Norge 2060 Internals


New Member
Nov 12, 2007
Visakhapatnam / Chicago
After Rishi's excellent forum post on the Norge 1000 amplifier, I felt like peeking inside my recently acquired Norge 2060.

The layout & components are very similar to the Norge 1000 and some are almost the same. I am not an electronics guy, so I will not attempt a technical review like Rishi..... and thus prevent making an ass of myself :D

Instead, I am posting the pics here and hopefully more knowledgeable FMs will do the analysis and provide some insights.

First, here is a snap of the 2060 with the 1000. The 2060 is the same width & depth as the 1000, but the 1000 noticeably taller (and heavier) than the 2060.


Next, a couple of snaps showing the front & back of the 2060. The control knobs are exact same as those on the Norge 1000. And the heat-sink at the back is a shorter version of the 1000.



And here is the first snap with the cover open. I had a long lens on the camera and couldn't get a wide enough view to get the whole layout - so decided on this angle which shows every thing except the pre-amp & other controls on the front panel.


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Norge 2060 - Power Supply

Here are the pics of the toroidal transformer and the rectifier circuit. The transformer is smaller than the one in the 1000. The photo clearly shows the markings on it... whatever they mean.

The rectifier circuit is the exact same as the 1000 with the same board number, but some of the caps seem to be lesser grade versions of the ones used in the 1000.






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Norge 2060 - Preamp

The pre-amplifier in the 2060 seems to be the exact same one from the Norge 1000. Only difference I could note was that it had a TL072CN chip instead of TL072CP. Anyway, here are the pics.





And finally, here is a shot of the headphones & speakers selection (the 2060 has A - B speaker selection on the front panel below the headphones). I couldn't get a clear shot as the toroid was obstructing the camera view. I did the best I could.


If anyone wants a closer shot of something, or wants me post the text of the specs on any component, then let me know and I will try to do it.

Hi Teja,

+1. Excellent photography which shows every details of the Norge 2060 internal and external.:)

Now look forward for an complete analysis against 1000 vs 2060.:)
Teja here is my take on Norge 2060.

Link : Anatomy of Norge 2060

Of-course all the credit goes to you for these images, without them the technical review of 2060 would never have been possible. Hope you enjoy. Others too:)
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Thanks Teja, Really good pics :)

Quick question, which of the 2 do you prefer? 2060 or the 1000?
Would be most interesting to hear about your preference :)
gr8 photography .... has to be a high end camera .... :)
Excellent photography which shows every details of the Norge 2060 internal and external.:)
Thanks fellas. Pics were shot with Pentax K200D DSLR with a Quantaray 70-300 macro lens. I am budding photographer... been one for about 20 years now, still waiting to bloom :D

Quick question, which of the 2 do you prefer? 2060 or the 1000? Would be most interesting to hear about your preference :)
Honestly, I cannot tell the difference - they both sound the same to me. But if I had to pick one, I'd go with the 1000 just because it is bigger and has more power.

I am a live example of how HFV can lighten your wallet. At first I just wanted a compact stereo system for some good sound within a 20K budget. I went with HFV recommendation and got the Topping TP-20 with JBL C1s. I was quite happy with them until my daughters decided that it should be in their room. So gave that system up to the kids.

Then got the Norge 1000 and the MS Carnival 6 floor standers. At first I was not happy with the sound (the speakers & the amp took a long time to open-up fully - almost 2 months) but now they sound excellent. I use them both for movies and music - about 50-50 split. This combo is definitely better than the tiny Topping & JBLs.

And then when I saw ads for used Norge 2060 and MS Carnival 8s in the classified, I bought them on an impulse. The intention was to gift he Norge 2060 with MS-C6 to my parents and keep the Norge 1000 with MS-C8s for myself. But when my parents saw the size of the speakers, they said they had no space and didn't want them. So now I have two Norge amps and two pairs of MS floor-standers with me. Though I am having my fun, my wife is not impressed in the least. I will probably be shifting the 2060+C6s to the lounge area in my office when she finally puts her foot down :o

I can easily notice the difference between the two speakers though. The big & heavy C8s have sound that is much more mature and open. They need to be atleast 2 feet away from the walls, else they get boomy. The smaller C6s also give great sound, but it has a different signature - a tad brighter & more lively. Will plan a proper review later.

Hi Teja,

I experienced the same views as yours for the 2060 & 1000. :D Meanwhile enjoy the power of 4 Tower Speakers :licklips:
If you can, plesase send to me all pcb and shematic diagram this amplifier and tone control i want made 1 ampli for me thank you very much!
Schematics are Norge's property. The preamplifier section used by Norge is a Rod Elliot design. Here is the link:

Hi-Fi Preamplifier

For the amplifier you can try free DIY circuits from pass labs or class A kits on Ebay. Naim clones or chip amplifiers.
Hi, good review. The picture links are broken. Can you please repost those if you have ?
I know it has been more than a decade :)
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