between eversolo/ hi rose/ etc vs mhtd labs dac/ Chord/ Denafrips+ wiim pro plus, could vouch for the later option, the confusion will be here to stay. At least in my opinion.
Thank you again for helping.
On the streamer side, two options to explore are the wiim pro and Bluesound node. If you plan to plug in a drive to play music off, get the Bluesound. Otherwise the Wiim pro is enough. Get a 5v lps and use an external dac.

Having owned an Eversolo a6 master edition, I ignore all the online hype around the brand. Wouldn’t recommend a blind buy as they have a particular sound (even when used as a transport it’s pronounced). The software is good, long term support is an unknown.

For dacs, there are a LOT of options. Hear a few to decide what type of sound you like. My budget suggestion would be one of the ad1862 based ones listed in classifieds but this is from someone who likes r2r dacs. Someone who likes sabre dacs would give you a very different suggestion!
Hopefully someone who has heard the difference between eversolo/ hi rose/ etc vs mhtd labs dac/ Chord/ Denafrips+ wiim pro plus, could vouch for the later option, the confusion will be here to stay. At least in my opinion.
Thank you again for helping.
@journal - out of the above mentioned DAC's I have heard/owned hifi rose, mhdt, Chord, denafrips. To me out of these 4 brands, a chord qutest at approx 1 lac is the best. If I was in your place I would get a wiim pro (I own one - 20k at hifi mart) and run it into a qutest at 1 lac. This combo, again imo will beat units/combos upto 2-3 lacs. However due to wiim pro lacking usb out for audio you will not be able to experience dsd. For that you can consider upgrading to lumin u2 mini down the road. With this combo., (2.5 lac) you will easily approach 4-5 lacs sources again imo.
All of the above are based on my listening, and the formed opinions consequently (and as Jai mentioned above an R2R dac sounds very different to a chip based dac which sounds different to a fgpa dac). The qutest is a fgpa dac.
A very unpopular (due to geopolitical issues) but regardless solid sounding DAC should you consider the China hifi option is the SMSL (D400 pro at $600). To me this one beats the Chord qutest, but limited availability in India and has to be imported. It is based on an AKM chip.
On the streamer side, two options to explore are the wiim pro and Bluesound node. If you plan to plug in a drive to play music off, get the Bluesound. Otherwise the Wiim pro is enough. Get a 5v lps and use an external dac.

Having owned an Eversolo a6 master edition, I ignore all the online hype around the brand. Wouldn’t recommend a blind buy as they have a particular sound (even when used as a transport it’s pronounced). The software is good, long term support is an unknown.

For dacs, there are a LOT of options. Hear a few to decide what type of sound you like. My budget suggestion would be one of the ad1862 based ones listed in classifieds but this is from someone who likes r2r dacs. Someone who likes sabre dacs would give you a very different suggestion!
I would agree with @jai1611, @sidvee and @chander that you should ideally allocate the major chunk of the available budget to the Dac. Then add a streamer down the road that gives the functionality ( outputs + formats ) that you need.
old pair of Focal Chorus 726v tower speakers. So bought a Luxman intergrated amplifier L507z.
Old Focal Chorus 726v(<50k used) and brand new Luxman 507z (>5L MSRP)?
Bahot Na Insaafi hai!

Save Money and Get a VFM Streamer cum DAC (which is a Swiss army knife of Digital Audio like Eversolo A6 or A8 and try to utilize the XLR inputs of Luxman 507, it sounds great that way) Eversolo A6 is great for Apple Audio option or any other streaming service for that matter , If that settles your listening requirements, And be done with source for the time being or forever (forever, if you stop yourself from searching hifi forums and websites 😅).

Give time for a year ( listen to local FMs setup, decide on what you are looking for, research more) Then, If you are unhappy with the sound signature or details etc...
My first and 2nd advice for you will be, to use the saved money on Source components and invest on better speakers, comparable to the Amplifier you are using (like Focal Aria or Monitor Audio Platinum range), Work on basic acoustic treatment for your listening room (Like optimal speaker positioning, Reflection points, basic absorption panels etc), Decent VFM cables from (Not Amazon), then revisit dac or Streamer upgrade for the 2nd time. AFAIK, Mumbai based Sound foundation @magma deal with Eversolo for India and you could contact them for pricing etc. Nothing wrong with Focal Chorus 726v per se but with Luxman 507z as amplifier, you're best SQ upgrade will come from upgrading your speakers in my honest opinion!
Focals brings 90% of its quality high end tweeters to the chorus line. So the speakers even if less expensive seem alright. What would be the recommendation for a speaker upgrade BTW for OPs budgets?

