Size : Ideal would be 46"

Plasma or : Heart says Plasma; Mind says LED due to very bright room
I was in the same boat as you were. Honestly, I never thought buying a TV could be this complex, until I arrived here. Plasma's... lol... what Plasma? That wasn't even an option to consider when I started looking for a new TV. Why? Because according to the world, it's ancient technology and has been abandoned by Sony because it's crap. That's the assumption I was living under.
Next, comes the bright colors of an LED LCD, which have a great appeal to me. I love colors that are bright and vibrant and honestly, saturated and not realy well... REAL. That was another reason for me to go in for an LED LCD.
this post by me almost a year ago.
Over the last year I have seen almost every TV that there is to see. Every branded store rep knows me personally now becasue I have visited them that many times in search of the perfect TV.
Finally I gave up on a TV and decided to go in for a projector until Kittu told me about this deal going on with the VT20.
Given that it was available for an insane price, I just closed my eyes and bought it. Didn't even bother to check out the picture quality or anything as I had decided last year that if I was every going to buy a plasma, it would be a VT20.
It arrived on Saturday and trust me when I tell you that every fear that you have ever had about a plasma TV will just disappear. You won't even remember what was bothering you in the first place.
Bright room, lack luster colors, blah blah blah. Just drop it in a room and turn it on, and you will be amazed. Like I said before, the home environment is a whole lot different from the showroom.
LCDs are great but without the great ink blanks, they are just no good. Play one of the night time tracks in NFS Hot Pursuit on a Plasma and LED-LCD and you'll see the difference. There is a reason why the VT20 was judged as a Reference TV and the best TV of 2010. Get it and you'll find out for yourself.
And about the size... again, trust me on this, you'll be kicking yourself afterwards if you go in for anything less than 50", especially considering the price that it's available at.