OLED TV's price/best quote thread

Congratulations! Thats a good price, I have been to Croma (Bangalore) and another local store yesterday, Croma dont seem to advertise any festival sale for Akshay Tritiya and the best prices they quoted was way above what I got from Reliance Digital. Something LGC8-55" for 137K (which was lower or same as Reliance digital) but 226K for LGC8-65" which I guess higher than others in the market.
They had Panasonic 55" as well but they price they were quoting was way higher that what is there on Tata Cliq, looking at the online price they reduced it to a value, 5-7k above the online price, said cant go below that. Overall, RelianceDigital seems to give better prices, especially for LGC8.
I agree. Reliance digital jayanagar (Ashoka pillar) has the best offers.
Congratulations! Thats a good price, I have been to Croma (Bangalore) and another local store yesterday, Croma dont seem to advertise any festival sale for Akshay Tritiya and the best prices they quoted was way above what I got from Reliance Digital. Something LGC8-55" for 137K (which was lower or same as Reliance digital) but 226K for LGC8-65" which I guess higher than others in the market.
They had Panasonic 55" as well but they price they were quoting was way higher that what is there on Tata Cliq, looking at the online price they reduced it to a value, 5-7k above the online price, said cant go below that. Overall, RelianceDigital seems to give better prices, especially for LGC8.
Thanks. Yes so far Reliance Digital had best prices for 65C8. Kohinoor mumbai quoted were equally comparable but can’t trust them.
Thanks. Will sure post my review soon.

Congrats and welcome to the club! If you are not wall-mounting then you can install it yourself. No need to wait for the installation guys. I did it myself with little helping hand from wifey and youtube videos on how to open the C8 package safely. Enjoy!
Congrats and welcome to the club! If you are not wall-mounting then you can install it yourself. No need to wait for the installation guys. I did it myself with little helping hand from wifey, after having read youtube video on how to open the package safely. Enjoy!
Thanks - I could have done that but I am alone at home today so not taking any risk. LG engineer will be here anytime soon anyways. Any suggestions on first things first after I setup the TV?
Congrats and welcome to the club! If you are not wall-mounting then you can install it yourself. No need to wait for the installation guys. I did it myself with little helping hand from wifey and youtube videos on how to open the C8 package safely. Enjoy!
Not a good idea. Wait for the installation guy; only he can record physical damage
Thanks - I could have done that but I am alone at home today so not taking any risk. LG engineer will be here anytime soon anyways. Any suggestions on first things first after I setup the TV?
Fiddle around with demo material and RTings settings until your eyes water and blur up at the sheer joy of the picture.
Enjoy it for a few days as is.

Then if you have and AVR, dongles/HDD, IP subscriptions start the process of integration.
You will soon realize, many sources such as DVD/CD etc will now seem silly.

Oh, if you have a 4K Netflix subscription, please watch "Our Planet" on your new screen.
You'll fall in love with your purchase.

Fiddle around with demo material and RTings settings until your eyes water and blur up at the sheer joy of the picture.
Enjoy it for a few days as is.

Then if you have and AVR, dongles/HDD, IP subscriptions start the process of integration.
You will soon realize, many sources such as DVD/CD etc will now seem silly.

Oh, if you have a 4K Netflix subscription, please watch "Our Planet" on your new screen.
You'll fall in love with your purchase.

Just got the TV installed. Man, having it at home is like a dream. Picture is mesmerising even out of the box. Yes I do have Netflix 4K subscription, I am gonna watch Our Planet first now. Thanks for suggestion.
Just got the TV installed. Man, having it at home is like a dream. Picture is mesmerising even out of the box. Yes I do have Netflix 4K subscription, I am gonna watch Our Planet first now. Thanks for suggestion.
Turn off the lights or have only a dim kitchen/hallway light during Our Planet. It's more engaging this way.
Turn off the lights or have only a dim kitchen/hallway light during Our Planet. It's more engaging this way.

