Why the SET and efficient loudspeaker approach works
Why The SET And Efficient Loudspeaker Approach Works by Steve Deckert
Why The SET And Efficient Loudspeaker Approach Works - Enjoy the Music.com Review Magazinewww.enjoythemusic.com
This write up by Steve Deckert ( Decware ) is one of the wisest things I have ever seen written in audio, as audio advice. After about 50 years of chasing the " high end audio " game, about seven years ago I went to a two way ALTEC VOTT A7-8 speaker system, with my OWN very minor mods. Being that my 515B ALTEC woofer is front horn loaded, the speaker has about 103 dB efficiency.
It is my second two - way FRONT horn loaded ( directly radiating 15 inch ) professional ( movie theatre ) speaker system. Just as Steve mentions, I independently determined to use absolutely NO crossover on the 15 inch, and a simple high quality crossover on the Compression Tweeter. I believe I am finally satisfied. Oh, the time and money I spent, over half a century, to " arrive ".
My advice topm others is to dupe nmy ststem, and enjoy yourself. Work on developing a great amp, something that no one else seems to have equal in performance, and enjoy your listening experience.
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