Hi Om,Hi Sachin,
Please count me for 2 kits. I would like to add it before and after volume control.
BTW, how you search the part number on this site. I am pissed off with huge list as result of search.
Hi Sachin
Any updates?
Hi Sachin
How is the PCB coming up? Any updates?
I have got price quote for Pass B1 pcb.Cost for 1 double sided PCB would be INR 330(including initial making charges).Please express your interest here,so I can order PCBs and JFETs.
I'm in Sachin. BTW, ensure right thickness of the tracks which would make quite a difference in SQ.
Thickness of the soundtracks?
There's an excellent B1 build thread over on audiocircle -
Nelson Pass B-1 preamp kit
See the builds and tips on this page -
Nelson Pass B-1 preamp kit
Sachin, there are a couple of ebay items, the stepped attenuator,
and the B1 kit from Jim's Audio. If you can get a group discount on
those, that might be worth considering too -
Class A matched SE J-FET stereo buffer kit ! | eBay
DACT Type 21 Stepped Attenuator 20K FOR PASS B1 DIY | eBay
Hi Prasad,
I am following Audiocircle thread for BOM.As you know my technical knowledge is very limited,do we need two of this kind stepped attenuator for stereo?