Philips GA 242 turntable


New Member
Aug 5, 2022
I am a beginner and want to buy a pre-owned turntable. I am in Mumbai and getting an used Philips GA 242 turntable.
I have heard turntable with a Magnetic cartridge sound quality is better as compared to Ceramic cartridge. Philips GA242 is with a original ceramic cartridge.

Now my query is -
1- what about the sound quality of Philips GA 242 turntable with the original ceramic cartridge.
2- Can I replace the ceramic cartridge with a magnetic cartridge later. If so what will be the cost?

It will be great if somebody can help me with my queries.
Hi. The GA 242 came with the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge which was compatible with phono magnetic inputs. Notwithstanding the fact that a lot of owners 'upgraded' to the EEI Classic 700 magnetic cart, the GP 390 was by itself a fine sounding cart. In fact Philips Service manufactured a 'Philips Multipurpose Preamplifier 821/3PA' which had three settings 'Mag-GP390-Flat', specifically for the above cart. I own this preamp and it still runs, albeit with repairs over the years.
Coming to your specific query. Yes, the GA 242 is a fine sounding tt, PROVISO to it being in good running condition with the stylus in perfect condition. It can easily be fitted with a mag cart. Audio Technica AT 91, 3600, AT VM 95C or E are available. Remember to get it fitted by a professional as the tonearm wire clips are very fragile ( should you decide to buy it after due diligence on its condition).
Hi. The GA 242 came with the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge which was compatible with phono magnetic inputs. Notwithstanding the fact that a lot of owners 'upgraded' to the EEI Classic 700 magnetic cart, the GP 390 was by itself a fine sounding cart. In fact Philips Service manufactured a 'Philips Multipurpose Preamplifier 821/3PA' which had three settings 'Mag-GP390-Flat', specifically for the above cart. I own this preamp and it still runs, albeit with repairs over the years.
Coming to your specific query. Yes, the GA 242 is a fine sounding tt, PROVISO to it being in good running condition with the stylus in perfect condition. It can easily be fitted with a mag cart. Audio Technica AT 91, 3600, AT VM 95C or E are available. Remember to get it fitted by a professional as the tonearm wire clips are very fragile ( should you decide to buy it after due diligence on its condition).
Thanks for the reply.
I got one this weekend with a ceramic cartridge fitted with 242. Want to continue with this ceramic cartridge for some time. Later Will upgrade it with a magnetic cartridge. Currently it is directly connected to the aux port of my Samsung Sound bar and woofer. The sound quality is not that good. Now my query is to get better sound quality what I need to do?
If I will use a phono pre-amp in between turn table and sound bar will the sound quality will increase? or do i need a amplifier ? or any other combination possible. Also I want to use my sound system for few days without taking new speakers.
@General_sound - I have fitted the ga 242 with at-vm95e but sometimes there seems to be vibrations in the tonearm. This was not the case when i was using 3600 stylus.
Any idea what could be the problem?
Hi Bhupinder. VM 95e and GP390( original ceramic cartridge) both track at 2 g, so there should be some compatibility. At times compliance of cartridges do not suit some arms. The AT3600L is a heavier tracker at 2.5 to 3.5 g and are , possibly, less prone to vibration.
Having said that, do the following. 1. Ensure the three transit screws below the platter is loose and the sub platter freely floating. 2. Read the Manual and set the tracking force at 2g. In a nutshell u have to remove stylus guard cap, place the balancing ring in position Zero ie first marking on pick arm at pivoting end. Now gently slide the counterweight until arm remains balanced or floating when removed from the rest. Then slide the balancing ring chamfered edge to the second marking AFTER zero,( 'zero' is the first marking),. This corresponds to 2g.
3. Ensure table is absolutely level. Now play back. U may then carry out micro adjustments.
Do not use force, be very careful to avoid stylus damage, keep children and pets away while working.
Some amount of 'running in' say 10 LP playback may be required for optimum performance.
Download the manual. Let us know if the above has helped. Hope your tt is mechanically fine.
@General_sound - Thanks for the tips.
I’ve tried everything but nothing works.
I’ve noticed that the vibrations mainly occur in the starting tracks only and reduces as the tonearm moves towards the spindle.
Hi. The GA 242 came with the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge which was compatible with phono magnetic inputs. Notwithstanding the fact that a lot of owners 'upgraded' to the EEI Classic 700 magnetic cart, the GP 390 was by itself a fine sounding cart. In fact Philips Service manufactured a 'Philips Multipurpose Preamplifier 821/3PA' which had three settings 'Mag-GP390-Flat', specifically for the above cart. I own this preamp and it still runs, albeit with repairs over the years.
Coming to your specific query. Yes, the GA 242 is a fine sounding tt, PROVISO to it being in good running condition with the stylus in perfect condition. It can easily be fitted with a mag cart. Audio Technica AT 91, 3600, AT VM 95C or E are available. Remember to get it fitted by a professional as the tonearm wire clips are very fragile ( should you decide to buy it after due diligence on its condition).
I need Philips Multipurpose Preamplifier 821/3PA' where to buy can you suggest.
Hi Satish Koli. That particular pre amp stopped being manufactured decades ago. It was a fine phono pre amp and mine was still working when I last switched on about two months back.! However very difficult to get one in good working order. That said, this was still the best preamp for the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge. How come you need this particular brand?
Hi Satish Koli. That particular pre amp stopped being manufactured decades ago. It was a fine phono pre amp and mine was still working when I last switched on about two months back.! However very difficult to get one in good working order. That said, this was still the best preamp for the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge. How come you need this particular brand?
Thank you insist similar pre amp suitable for shure N 44-7 stylus.
Hi. I assume you are using Shure M 44-7 mag cart with its original N 44-7 stylus. If so then the output of this cart is very high and some phono stages may get overloaded. I recommend u first try out a phono stage with variable gain, like Art DJ Pro, which has other functions like capacitance and rumble switches, to check the suitability. Also, you can meet Laxman at Norge and try out your cart with the Norge manufactured phono stage. Do check for noise and hum in all tests. I have run a Shure M 44-7 on a Cambridge Audio 540 P, 2009 vintage, and I was not happy. I have not tried with Art DJ Pro.
Hi Satish Koli. That particular pre amp stopped being manufactured decades ago. It was a fine phono pre amp and mine was still working when I last switched on about two months back.! However very difficult to get one in good working order. That said, this was still the best preamp for the GP 390 low output ceramic cartridge. How come you need this particular brand?
I am looking for a Cartridge to replace my Philips EG1400 on the 15 GA 242. I have a reasonably advanced system from Enn Bee and this TT as well as Philips Type 15 GC 032 (3-speed TT) were playing on it for over 12 years. Since past 15 yrs, my GA 242 has been gathering dust coz the stylus had got bent and I did not want to risk damaging my LPs. My LP collection is also old (about 60 yrs or longer). The TT still runs but the belt had broken. It needs a Cart with eliptical MM stylus and a Belt. Even the door of the TT is intact. It has seen several moves through its lifetime since I was in a transferable job. Many people handled and mishandled, but both the TT and me were lucky to be here with a running 242.

