New Member
So guys, we constructed this home 3 years ago, a dedicated home theater room was one of our requirement, the engineer proposed a 13x10 feet room at the time and I obliged, unaware of the minimum size. The next issue was the HT contractor for this room, he basically suggested a 110 inch screen for the room size and installed the ceiling projector mount, followed by false ceiling, sound insulation etc etc. Benq TH585 and optoma were the suggested projectors, since benq was bigger brand i asked to install that. Now comes the problems. The day before house warming he came with a 120 inch fixed screen and said 110 is unavailable currently, that he will install this now and later replace it (As expected he didnt answer my calls later, can't blame him much because of the lower margins he might have got from me
Current problems (Rants)
What I can achieve

FYI: Wide angle camera is making it look congested than it is

Current problems (Rants)
- 120 inch screen with 90% visuals + a thick Black border
with DLP chip projectors (So an 80 - 85% image in total)
- Room length of 13 feet means, can't accommodate much audience, people just lie down below the screen when its full (
- AVR limitations, no atmos, dts x, height channels etc
- Projector is full HD, not 4k. Not sure if that affects much for a 120 inch screen
What I can achieve
- 135 inches Wall to wall screen (10ft width completely) Either a fixed screen or wall paint
- Extend room to 23 feet length as there's space outside (13 feet currently), width cannot be increased as the house structure doesn't accommodate. Final size would be 23x10 ft (Any issues with that?)
- Upgrade Receiver (Denon x250BT currently) to Denon x3800h and add atmos speakers
- Replace with an Epson projector 3LCD one, to avoid the thick black borders and rainbow effect (which people with spectacles complained about)
- Finally add 1 more row of seats, for the folks

FYI: Wide angle camera is making it look congested than it is
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