opening up this thread again
sad to tell all u guys /owners of onkyo 875
again ended up scratching my head all over again The KNOWING BD which i recently bought shut down the 875 again !!!!!
All the F***NG Firmware upgrades and all nonsense is all Balls
its just that the 875 CANNOT BE PUSHED TO LIMITS ,it f***ng cries and shuts down when u hit 0 DB ( after the recent F***ng upgrades it was ok till 3 DB ) but when u go to higher limits the 875 simply runs out of breath
the only reason i can think of is ,when there is high demands of current in demanding scenes the AVR simply cannot meet the power reqiurements needed -------so when pushed to limits it definetly shuts off
not everyone wud push thier AVR to these levels but for guys intending to do so this AVR will definetly not work
what worth wud a AVR of such acclaims be if it doesnt meet your needs
Conclusion--it simply doesnt get the required power supply thro its transformers to meet the demands when pushed to higher limits ( these are my thots, nothing else wud be an issue here)