I like to vertical zoom out top/bottom black bars on movies which are not 16:9 to utilize full screen real-estate. It works for Amazon Prime, HDMI and USB HDD source but netflix/youtube native apps on LG WebOS do not allow this (the zoom option cannot be changed from "Original"). Is there any workaround for this? It sucks to have 40% of my TV just display black bars :(
What is the current best price in Bangalore, i got a quote of 1.45 , can someone help me get a best price

Also is it worthy going for c8 now that c9 has released and besides hdmi 2.1 and earc i don't see any major difference
What is the current best price in Bangalore, i got a quote of 1.45 , can someone help me get a best price

Also is it worthy going for c8 now that c9 has released and besides hdmi 2.1 and earc i don't see any major difference
If you are asking for LGC8 in 55" screen size, you will get it below 145K. Please check croma, they (Sarjapura rd) offered me as low as 137K for 55LGC8, they are giving some special prices tomorrow, on Akshay Tritiya festival, one may get even better price. However, they did not give a good price for 65LGC8 (they offered 226K or so) and for Panasonic 65Fz1000 for 255K. I remember tata cliq dropeed it even below 200K.
If you are asking for LGC8 in 55" screen size, you will get it below 145K. Please check croma, they (Sarjapura rd) offered me as low as 137K for 55LGC8, they are giving some special prices tomorrow, on Akshay Tritiya festival, one may get even better price. However, they did not give a good price for 65LGC8 (they offered 226K or so) and for Panasonic 65Fz1000 for 255K. I remember tata cliq dropeed it even below 200K.
I sealed the deal for 55c8 at 1.40L just hoping that I don't get a display piece
I sealed the deal for 55c8 at 1.40L just hoping that I don't get a display piece
Congratulations! thats a good deal too, dont worry about a few grands here and there, enjoy the experience! I currently use Sony KDL55W950B and thinking of going to OLED, looking for a good deal for Panasonic FZ series and if budget permits, would love to get the 65" size. Comparing between the Panasonic Fz1000 and LGC8, I remember reading somewhere that tata cliq was quoting Fz1000 under 200K but currently it shows out of stock on that website.
Congratulations! thats a good deal too, dont worry about a few grands here and there, enjoy the experience! I currently use Sony KDL55W950B and thinking of going to OLED, looking for a good deal for Panasonic FZ series and if budget permits, would love to get the 65" size. Comparing between the Panasonic Fz1000 and LGC8, I remember reading somewhere that tata cliq was quoting Fz1000 under 200K but currently it shows out of stock on that website.

panasonic doesnt have dolby vision iirc which is a big miss.
panasonic doesnt have dolby vision iirc which is a big miss.
Somewhere I remember reading the TH-65FZ1000D is has the Dolby vision. I've tried to look up the specs but not able to confirm. Can someone confirm if the 65" version is also missing Dolby vision/Dolby Atmos!
This one says it has Dolby vision - https://www.smartprix.com/tvs/panasonic-th-65fz1000d-65-inch-ultra-hd-4k-ppd1roexm0yt and https://www.91mobiles.com/panasonic...-inches-inch-4k-oled-tv-price-in-india-130498

And does it make sense to take a call just based on Dolby vision for HDR10+ capabilities? How much of these contents are currently available and which one of them (dolby vision or HDR10+) is going to be the industry standard / more common going forward!?
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Somewhere I remember reading the TH-65FZ1000D is has the Dolby vision. I've tried to look up the specs but not able to confirm. Can someone confirm if the 65" version is also missing Dolby vision/Dolby Atmos!
This one says it has Dolby vision - https://www.smartprix.com/tvs/panasonic-th-65fz1000d-65-inch-ultra-hd-4k-ppd1roexm0yt and https://www.91mobiles.com/panasonic...-inches-inch-4k-oled-tv-price-in-india-130498

And does it make sense to take a call just based on Dolby vision for HDR10+ capabilities? How much of these contents are currently available and which one of them (dolby vision or HDR10+) is going to be the industry standard / more common going forward!?
I was stuck between Panasonic and LG before I made my purchase. But then LG had better interface and more apps than Panasonic and also more service centers.
Somewhere I remember reading the TH-65FZ1000D is has the Dolby vision. I've tried to look up the specs but not able to confirm. Can someone confirm if the 65" version is also missing Dolby vision/Dolby Atmos!
This one says it has Dolby vision - https://www.smartprix.com/tvs/panasonic-th-65fz1000d-65-inch-ultra-hd-4k-ppd1roexm0yt and https://www.91mobiles.com/panasonic...-inches-inch-4k-oled-tv-price-in-india-130498

And does it make sense to take a call just based on Dolby vision for HDR10+ capabilities? How much of these contents are currently available and which one of them (dolby vision or HDR10+) is going to be the industry standard / more common going forward!?

if you have the netflix 4k plan there are plenty of tv show titles in dolby vision. you can google them to see if they're your type. i dont know how non-DV tv's treat DV content but in prime video i found the DV content (jack ryan) to look much better than HDR shows
Anyone who has bought the Sony A8F recently? I'm looking to buy one soon and live in Mumbai. As of now, Croma and Reliance Digital have quoted 1.86l for 55 inch, which seems ridiculously overpriced. What prices have you been quoted in the past month or so?
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