what !?! This is sacrilege !!!The Sugden used to measure pretty bad but sound very good
what !?! This is sacrilege !!!The Sugden used to measure pretty bad but sound very good
I see bottle, I respond. Keeps the noise away!This is a real picture of my cupboard in my music room. My wife never opens this cupboard and she always wonders why I'm happy when I come out of my music listening sessions.
View attachment 69395
This is a real picture of my cupboard in my music room. My wife never opens this cupboard and she always wonders why I'm happy when I come out of my music listening sessions.
View attachment 69395
Heard the Sugden many moons ago and it sounded very nice, warm and full bodied. Where it lost out to tubes was in the 3D department.I think the Sugden Amps are SE and I believe ZFB as well. I used to own the original A21a many years ago..for its price its very refined but doubt it can do as well as a SET
The Sugden used to measure pretty bad but sound very good
yes i had upgraded from that to a Leben600 while both are in completely different price ranges the leben has far more texture to music. the sugden went slightly wooly with the bass. which was very fine with JMR speakers but then moved to merlin and all of that showed upHeard the Sugden many moons ago and it sounded very nice, warm and full bodied. Where it lost out to tubes was in the 3D department.
Having said that, not all tube amps sound ‘tubey’. The Primaluna and Octave I’ve heard sound positively solid state.
This may come as a surprise to you, but one need not be friends with someone to know about their work.I am not friends with them.
Terrific article. Long read but totally worth itImaginology, tangentially speaking to the topic here
Why we need a new kind of education: Imagination Studies | Aeon Essays
We need a new kind of approach to learning that shifts imagination from the periphery to the foundation of all knowledgeaeon.co
CPR for the dying horse…
SUMMER MUSINGS: "How Much Difference Does It Make?" - On Balance and Adequacy for audiophiles.
A blog for audiophiles about more objective topics. Measurements of audio gear. Reasonable, realistic, no snakeoil assessment of sound, and equipment.archimago.blogspot.com
I have on a number of occasions used the word "neurotic" to describe the audiophile pursuit. I trust none of us want to be labeled as having neurotic tendencies, but let me define it here in a way that I hope nobody gets upset with the use of the word.
I trust that for most of us, we can still laugh at ourselves and our neurotic obsessions around listening to and owning $$$$ gear, salivating at beautiful fascia, huge monoblocks, and gorgeous speakers weighing that of an unhealthy corpulent man. But I suspect the vast majority of us would have problems if a fellow audiophile started spewing psychotic material about conspiracy theories or fantastical pseudoscience in the face of obvious financial gain if some of these claims were to be believed and products sold.
I suspect it is because audiophiles can become so obsessed with the hobby that sometimes they will forego strict reality testing and allow "snake oil" claims to infiltrate significantly into the products sold. I don't think this is a good thing.
I personally believe that all of us should find our place of balance in the continuum between the extreme forms of subjective and objective analysis. Audiophiles IMO should be educated in the 'skill' of listening so that they can experience what "neutral" and "transparent" sounds like. My belief is that one should start with trying to achieve objective transparency, and from there, we can decide for ourselves whether EQ or intentionally adding distortions might subjectively "sweeten" the sound quality.
Remember that at its core, the hardware audiophile hobby is a technological pursuit. High quality storage, retrieval, amplification, and transduction of electrical to sound waves are based on science. Engineering is the method by which these physical and electrical principles are realized in the products we own. As far as I can tell, there is no such thing as an audiophile device that changes the sound significantly without at least some measurable effect using today's test gear. Think interconnects and power cables make a "huge" difference? Show us how this manifests in the measurements! When a company proclaims that their products are capable of massive sonic improvement but yet cannot demonstrate an effect, this tells us whether the company employs good engineering or whether the company is operating in the realm of the "snake oil" salesman and/or pursues psychotic wish fulfillment.
Ha ha very true. and yes being neurotic/obsessed with it is what makes this hobby interesting (for me)..perhaps this is the only hobby I had which has survived 20 years and still gong strong due to its multi disciplinary impact where I have learnt electric theory, electromagnetic theory, acoustics, material science, psychology, mechanics of vibration, theory around amp/speaker/turntable design, CD and LP manufacturing, mastering technology, Encoding algorithms...and these are all what came to mind just now and unquantifiable in value.Some gems spoken here
Summarized beautifully, especially about interconnects and cables. Let the flame wars start again![]()
SUMMER MUSINGS: "How Much Difference Does It Make?" - On Balance and Adequacy for audiophiles.
A blog for audiophiles about more objective topics. Measurements of audio gear. Reasonable, realistic, no snakeoil assessment of sound, and equipment.archimago.blogspot.com
To be honest audiophile recordings sound great with half decent speakers in a decent room.Although this horse is seemingly dead, I wanted to share something from my recent experience before you shovel in the mud and close it off forever.
I did a home demo of 3 speakers in the recent past using 2 different amplifiers. What you read on the forums / or specs vs what you really hear are very different.Your room, your preferences, your music, the actual sound vs what you thought it would be. Please audition before you buy anything. One of the speakers is a multi award winning one. Extremely transparent and resolving. Sounds fantastic with audiophile recordings but sounds bright with half my actual music. Imagine if you buy that online!
True that!To be honest audiophile recordings sound great with half decent speakers in a decent room.
But who listens to them anyway !
Play me some Led Zep or early Rolling Stones or Burman Sr’s Guide and make THEM sound great , then we are talking ….