I have acquired the well regarded Parasound Halo JC2 preamp which I introduced into my current setup - Odyssey stratos extreme and Usher Be718's. The difference in sound I heard from the introduction of this pre into my system compared to my exisiting pre's is "JAW DROPPING" to say the least. First thing I noticed is the huge soundstage width and depth, then the precise imaging and lastly superb extension in the frequency extremes. Resolution is also exemplary. This is a phenomenal pre - I have heard this and other ss pre's in the $4-$7k - at various dealers in the US and by far this was the best sounding pre, but in my system it has really taken my listening experience to an entirely new level - I am guessing the synergy with the Odyssey is a key factor here. Anyways I guess this will stop my upgraditis for a while - especially in my solid state system - I am still looking to upgrade my tube setup - and am now considering the excellent AR Ref3 as an alternate to my Conrad johnson 17ls2 and also my digital source where I am considering the Ayre players.