Panasonic 2012 Models[Plasma or LED's]; Group Buy in Chennai

I wish you had done some more due diligence on Plasmas especially ST50 before copy pasting your comment in multiple threads... global trends, reviews and feedback just dont matter to some people and they indulge in Plasma bashing from some days which is noticeable since you joined last month only...
anyways as they say, ignorance is bliss !!

First check out the ST50 owners thread and then get personal with me, i wish you had done some more due diligence before attacking me personally, its because of people like you that a forum like this gets a bad name.
First check out the ST50 owners thread and then get personal with me, i wish you had done some more due diligence before attacking me personally, its because of people like you that a forum like this gets a bad name.

You have asked me Check that thread !!! I have followed it from day 1 and if you had even read it properly you would have seen my posts in that as well... and I know abt IR/Burn-Ins and so does every Plasma user... anyways I have targeted your one sided thoughts and not you, so don't give yourself so much importance... and speaking of bad name for this forum, interesting to know that you have been spreading negativity about it and are still coming here to post on this "bad" forum :clapping:
You have asked me Check that thread !!! I have followed it from day 1 and if you had even read it properly you would have seen my posts in that as well... and I know abt IR/Burn-Ins and so does every Plasma user... anyways I have targeted your one sided thoughts and not you, so don't give yourself so much importance... and speaking of bad name for this forum, interesting to know that you have been spreading negativity about it and are still coming here to post on this "bad" forum :clapping:

You are just plain trolling here, instead of concentrating on the subject in my post, you attacked me personally and now you are twisting my words, where did i say its a bad forum???? I said "its because of people like you that a forum like this gets a bad name"

So stop trolling and trying to change the subject that the ST50 suffers from image burn-in problems inspite of costing a lot and its not even covered by panasonic warranty.
So there is one (or maybe two-three) users, who are facing IR issues. But just because they do, does not mean everyone else does. I, for instance, do not face IR or burn-in issues.

I have had the TV for nearly 2+ months now and it has clocked near 600 hours. It runs 7 hours on an average everyday. In fact, because it was installed in the bed room, our TV hours have increased significantly. I mostly watch TataSky HD channels (70%) where the logo is smaller but intense and less opaque. I have seen that even if there are 200+ channels available, people end up watching a few 6-8 favourites most of the time. With such commonality, the chances of IR are high. But I do take care. And touch wood, I am not facing issues.

@etios, No one wants to bash/target you but if you wish to comment on something please do a thorough research. If you are anti-plasma, that is OK. But do bring some sensible bias to your stories. IR is a known issue. Plasma owners must be careful, especially in the first 200 hours. If IR scares you, then you have a perfect right to be so. But don't go hyper because someone reported IR issue. You should also be aware of the fact that the "bad news is good news". Go to any website. 90% of the reports will be users reporting horrors. Very few anyone says I am very happy.

Time for a poll:
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I have just started posting off late but i have been a silent visitor to this site from a long time.

''Some''' plasma owners go on the defensive the moment somebody points out the flaws of a plasma tv. Don't get me wrong. All TV watchers are not videophiles. I am a huge movie buff and as you know black levels matter a lot to movie watching but having said that black levels are not the be all and end all of picture quality as brandied about by plasma fan boys.

Some people love their colors to be natural but the general public loves it when it is bright and spectacular. They do not care if the contrast and colors are artificially boosted. 99% of the general public would not like to follow a lengthy list of precautions to watch their idiot box cos for most people tv watching is a passive experience and most people[ read general public] have their contrast and brightness set up fairly highly.

Most people have tv's in their living rooms which are bright and with plenty of windows so a TV's inherent brightness matters a lot. Not everybody hides in a dark room with curtains pulled over during day time. I think people who are advising plasmas to prospective customers must keep their requirements in mind and not just go on recommending plasma cos they have ''supposedly'' the best black levels and they provide you more inches for the buck spent.

