Have finally narrowed down on the Norge 1000 Amp alongwith Wharfdale 9.2 speakers.
Whats a good price to pay for these in Pune?
I just got a demo of the same combi Norge 1000 + Wharfdale 9.2 at Aquarious electronics, Shop No.17, Kumar Pavilion, East Street, Camp. The guys were very supportive and I could get a audition for almost an hour to satisfy myself. Though the price quote was 11.5k + 17k respectively...but Mr Behram can be more flexible I heard. Go for it... they are the only dealer for Norge. AND please share how is your experience after setting it up at yr room.
Sadly, norge & wharfedale combo not sold together in mumbai/navi mumbai.
OK what about Wharfedale demo, somewhere close to Vashi area?
Is that Designer Audio is the ideal place to buy or we can buy at a cheaper rate somewhere else? When I asked Designer Audio they quoted Rs. 17,000 for 9.2, when asked for discount they said they can discuss about it only in person.
Another query, though asked many times before, is the Rs. 4-5k difference between Wharf 9.2 and Millenium speakers justified, for a room size of 9' x 15'