Need Suggestions for releasing my stuff at Customs

Imtiyaz Ahmad

Active Member
Oct 8, 2018
Hi FM's
I had placed an order for a Topping D90 Dac at Aliexpress.The seller shipped the product from Hong Kong via India Post and it has been put on hold at customs New Delhi..At first they demanded my ID , bank statement reflecting the transaction and the invoice of the product.I provided them all the aforementioned documents.Later on they raised an objection for its clearance as according to them the product has vast uses and now they are demanding WPC permissions for its clearance.Need suggestions for its clearance.
WPC - is Wireless Planning & Coordination (Ministry of Communications, GoI)
Bluetooth radio may be classified as multipurpose use, but in a DAC, it is strange and far fetched.
I guess the source and destination addresses may have triggered something in the system.

Sorry for your troubles @Imtiyaz Ahmad
Hope it gets resolved soon

Feel sorry for you Imtiyaz..something must have triggered it in the wording of the product. Hope this gets resolved.
With out WPC, WiFi acces points may not be allowed to clear customs. Don't know why a dac is classified under this. You can tell custom that it's not used for data comunication between multiple devices and get an exemption or Ask topping to get a WPC certificate for their appliance.
With out WPC, WiFi acces points may not be allowed to clear customs. Don't know why a dac is classified under this. You can tell custom that it's not used for data comunication between multiple devices and get an exemption or Ask topping to get a WPC certificate for their appliance.
Actually at the time when i placed the order at Aliexpress the Dac was out of stock at the Indian website customs via mail on 28th Sep informed me to get WPC permission for the clearance of the dac then on the same day i received a mail from the mentioning the availability of the dac.I explained the customs that the dac falls in the consumers electronic product category and does not require a WPC permission and is presently available on the Indian website.I also shared the mail contents i received from headphonezone regarding the availability of the dac with the customs and even forwarded the same mail to them but no results.
Please write a letter to Customs authority explaining that the device you're importing is used for home audio, to convert digital audio signals to analog.

Customs might have misinterpreted the device as a radio transmission device (which in a way it is if it has wifi and bluetooth built in). Radio devices that need WPC license are FM radio transmitters, satellite uplink transmission systems, long distance point to point microwave radio systems using high power, mobile phone base transceivers, etc.

The wifi built into the DAC will likely use very low power AND operate in the free 2.4 and/or 5 GHz bands (for which licensing is not required). Bluetooth is no doubt wireless but is meant for extremely short range communication using very low power, and does not need WPC license. You can also explain why wifi and bluetooth features are included in the DAC.

Include printed copy of the full specs of the DAC, preferably from manufacturer's website. I feel they will clear it once you point out the above facts.
@Imtiyaz Ahmad - Equipment Type Approval (ETA) under WPC is exempt for short-range wireless devices with Bluetooth or Wifi as per WPC Notification in Feb 2019. Please see link below.

Self-declaration by the importer will be sufficient to obtain required customs clearance. Look at the form in Page 2 in the link above. Please send this along with a 'technical write-up' that describes the functionality of the product in sufficiently simple terms for the customs officials to understand. Hope this helps.
I think folks, irrespective of all rules and regulations, as Raghu said, it is the destination address that is creating the issue. I doubt the customs will clear it, unless they get a police, military, or political nod. Sad, but the government is really very weary in this regard.

Imtiyaz, one way may be for you to reroute the product to another state, and then get it through a local courier. Tell P&T that you will bear the additional transportation charges. Find a person to receive it on your behalf and then courier it to you.
Dear FM's Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions.Will contact the customs and motivate them for early clearance of the dac on the basis of the valuable suggestions you provided.Hope things will get resolved in the next week.
Afaik this is a recent rule to get some BIS certification for all Blue Tooth devices and probably this also includes all devices that do wireless. So some big dealers I know are avoiding amps, DAPs that have inbuilt wireless and BT. So I think this shipment is stuck due to this. A visit to your local customs office can help you here.
If possible visit the port/airport where product is held for customs and will find a lot of custom clearance agent which can help you clear the products. You need to sibmit a declaration that this product adhere to all govt norms and you will take all resposibilty for it and agent will charge a "Fee" around 1000rs.

There are number on internet for custom clearance dept, which never connects but still you can try your luck.

if above doesnt work, try to get in contact with your forwarder and they generally deliver items without custom approval as well, if they found items are genuine.
I tried my best for clearing the DAC but unfortunately the persons at customs are not satisfied with the documentation i produced before them and since it is held at customs.
Hello Imtiaz. I feel sorry for your situation. in many cases, a personal appearance can make a difference. if you cannot perhaps you can find a customs agent who could argue on your behalf. and every day delay makes it more difficult to get a rollback.

I would suggest you try to get the following evidence
1. Proof that the product is being sold in India
2. Evidence that someone else has imported it.
3. the documentation & rules that @shyamv pointed towards

you may even get support on the forum on point 1 and 2

Give this to a customs agent to get it cleared. My sense is, that since quite a bit of time is elapsed, try not to delay any further.

best wishes
I tried my best for clearing the DAC but unfortunately the persons at customs are not satisfied with the documentation i produced before them and since it is held at customs.
Hi ,
I feel very sorry for your situation.
Wish good luck to get things sort out your issue ..!
I'm also searching for a DAC for my IA, so I want to know feedback about Topping 90 DAC.
There are a lot of customs clearing agents who will charge you a fee to get your product cleared. They basically do the paperwork and kind of act as your solicitor at the customs office on your behalf. These are government registered agents, at this point contacting them is the best way forward.

We had to avail their services when some parts sent by our clients were flagged and held up at Delhi. Client company is American but the parts came from their factory in China and raised a few queries I guess. In the end it got cleared easily, we had to pay them a small fee.

See if you can locate any reliable customs valuer who will take up your case, if not I can share a couple of contacts by PM.
One more possibility is that the product is already delivered and tracking is not updated on website. It happened to me few times that parcel is delivered at doorstep, without any call and online tracking still say that its under custom.clesrance.

I keep importing items, so, sharing my experience based on that
Finally after nearly five months I got my Topping D90MQA DAC released from the customs after making tremendous efforts .⁷I received the unit from the local post office on 2nd Feb. after paying the custom charges also.My thanks to all fms who provide their valuable suggestion regarding the clearance of the item.
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