Panasonic DMP-BDT220 Review

The player does not play VCD or Kodak photo cd. :mad: I do have some vcd's of Marathi plays and comedies.

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But one thing I have realised is that having a powerful blu-ray player + full hd tv + projector + all that jazz is really pointless if you wanna play a 600mb movie file. I am gonna keep expanding my blu-ray collection - there's just no other way to enjoy what you paid for.

Replying to your queries in line in blue ...


How does the Panasonic BDT220 compare against more expensive machines like Pioneer's LX55 and Marantz's UD5005?

I mean what do the Pioneer/Marantz do that the Panasonic does not? They are bulkier and heavier so they must do somethig better.
They may be having better video and audio processing capability esepcially in the analogue arena. They could also be having more ports, e.g., dual HDMI out. Finally, the price may be to create a niche name and brand value.

When it comes to digital video and audio, I doubt whether there can be any substantial improvement to justify the price.
They may be having better video and audio processing capability esepcially in the analogue arena. They could also be having more ports, e.g., dual HDMI out. Finally, the price may be to create a niche name and brand value.

When it comes to digital video and audio, I doubt whether there can be any substantial improvement to justify the price.

Will the Panasonic read FLAC files from NTFS hard disks?

if not is there a player that can do this?

Seems like Panasonic is really pathetic on delivering good products - ST50, GT50, this BDP, and the list goes on ...
Can anyone confirm and review it's flac playback capabilities from an external HDD ? How's the audio quality ?

I am bring this unit for the Pune HFV meet where we could test for flac playback capability and performance. Will post reviews then. Please stand by.

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and also if someone can tell me what's the difference between this and DMP-BD77 other than 3D ?

Sorry for asking too many questions :(
As per my understanding , it plays flac from any medium it supports, from disk or usb.

Seems like best player for hifi audio as it uses burr-brown dac.

I already purchased Sony bdp-490. It's a great player in terms of PQ and upscaling. But in audio dept, this looks better in paper than my Sony (FYI.. Sony does not play flac) .

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
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