Well there is some sad news with my set. There seems to be image burnin in my set. I had bought this set last year early June. Within month I completed 235 hrs with burn in slides and all the proper precautions. Thereby I used to run BAR scroller for 30 mins every week. Since October
I had stopped runing those bar scroller and never looked for any burnin. Yesterday just before going to bed I remebered about it. With my living room light switched off turned on the TV and saw POGO imprint on the screen (my 4 yr daughter watches this channel from afternoon 2:30 till 6). It was kind of shock to me and at the same time recalled that I forgot about running those slides or bar scroll. Even my daughter who was sent as a spy to check why i was taking time, said what is that POGO channel logo on the screen.

Currently running some noise videos, lets see if this resuces the burnin. Well it should be noted that when I switch on the light, I dont see that logo, until I make effort to find it. Currently i can live with it. trying my best to reduce it. If you guys have any better solution, please pour it.
Also for the member who own it, Please run the slides every week or month for 1 year. (take it with pinch of salt.)