Owners Thread of Panasonic TH-P42X30D - Settings & Features Discussion

abhinkoi - you can connect a LAN cable to TV (hope if its feasible) and connect laptop using WIFI. OR if your laptop has HDMI, then you just have to buy HDMI cable.


In my home I have LAN connection at a particular place & my router/modem is placed there. My TV is just opposite side of this place which is approx 20 ft away...I cant take a wired connection to the TV becoz it will spread across the living room and it will look odd... :sad:

I run my laptop with wifi connection and it works fine...is there any other alternative?
^^ to avoid burnin issue. You have to use this setting for first 200 hrs. I used to run plasma burn in slides whole night as well as bar scroller which is there in the TV settings.
@ anshulgoyal2010,

Hi there. Even i wanted 2 buy a samsung hdtv in the beginning. But there were quite a few reviews which said the TV only lasts till the warranty. That is a major concern when u r investing a lot of money on TV.
^^ If you have HDMI cable connect Laptop to TV HDMI IN. You can play music and Movies. Also If you have android or IOS(apple) products, you can control laptop using free apps (as you already have wifi router).
^^ If you have HDMI cable connect Laptop to TV HDMI IN. You can play music and Movies. Also If you have android or IOS(apple) products, you can control laptop using free apps (as you already have wifi router).

Thx much Rajesh...I will definitely try out these options..
I do have an Android phone & will check on what apps can be useful in this...

thx much again...
I meant in 16.9 mode and not in full zoom mode. In some movies the horizontal bars are inevitable even in 16.9 mode owing to the way the movie has been shot.
You can find this issue in some blu-ray movies aswell. This will not be any big issue for burn in.
The main problem will be with vertical bars...please avoid them for the first 600 hours.
Kannan & Rajesh,

Just curious to know why we are so much worried of this burn in issue in Plasma's? Does it really happen or we are over worried?

If this is so common to have such issues why cant TV companies fix this issue once for all?

Well there is some sad news with my set. There seems to be image burnin in my set. I had bought this set last year early June. Within month I completed 235 hrs with burn in slides and all the proper precautions. Thereby I used to run BAR scroller for 30 mins every week. Since October
I had stopped runing those bar scroller and never looked for any burnin. Yesterday just before going to bed I remebered about it. With my living room light switched off turned on the TV and saw POGO imprint on the screen (my 4 yr daughter watches this channel from afternoon 2:30 till 6). It was kind of shock to me and at the same time recalled that I forgot about running those slides or bar scroll. Even my daughter who was sent as a spy to check why i was taking time, said what is that POGO channel logo on the screen. :-)
Currently running some noise videos, lets see if this resuces the burnin. Well it should be noted that when I switch on the light, I dont see that logo, until I make effort to find it. Currently i can live with it. trying my best to reduce it. If you guys have any better solution, please pour it.
Also for the member who own it, Please run the slides every week or month for 1 year. (take it with pinch of salt.)
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@ kannan,
Thanks for the reply.

I didn't know burn-in is still an issue with plasmas. I had completely neglected this thing and I fiddled with the features last week by setting the contrast to 100 for two days. I hope It doesn't leave much impact.

BTW this is 2011 model.
@ kannan,
Thanks for the reply.

I didn't know burn-in is still an issue with plasmas. I had completely neglected this thing and I fiddled with the features last week by setting the contrast to 100 for two days. I hope It doesn't leave much impact.

BTW this is 2011 model.

According to companies, plasma burn-ins have been addressed to a great extent
which is claimed to be one of the improvements on G14 Panasonic panel over G13 panel.
It is more out of precaution that we are discussing it and trying to do it diligently., afterall this an expensive baby and for guys like me almost once in a lifetime purchase:).
Hey hi there...
cud u pls explain this process in detail. I m not sure whether my TV is DivX enabled..

Divx is a company that gives out bulk licences to companies like Panasonic to use their codecs for watching Divx encoded movies in their hardwares.
It would be easy for panasonic to build or hardcode/softcode the license certificate into their gadgets like TV's, however (dunno why, probably due to regular firmware upgrades) the user needs to go to Divx site and key in the licence code which then generates a sample movie to be played back on the TV for licensing. Ofcourse you also need a PC and storage media like pendrive or SD card to do all these stuff.
Hope this explains it.:)
Check your user manual for features to see if the Tv is Divx enabled. If you TV does not have a USB/SD card port or DLNA certification then it most likely won't be Divx enabled.
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