It appears VT30 will be released in India. There was a short review of the P50VT30 in the Technoholik supplement of The Economic Times yesterday.
Thanks for the pointer, I am copying here for the benefit of everyone:
Move out the old.Really,do move your LCDs and LEDs out of the way,coz this plasma-injected set might just make you wanna crush them to bits.Pardon the excitement.If you spend a day with this Pana,you will go bonkers too.
By Yatish Suvarna
Spot the bezel This gorgeous 50in single sheet of glass is wrapped on its sides by a beautiful brushed-aluminium bezel that oozes class.It adds to the overall sharp looks of the set.And we also love the way the speakers are neatly hidden at the bottom of the screen.
If gaming is your bread and butter,this set will have you locked to your couch.It offers a super-slick response time of 22ms,which means you wont fret when you play high-paced games such as NFS-Hot Pursuit or COD.The picture quality is arresting and,we kid you not,we licked the screen whenever there was a night shot.The way this Pana handles blacks is unreal.
Be it 2D or 3D,the handling of images is just spellbinding.Standard content is scaled effortlessly without making the screen look like a smudge shop.Colours are handled brilliantly even as you watch action shots.We threw Blu-ray discs of Transformers,The Dark Knight and POTC,and not a single accusing finger was raised at this set.
Since this set is DLNA-compliant,you can stream content,meaning audio/ video/image files from your home network.The set supports a variety of formats including DIVX,XVID and even 3D video files.You can even view images and videos stored on your USB sticks or SD cards as the rear of the panel houses an SD card slot and three USB ports.
We receive a lot of sets for review,but only a few truly leave us open-mouthed.Earlier Panasonic models wouldnt really win any design marks,but this one is way different.We love the way the bezel is wrapped around the scintillating one sheet glass frame,almost reminiscent of the antenna/frame that you find on the iPhone 4.Plus the set is solidly built edge to edge.
This Pana is clearly an amalgamation of top-notch performance with wolf-insheeps-clothing design.