I personally adore the ST50 but the other day when i went in along with my cousin for buying a new TV he asked me is this the TV you were raving about? He went in for the excellent HX750. When people recommend TV's they think what matters to them matters to everybody. Now this is not directed at anybody but just a general statement. One needs to go in for a TV which meets his own criteria and not the one's set by others. The general public utilizes the TV for watching regular DTH and for that exemplary black levels are not a necessity.

TV rarely is used by a single person. So the needs of the family must be kept in mind too. TV companies do extensive research before settling on a particular type of picture offered by their TV's.

Videophiles constitute a miniscule percentage of TV buyers and i do not blame the manufacturers for trying to please the general crowd than going for the videophile picture quality [read natural colors and exemplary black levels] as it simply does not make any commercial sense. Why are manufacturers picture modes so far away from the proper calibrated settings? The reason is simply they know what the general public wants. The general public thinks Calibrated settings are sh*t more often than not cos for them the picture quality offered by those settings is lifeless. Now you may be thinking i may be settling in for a LED but my next TV most likely will be a plasma. As i say just cos i love Plasma i will not shove it down somebody's throat.
Oops . my thread has been hijacked!!:D:D

@etios - Personally I have friends who own plasma 2011 models 42U30D [think this is the model]. He watches football matches [live and recorded on tatasky HD] and when I checked with him, he says that he hasn't noticed any IR or BI. Also, Just4kix has over 3 months and with 600+ hrs of watching also has not reported any so far.

Let me first try to get the TV. Considering the laziness of Panasonic and pricing... you never know that I could also opt for a LED!!:rolleyes:
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You are just plain trolling here, instead of concentrating on the subject in my post, you attacked me personally and now you are twisting my words, where did i say its a bad forum???? I said "its because of people like you that a forum like this gets a bad name"

So stop trolling and trying to change the subject that the ST50 suffers from image burn-in problems inspite of costing a lot and its not even covered by panasonic warranty.

I suggest you to read more threads and get yourself educated on plasma burn-in etc which is more of plasma technology related than panasonic (or its ST50) issue and thats why warranty doesnt cover it. You will find 10s and 100s of posts / views regarding this and other plasma problems as well as comparison with LEDs etc. Please do not waste others time by posting ill-informed one sided views.. you think people who have searched the web, are on this forum & spend 1 lac won't due this much due diligence? Anyways others have responded to your posts and I hope you would have read about other side as well..
So there is one (or maybe two-three) users, who are facing IR issues. But just because they do, does not mean everyone else does. I, for instance, do not face IR or burn-in issues.

I have had the TV for nearly 2+ months now and it has clocked near 600 hours. It runs 7 hours on an average everyday. In fact, because it was installed in the bed room, our TV hours have increased significantly. I mostly watch TataSky HD channels (70%) where the logo is smaller but intense and less opaque. I have seen that even if there are 200+ channels available, people end up watching a few 6-8 favourites most of the time. With such commonality, the chances of IR are high. But I do take care. And touch wood, I am not facing issues.

@etios, No one wants to bash/target you but if you wish to comment on something please do a thorough research. If you are anti-plasma, that is OK. But do bring some sensible bias to your stories. IR is a known issue. Plasma owners must be careful, especially in the first 200 hours. If IR scares you, then you have a perfect right to be so. But don't go hyper because someone reported IR issue. You should also be aware of the fact that the "bad news is good news". Go to any website. 90% of the reports will be users reporting horrors. Very few anyone says I am very happy.

Time for a poll:

Due to heavy plasma bias here, i doubt you will get a clear picture by a poll like this, instead i will focus on ownership threads like these which are real proofs:

where most of the people are suffering from image burn-in even after getting a top of the line plasma and i dont think they will be in a jolly good mood and will come and vote on this poll,also the other older people who would have suffered from image burn-in would have stopped this research about plasma and even stopped coming on forums.

