Peter Reinders PTP Solid 12 Turntable with Thomas Schick Arm.

I own Lenco L 75 with PTP 4 and Thomas Shick tonearm. I have come to the conclusion that the Denon DL 103 is the most affordable ideal partner for the arm. One of the best turntables I posses with a fantastic timing. The best I have for playing rock and fast numbers because the timing is excellent. You get the feeling of being involved.
Hello Jacob
The Denon dl 103 is indeed a very solid and popular choice and definitely much more affordable. I just did a bunch of reading up on the internet. If i may, at your convenience, ask you to share your impressions of the Dl 103 vis a vis the other carts you have paired with your Thomas Schick?
Hello Jacob
The Denon dl 103 is indeed a very solid and popular choice and definitely much more affordable. I just did a bunch of reading up on the internet. If i may, at your convenience, ask you to share your impressions of the Dl 103 vis a vis the other carts you have paired with your Thomas Schick?

Frankly, I have never tried any other cart on the Shick arm. I have a friend who also has a Shick arm and has tried other carts. I will try to get his opinion on this.
Hello Jacob
The Denon dl 103 is indeed a very solid and popular choice and definitely much more affordable. I just did a bunch of reading up on the internet. If i may, at your convenience, ask you to share your impressions of the Dl 103 vis a vis the other carts you have paired with your Thomas Schick?
i have tried a Decca gold and its awesome, slightly better than the DL103R in dynamics but less extension. The Nagaoka 30 is also good although it prefers a lighter tonearm.
I think the SPU cart is another one to try on it according to my friend. But I am quite happy with Denon 103 on that arm. Though I would like to try other carts, frankly they are beyond my budget right now
I haven't been able to do justice to this TT as I haven't been able to buy a phono to match this turntable and the Ortofon SPU Cartridge. Hence, haven't been listening to vinyl in a while.
I feel like selling it at times to fund upgrade of other components and at other times, I feel it was such an ordeal to import this 25+ kilo tank and it was an effort I probably will not undertake again so i should just keep it till i can afford a great phonostage. Pardon my confused musings on the forum.
I haven't been able to do justice to this TT as I haven't been able to buy a phono to match this turntable and the Ortofon SPU Cartridge. Hence, haven't been listening to vinyl in a while.
I feel like selling it at times to fund upgrade of other components and at other times, I feel it was such an ordeal to import this 25+ kilo tank and it was an effort I probably will not undertake again so i should just keep it till i can afford a great phonostage. Pardon my confused musings on the forum.

What exactly are you missing from your TT playback? Can you please list a few points?

I'm asking because I strongly feel that your Hypnotoad is a very fine phono preamp.
What exactly are you missing from your TT playback? Can you please list a few points?

