New Member
Since no Plasma owners including the pro-plasma fans (madbullram, moserw etc.) have responded to this, is it safe to assume that 'occasionally' burn in of Tata Sky, Big TV etc. logos' is still a possible issue?
I have already answered this query on another thread. Burn in is no longer an issue with the latest generation of plasmas. I have Tata Sky on the PV8 and it works just great and no problems whatsoever even with leaving the TV on when I fall asleep.
Coming to reflection, it's an issue for any screen, CRTs, LCDs, and Plasmas. I've always used thick curtains and also never really open the windows so I have kind of a dark room and also a dust free environment (well not 100%), but it is pretty good with using the vacuum cleaner every once in a while. What I am saying is TV or movie watching should be done in ideally lit or semi-dark rooms. Bright light anyway will reflect from every type of screen. LCDs are the worst. Plasmas when compared to LCDs fare better. Rather than comparing whether Plasmas/LCDs/CRTs are better with reflective screens just get some dark, thick curtains and your problem is solved.
Still to answer your question (hopefully satisfactorily) CRTs do fare better than Plasmas where reflection from the screen is concerned. But the solution is get thick and dark curtains and you're all set for enjoying your new PV8 hopefully...