I dont hate plasma nor do i hate you and other plasma owning members but yes this is a 100 percent true fact that a blind plasma worship is going on with certain members recommending plasmas to each and every person in every thread possible for any proposed budget,

And these recommendations are dished out to general public without explaining them in detail the negative effects/risk involved(Burn-in chance, Burn-in not covered under warranty, massive reflections) in buying plasma sets.
Due to heavy plasma bias here, i doubt you will get a clear picture by a poll like this, instead i will focus on ownership threads like these which are real proofs:

where most of the people are suffering from image burn-in even after getting a top of the line plasma and i dont think they will be in a jolly good mood and will come and vote on this poll,also the other older people who would have suffered from image burn-in would have stopped this research about plasma and even stopped coming on forums.

I dont hate plasma nor do i hate you and other plasma owning members but yes this is a 100 percent true fact that a blind plasma worship is going on with certain members recommending plasmas to each and every person in every thread possible for any proposed budget,

And these recommendations are dished out to general public without explaining them in detail the negative effects/risk involved(Burn-in chance, Burn-in not covered under warranty, massive reflections) in buying plasma sets.
You are hijacking the thread. :) But OK, let me post my own thoughts.

First the thread/poll. If you mean to state that people will hide the fact that they have IR issues just because they are now plasma owners then I think that you are wrong. Love for Plasma is one thing, hiding its drawbacks and problems faced is different. I do not think that reputed members will do something like this.

Second, plasma drawbacks are clearly mentioned on each and every thread ...

- do not buy plasma if room is brightly lit and light cannot be controlled
- do not buy plasma if power consumption is something that matters to you
- and finally IR/Burn-in issue is mentioned on tons of threads

It is assumed, that every prospective buyer who lands up on forums like these takes enough knowledge, reading, understanding and weighing of all pros and cons when given a plasma advice. When that is not the case, the typical person goes and buys an LCD/LED. Not trying to state that plasma owners are an elite set of folks but considering that plasma sales in India are a mere 5-8% at best, such people would take informed decisions. In fact, I have seen on almost every plasma thread the question of IR coming up sooner or later.

No one is saying that IR is not an issue. It definitely is. Once again, a few people stating that they got the IR does not mean that it is a given problem.
Looks like Devi International going to have the 50ST50 inventory some time next week..:yahoo: price quoted now 1L may be able to get a better deal if we go as a group.
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Hi this movement still alive ???:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Gramaphone [50"]
Lakshminarasimhan [50"]
Raghuhifi [42"]
dial2karthik [42"]

Devi has both ST50 and UT50 in stock. I looked at both Side by side (both SD and HD content was played during the demo) I could not really see any difference.( Demo place was bit dark with some ambient light.) Is it just me or some one else also had similar experience? I am having second thoughts about ST50 now when I can save about ~25k ;) I know about ST and above has Louvre Filter which UT does not have. Is there any other difference between UT and ST models. What is difference between NeoPDP and the earlier PDP? Does it really save lot on electricity? For my eyes both Panels looked the same except that UT looked slightly brighter than ST50. Please advise.

Here is the final price Devi qouted
50ST50 99K with 1+2 yr warranty and 2 glasses no printer
50UT50 72K with 1+2 yr warranty and 2 glasses no printer
Devi has both ST50 and UT50 in stock. I looked at both Side by side (both SD and HD content was played during the demo) I could not really see any difference.( Demo place was bit dark with some ambient light.) Is it just me or some one else also had similar experience? I am having second thoughts about ST50 now when I can save about ~25k ;) I know about ST and above has Louvre Filter which UT does not have. Is there any other difference between UT and ST models. What is difference between NeoPDP and the earlier PDP? Does it really save lot on electricity? For my eyes both Panels looked the same except that UT looked slightly brighter than ST50. Please advise.

Here is the final price Devi qouted
50ST50 99K with 1+2 yr warranty and 2 glasses no printer
50UT50 72K with 1+2 yr warranty and 2 glasses no printer
If you do not find any obvious difference between ST50 and UT50 then stick to UT50.
Yes true, UT50 is a brilliant TV as well.

And @Lakshminarasimhan, since you are not getting the ST50 I think no harm in getting the E8000 at a lower price. It is no doubt a great TV and at least on par with ST50 for sure in every area.
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