I'm asking because I strongly feel that your Hypnotoad is a very fine phono preamp.
Thanks Joshua. The hynotaod Ad797 is indeed a fine phonostage and don't get me wrong. I don't know how to list out exact points but I will say this, My Graham Slee Era Gold which is an MM phono is just as good if not better (ofcourse it costs more). I pair it with Nagaoka 110 on a Pioneer PL10 TT.
This other combo of PTP Solid 12 TT, Thimas Schick Tonearm, Ortofon SPU with AD797 is just as good or slightly better only in comparison to the other combo listed above. This turntable ofcourse is a workhorse and spins dutifully and precisely. The background is quiet and there is absolutely no hiss or pop which is credit to the TT and maybe mostly the Hypnotoad phono. I am just looking for it to go the extra mile and bring out more from the recordings.
When I contacted Peter Reinder himself, his suggestion was the EAR 834 MC phono (if not original then the clone with modifications as per lencoheaven). The original is a bit out of reach for now and the MC version of the clones available from Doukaudio uses those transformer/can looking things which they say aren't winding coils but transistors (I am getting ahead of myself a little but but I hope you know what I mean).
Sushant - my suggestion is for you to consider the Lyrita tube phono stage. I used to use the Hypnotoad phonostage but the Lyrita is in a another league all together. Hynotoad is quite good in its own right but to me it sounded too clean. It was too precise and too correct sounding for my tastes. I use the Lyrita phono with the Denon DL103R as well as used to pair it with the DL110. Of course the loading was aptly changed. This phono stage actually took my vinyl playback to a different level all together. I used to discern the differences in various pressings so easily after I got this. Most importantly, the analog nature of the music started coming through so evidently. I currently am using a loaned Dynavector DV-20X2 with this phono and am very satisfied. Also, as it seems, you will be using it in the hills, so there should not even be any radio interferences in your area. The tube phono are a bit more susceptible to such interferences so maybe you could assess that. But seriously the Lyrita phono stage punches way above its weight. My second recommendation will be that you could get the solid state phono stage built from Lyrita. When compared neck to neck with its tube brother, the solid state carries the same tonality but of course lacks the lushness of tubes. All in all a very potent phono and very reasonably priced too. You could contact Mr. Viren Bakhshi to enquire regarding details. I don't have any vested interests in getting any sales for Lyrita audio but am vehemently recommending it just because I personally like the sound a lot. If you are ever in Delhi, please drop by for an audition. If it helps you make a 'sound' decision, I will be glad!! Cheers!!
Sushant - Not qualified enough to comment on this thread but sharing a recent experience with MoFi gear.
Heard it recently with its own phono box. It sounded excellent to me. The phono stages are developed with assistance from Tim Da Paravinci (EAR).
Also, there were sanely priced.
Sushant - my suggestion is for you to consider the Lyrita tube phono stage. I used to use the Hypnotoad phonostage but the Lyrita is in a another league all together. Hynotoad is quite good in its own right but to me it sounded too clean. It was too precise and too correct sounding for my tastes. I use the Lyrita phono with the Denon DL103R as well as used to pair it with the DL110. Of course the loading was aptly changed. This phono stage actually took my vinyl playback to a different level all together. I used to discern the differences in various pressings so easily after I got this. Most importantly, the analog nature of the music started coming through so evidently. I currently am using a loaned Dynavector DV-20X2 with this phono and am very satisfied. Also, as it seems, you will be using it in the hills, so there should not even be any radio interferences in your area. The tube phono are a bit more susceptible to such interferences so maybe you could assess that. But seriously the Lyrita phono stage punches way above its weight. My second recommendation will be that you could get the solid state phono stage built from Lyrita. When compared neck to neck with its tube brother, the solid state carries the same tonality but of course lacks the lushness of tubes. All in all a very potent phono and very reasonably priced too. You could contact Mr. Viren Bakhshi to enquire regarding details. I don't have any vested interests in getting any sales for Lyrita audio but am vehemently recommending it just because I personally like the sound a lot. If you are ever in Delhi, please drop by for an audition. If it helps you make a 'sound' decision, I will be glad!! Cheers!!
Thanks Kartick for taking the time and posting your detailed opinion. It indeed is very helpful. I came close to buying the Lyrita Audio MC Phono a few months back but it wasn't to be. It's good to have such a positive feedback on it and a first hand opinion/comparison. Mr. Bakshi is such a gentleman and very affable. Maybe I will take you up on your offer and drop in for a listen when I am in Delhi next. Many thanks.

Sushant - Not qualified enough to comment on this thread but sharing a recent experience with MoFi gear.
Heard it recently with its own phono box. It sounded excellent to me. The phono stages are developed with assistance from Tim Da Paravinci (EAR).
Also, there were sanely priced.
Thanks for your comments AVM. I have only seen the MOFI gear online. Will keep the brand in mind. many thanks
Sushant, personally, unless you go all the way and go for the EAR 834 -- the original one or Maybe a Naim Superline, it would not make any improvement. THE AD 797 is THAT GOOD. look at the system synergy... the answer is there...
Sushant, personally, unless you go all the way and go for the EAR 834 -- the original one or Maybe a Naim Superline, it would not make any improvement. THE AD 797 is THAT GOOD. look at the system synergy... the answer is there...

Manav, I agree, the AD797 Phono that I have used for almost 2 years now is a good product and great value for money and very easy to recommend. The EAR 834 I had no option of buying though it was recommended. I am happy to move to the tube phono territory with Lyrita though.

So the Lyrita tube preamp + phono is here. No shiny chrome here and the chassis is vintage looking and I am liking the cool knobs on the faceplate. The construction, soldering and connections inside are very solid and neatly laid out.

