Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:)

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

I had a similar issue with Crackle. It worked fine on laptop but didn't work on my android tv box. I raised a complaint with them and they fixed it after few days.

yes let me see if I can raise a complain with smartproxydns people for the same, and ask them if VUDU will be supported on future ......
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Getflix lifetime subscription is available for just $39. The lifetime subscription is actually 30 years. You can buy the subscription from Stack Social
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Any advantage over smartdnsproxy
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Any advantage over smartdnsproxy

This service seems to be offered by smartDNSproxy itself..May be a different brand name..
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Smart DNS Proxy owners bought Getflix. Getflix has region switch as well as VPN just like Smart DNS Proxy. $39 for 30 years is a good deal.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Hi Club Members,

Recently I am facing a strange problem with Netflix, the buffering gets stuck at 25% and then after a long time 10-12 minutes it jumps to 99 and stays there. Sometime rerely it starts the video, but then its stuck at 288p on only.

Google does showes me that people are facing this problem of getting stuck at 25%. But no concrete solution ...

Is anyone facing any such issue ???? Please update

BTW Netflix works perfectly on Browser and even via Google Cast, its on Roku I am facing this issue .....
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Go to settings from browser. There is an option called test experiment or something of that sort. Disable that.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

I sorted the issue, looks like my Roku was overheating, coz when I touched it, it was very very hot, I disconnected it from power and kept it against the AC air for half an hour and re-connected and all went fine ...

BTW which setting are you talking about, can you be more specific, I am curious to know, I might turn that off as well if it might create any issue.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

I am out of station with awefully slow mobile edge connection. Will tell you the eaxct settings when I am back to town.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Hover over your name in the top-right corner and click Your account. Now click Test participation under Settings. Turn it off.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

^^Its was already switched off for now .......
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

I am also facing similar issue, but it does not seem to be a heat issue. As it also happens when te Roku is just powered on and it gets stuck at 99%. It exhibits this behavior multiple times. Only way to get it to work is begin the episode from starting. Or reboot the box, at times this fixes it. But it still happens at times. God knows why ?
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

UPDATE UPDATE ::::;One of our esteem member left so we have a vacancy for one member .... ANYONE INTERESTED ... PM me immediately before seat gets filled ......
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

UPDATE again ::: We got a fourth member outside this forum so all is cool. The vacancy is filled ...... :)
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

missed the bus ;) well I am interested perhaps next time
Last edited:
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Getflix lifetime subscription is available for just $39. The lifetime subscription is actually 30 years. You can buy the subscription from Stack Social

Use Hola chrome extension. I find that faster than Getflix. Got the Getflix lifetime from Cult of Mac.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Netflix has officially launched in India today. It is available in about 130 countries now!
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

... yes started a thread ........

My observations ....

You do not need a new account and can log in with your US Netflix created account as well (The one you were using with DNS/VPN), however your saved list and progress and content will differ.). SO its better to create a new account for India access in case that how you want to access Netflix.

Also I dug in more in to the content thing, and it neither more or less, its just different. Very similar to difference in content between US and Canada. So there were few TV series that I could find in India Netflix and not in US and vice versa. Also there was nothing add. infested content I could come across. Whether anything was censored is something I cannot comment so soon, I have to play some specific 18+ content and see if, the content is censored in any means

Coming to speed, well I am on a 50mbps connection so I might not be the correct person to comment since at that high speed I cound not find any difference in loading time or time netflix takes to reach 1080p. However with slower connections like 2-4mbps one might see a difference ....

I would still recommend and prefer DNSProxy route since it will give you the choice you choose the region you want to log in and view Netflix. I had a talk with the DNSProxy representative and asked him if India will be included in the list of available regions at their site and they said yes their network team is working on it, so once India is available, you only need to change the region from DNSProxy configuration to India and you are good to go .....

Lastly coming to price .... well our club is paying 12USD which is approx 804 INR and India Netflix 4 screen plan is also 800 bucks so, nothing changes in that department.

With all these points in mind I guess sticking to DNSProxy route is still beneficial, especially when all we are extra paying to DNSProxy is mere 100 bucks/month (19usd/year) ....
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