What I've noticed is that he bases most of his statements on the established scientific knowledge. Now honestly do we all believe that everything in this world has been established scientifically?
So many things are being invented, discovered day in and day out. So if you cannot back something scientifically, how just is it to refute it. Once upon a time, copernicus was ridiculed and even prosecuted for stating that it is earth that rotates around sun and not vice versa.
This is moving in a different direction.
But let me say a few things without getting into an arguments. The laws of Physics (at least as far as we know about Physics) is considered established. Why? Simply because of deductive logic. A number of experiments were conducted based on a particular assumption or theory, and the results were predictable. Any action taken with those premises will deliver the results we expect. If you heat water, it will turn into steam. If you heat steel beyond a particular temperature, it will melt. If you force a certain amount of air under the wings of an aeroplane, the plane will lift off the ground.
Most of the theories of Physics that have relevance for audio have been around for a long time. It is based on these theories that a unit is designed.
If some very simple things cannot be measured and scientifically, we will be living in a state of chaos all the time. You would not know whether a plane will take off. You would not know whether the train you are riding will not roll off the rails if you don't believe in centrifugal force.
We are far ahead off the day of Copernicus and Archimedes. These people lived in a time when religion was more important, and scientific thought was considered blasphemous. In those days scientific thought was at it's infancy. Geniuses came and invented or discovered new things. Scientific theories were re-written based on these inventions.
Today, most of these theories have been around for a long time and proven to be true time and again. Given the assumptions that we have on earth such as gravity, atmosphere, air pressure etc, these scientific theories have a solid foundation. If any invention is made it is either very miniscule and does not shake the foundations, or in a new area altogether such as particle physics, anti matter, and so one. In these new areas, scientists themselves agree that their knowledge is not yet complete.
Hopefully we live in a better world today where we can take and accept a scientific explanation.
It is not that all human beings or rather living beings are created out of a same mould and would thus have similar capabilities. They differ widely is a known and established fact.
Someone continues chain smoking for decades and does not develop cancer but a passive smoker contracts cancer & dies.
I know of someone who is 64 years old, polishes off a bottle of liquor every day and is hale and hearty.
My uncle who used to drink once or twice a week (of course heavily) has died of liver cirrosis.
As far as the creation or sustenance of life is considered, our knowledge is yet at the kindergarten level. Till we crack the DNA completely, we will never understand how the biological body (humans or otherwise) works. Even when we crack the DNA, we have the unsolved mystery of the brain and it's control over the body. On top of all this we have the cells that behave in a way we have yet to understand. The 64 year man could have an immunity that we are not aware of. As of now, all the knowledge we have is based on statistics. I would say this is true because the theory books have not been completed.