Music coming through is lively, room filling and enjoyable and I have heard it only for a few hours so far. Anyways my audio vocabulary is limited and my opinion will be very subjective even if I attempted to explain anything after longer listening. Might I add, it is prompting me to sit longer and play more music.

My Cartridge is very low output and only to familiarize myself with the sound, we decided I use this unit with an active gain circuitry till Mr. Bakshi is in possession of the transformers and new tubes.20200822_113512.jpg

Can't stress enough on the fact that you get a good product and the option of upgrading etc.

Sharing some photos.20200822_113226.jpg20200822_113423.jpg20200822_113226.jpg20200822_113423.jpg20200822_113512.jpg20200822_114923.jpg

Looks good!

what's the topology of the amp?
I am pairing it with a Quad 909 power amplifier.

Looks good!

what's the topology of the amp?
You meant the phono pre.
What is important is the implementation of the design that has been selected.

there are two tube gain stages, with a passive RIAA network between the stages. To get extra gain for the low output cartridge, the first stage has an FET cascode with the tube. The FET provides more gain, but the circuit retains the flavour of the tube.

The new Lyrita phono design, does away with the FET cascode, with the additional gain being provided with step-up transformers. A different selection of tubes, but the same topology - two gain stages with passive RIAA equalization.
Nice setup Sushant. I came across this thread while searching for info on the net, on Viren's new choice of tubes the 6F12P for the phono stage. My old phono is back with him for updating to the latest specs. I'm using the SPU too. If it's as good as the net reviews of the tube say the tube is, I'll have a bunch of my old NOS 12AX7s to unload!

Happy listening and congrats on your system!
Nice setup Sushant. I came across this thread while searching for info on the net, on Viren's new choice of tubes the 6F12P for the phono stage. My old phono is back with him for updating to the latest specs. I'm using the SPU too. If it's as good as the net reviews of the tube say the tube is, I'll have a bunch of my old NOS 12AX7s to unload!

Happy listening and congrats on your system!
Thanks Stevieboy. Appreciate your reaching out. I did read up your comments on the lyrita before I bought it and was egged on by them. In fact, I have been waiting for the new tubes and transformers very keenly myself. Time to get in touch with Mr. Bakshi. good tubes seem to be difficult to find here so the unloading should be easy. will stay in touch.
Nice setup Sushant. I came across this thread while searching for info on the net, on Viren's new choice of tubes the 6F12P for the phono stage. My old phono is back with him for updating to the latest specs. I'm using the SPU too. If it's as good as the net reviews of the tube say the tube is, I'll have a bunch of my old NOS 12AX7s to unload!

Happy listening and congrats on your system!
Hi Stevieboy, nice to see you after a long time. Which SPU have you moved to ?
Ah so my musings influenced you eh? Glad it helped. It will be worth the wait for the transformers and tubes. Have been chatting with him and understanding his new design and reading up. Seems to be a fantastic design with the Vishay Z foil naked load resistors which are reputedly the best at letting the entire signal through cleanly without any sonic signature of their own, and the Russian tube. Mine will be hardwired specifically for the SPU or any cart that needs a 100 ohm loading resistor. I wanted external loading resistors for ease of changing em out but the Z foils won't fit into a plug so hardwire was the only option. No MM input cos that switch also apparently has an influence on sound. Of course I have another phono for a headphone setup so that will be upgraded to just MM so I'm covered. Sharing so you can think about the configuration you want for yours and chat with Viren. I already had the Cinemags so didn't have to wait. Any help you need just reach out, glad to help.

Hi Arj! Yes its been a while! Good to see you in charge here. Your long experience and level headedness will be useful here for sure. I have the SPU classic the spherical stylus. Someday I wanna compare the same cart with the elliptical. I think I prefer the simplicity and sound of these but never done a head to head with the same cart and different styli. I have an old Decca 4RC also but that requires retipping and is another whole project with a tonearm...
@stevieboy thanks so much. my cart, Ortofon Classic SPU with spherical stylus and other requirements are identical like yours. 100 ohms loading and no MM input. Have spoken to Mr. Bakshi. will wait for the transformer whenever he acquires them. thanks for the reply.
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