And my opinion on the dac streamer is that , yes more money needs to be spent on speakers rather than DAC streamer. Sound quality is like 65-70% speaker dependent. Then amplifier and less than 10 % on streamer DAC and cables.
Hello everyone, I’m pretty new to this forum and to the understanding of good audio. Recently a generous friend of mine is handing me down his old pair of Focal Chorus 726v tower speakers. So bought a Luxman intergrated amplifier L507z. Now I’m in hunt for a good DAC and a streamer to play or any other source option. Eventually would love to get a good record Player too.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with the amount of options one has in terms of DAC and dac with streamer. Also is it better to have a separate Dac and any other type of source (better and cheaper than a streamer). I use Apple Music airplay for now. But I’m happy to upgrade, just don’t have enough knowledge about how to go about it.

P.s. I read from old post about MHDT labs dac not sure if we have better options today in 2024.
Also has anybody imported it to India ? Know how it works out ?

Thank you for all the help. So sorry for my ignorance, I’m just very very new to audiophile universe.
Hi, I had a MHDT Havana DAC for two years and loved it. I still regret selling it. I hear the MHDT pagoda is very good too.
But please keep in mind selecting a DAC that sounds right to your tastes and preferences depends on the kind of music you like, the tonality that you like and features you want (screen, touch screen, connection options, stand alone DAC or built in streamer etc) Synergy between your Amp, DAC and streamer (how nicely they work together)is also difficult to predict without actually trying it out.

Since you are starting on this hugely enjoyable journey I would suggest you read/reasearch more about DACs as suggested by @drkrack, listen to as many as possible in different settings (Showrooms, friends, HFV members in your town/city)

Maybe start with something not too expensive (Topping, Bluesound Node etc) and once you understand your personal preference of audio qualities make your final selection.

But if you can’t be bothered with all this any of the MHDT DACs will serve you well. They are sold direct from Taiwan.
Why not consider Audiolab 9000N? It is streamer cum DAC with some good reviews and moreover it is from the same stable.
I have been using Luxman 507ux with Luxman DA06 DAC for almost 5 years. About 2 years back I added iFi Zen stream streamer. It is a good combination. Lately I am considering to upgrade the streamer to Lumin U2 mini but Audiolab 9000N is also equally good. This will replace both my Zen streamer as well as Luxman DAC.
Would like to hear about Audiolab 9000N from FMs.
Why not consider Audiolab 9000N? It is streamer cum DAC with some good reviews and moreover it is from the same stable.
I have been using Luxman 507ux with Luxman DA06 DAC for almost 5 years. About 2 years back I added iFi Zen stream streamer. It is a good combination. Lately I am considering to upgrade the streamer to Lumin U2 mini but Audiolab 9000N is also equally good. This will replace both my Zen streamer as well as Luxman DAC.
Would like to hear about Audiolab 9000N from FMs.
AL makes great gear, almost everything that comes out of their stable is amazing. Just their choice of OS. They use PlayFi - which is a nightmare to deal with. But again depends. Long time AL fan, can't live with their streamers.
AL makes great gear, almost everything that comes out of their stable is amazing. Just their choice of OS. They use PlayFi - which is a nightmare to deal with. But again depends. Long time AL fan, can't live with their streamers.
Hi Chander :)

For the 9000N, audiolab has borrowed the streaming board from Lumin. So it's functionally better, and as per reviews sounds excellent with its own dac implementation too.
Hi Chander :)

For the 9000N, audiolab has borrowed the streaming board from Lumin. So it's functionally better, and as per reviews sounds excellent with its own dac implementation too.
They not using the PlayFi anymore? Cause Lumin App is pretty good. Is that what they have got for the 9000N?
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