Hi Stevie,
I'll try to answer the second part first. I have always been playing around with doing tweaks to my system. Sometimes with the crossover values, sometimes with cartridges and what not. Effectively, the overall balance of the system tonally shifts to one side of the spectrum. Then in addition, upon my research, I never gotten any specific answer about what loading resistor value to be used along with DL103R which makes it sound optimal. Of course it will depend on the rest of the system too but what I mean is that if I want to find the Rload about another well regarded cartridge, people usually do have a consensus about the value but it wasn't the case with this one. When I had the previous phono stage, I had acquired Z foils of 33Ohms and 1Kohms as per my research about DL103R then. Using those resistors, I found the sound to be a bit edgy. It could be due to any reason now: overall system, the matching of the loading, cart, arm with the tubes used in the phono stage previously. Since I just got the updated phono amp a few days ago, I didn't want to play with different loading values yet and thought best to run it with the stock resistors. I may fiddle around with 33/1K ohms later and see if they are suited better.
Now regarding my specific impressions about the differences between the two generation of the phono stages. As I said, very few days have been spent so far and I haven't even gone to my staple vinyls to make a proper assessment. So while I don't think I am in a position to be very specific here but at a very high level, I can say that while the older version was also very good, it was not as musically engaging and involving as the new one. The new one has no sharp edges to the sound whatsoever. This is my first encounter with the 6F12P tubes and I sure like these better than the 6S3P-EV tubes. The lushness of the new design makes it more suited for longer listening sessions. I must say when I listened to my phono at Viren sir's house with his Supex cartridge, the clarity, articulation and sheer dynamics of playback bowled me over. A couple of songs and you realize how alive this phono makes music. Only listened to Jazz but the realism was the best I heard in any iteration of Viren Sir's phono designs. It just puts you at ease and you know you want to sit and keep listening and re-discover your records again. Please also consider that my comparisons with the older designs are all memory based as I had taken a break from listening to vinyls for almost 6 months or so. I restarted only when I got my upgraded amp back.
I am terrible when it comes to writing about sound characteristics (as you must have already noticed). Also, am not very experienced with high end/priced phono stages, neither is my TT/cart reference level by any means. So readers may discount my observations accordingly. As they say one's mileage may vary.....