I've ordered Marantz SR6012, thank you elangoas for suggesting 9.x direction!

Yamaha SW300 is also pretty much a final thing. With these settled, and ditching the 806S, I am now contemplating the following options for speakers:
- Preowned F60SL (25K) + C-100 (15K)+ S-90SL (12K): Total 52K
- Preowned F60SL (25K) + LCR60SL (13K) + S-90SL (12K) : Total 50K
Pairing C-100 with F60SL (option1) was my first choice - usage is 90% movies so want the center to be more punchy. I am now also looking at option2 for better timber match? Platinum C-100 is 150W rms and 90db (could go much louder), whereas Platinum LCR60SL is 110W rms and 89db, but LCR60SL could timber blend better due to being same "SL" series as F60SL? Not sure how big of an impact LCR60 over C100 would yield through slightly better timber match.
May not be possible to audition option 1 vs 2 back to back, so I may have to finalize based on you guys' feedback and gut instinct.