Panasonic P42X20D/X10D Owners Thread (Settings, Problems, Impressions, Questions)

Is Panny 42x20d not HD ready? I mean does it support 1280*720? as the website states its just a 1024*768 display... :(

Confirmed!! Whats done is done. Now can anyone shed some light as to why calliberators go for 0 brightness on this display? Is it just for burn in period or is it in general?
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ackkkkk.... of course it is HD Ready. It even accepts a 1080p signal. It is 16:9 widescreen. It is a plasma. It operates on the principle of gases which light up to produce millions of coluors. It is black in colour. It has 2 speakers. It has a remote control. It can be hung on the wall like a prize painting. If there is lot of ambient light in the room it can be used as a mirror. It is heavy. It can be used to play games. It has image retention. It has good black levels. It has no problem with off angle viewing. It is made by Panasonic. It is imported from Thailand. It has 3 HDMI ports. It has an SD card slot. It does not have USB port. It has service menu. Menu of X20 does not allow for advanced user calibration.
Now can anyone shed some light as to why calliberators go for 0 brightness on this display? Is it just for burn in period or is it in general?

Calibrators go for 0 brightness for reasons of their own. Don't worry about them. Go for what suits you best.
It's a funny thing about these calibrators. People pay a lot of money to have their sets calibrated and then rant on about how good their picture looks, etc.
But why not calibrate by yourself according to what looks good to you. People going in for professional calibration kind of reminds me of the story of the emperor's new clothes.
TV that was delivered to me was showing 135 hrs usage timing... called the dealer and got it replaced today... like to thanks everyone for sharing there experience :)
I have misplaced my user manual for P42X20D. Can someone help me with a link to download it. I can't find it on the panny website. Thanks for your help.
hey hi guyz i own a pana 42A20D model..with it im using a sony home threater system problem is when i'm using a pendrive to play mp4 format videos on TV its not gtng played...i can hear only the song..but today i played a another mp4 video and it got played with both audio and video..
so please guyz can anyone help me with this...
mp4 is a container having video and audio streams, each encoded using a video and audio codec. Only supported codecs will play on your system.

In your first file, the video codec was not supported but the audio codec was supported, so you could hear only audio.
In your 2nd file, both video and audio codecs were supported.
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