So now, my request to you:
1. I need your advise on an MM cart with eliptical needle on the same headshell. The wires are fine and intact with headshell. Also, where can I get a good bargain? I have invested in a new TT - AT120 which may take sometime to reach India. Until then, I am getting both GC 032 and GA 242 up and running. The idler wheel should be at my door in 10 days time. Please help me with your advise on the Cart. Also,
2. Where can I get the large size belt for GA242? I have No idea if it were triangle, rectangle, round or flat. I have put simple rubber-bands to reconfirm the belt I need. However, I would be happy to buy both small and the big belt as it is wise to replace both together.



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    Philips Type 15 GA 242.jpg
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Hi UcSam. Nice to hear that you are having both Philips GA242 and GC 032. Firstly about the 242. This has two belts: a 8 inch circular and a small 1.5 inch (approx) belt inside. The small belt are similar to the DVD belts and the 8" circular belt was available in Pune electronic market till 2019! Try online. Also do ensure that the tt electronics are fine before investing in a stylus/cartridge.After ensuring the above now look at the cart. The EG 1400 is actually a Nagaoaka MM 321 ,a very fine cart. Elliptical styli are available from abroad, but are expensive. I have acquired a few new old stock conical which sounds superb with older records. It is a fallacy to think that elliptical stylii are kinder to records vis-a-vis conical. Infact a 2 g VTF conical has less record wear than an equal tracking elliptical, though it's performance is better. Also ,while changing the cart on a GA 242, be very careful of the cartridge clip wires breaking due to age. So if your cartridge is fine - check with a digital multimeter at RCA end - then stylus change is recommended. For replacement an Audio Technica AT 95e is fine, however AT VM 95C or E may not be fine as it screws from the top, thus entailing removing the top plate of the GA242 headshell !
That was a long post, and you may ask any clarification and I would be glad to help.
Pl send a photo of GC 032. Will progress from there. Thanks.
Hi UcSam. Nice to hear that you are having both Philips GA242 and GC 032. Firstly about the 242. This has two belts: a 8 inch circular and a small 1.5 inch (approx) belt inside. The small belt are similar to the DVD belts and the 8" circular belt was available in Pune electronic market till 2019! Try online. Also do ensure that the tt electronics are fine before investing in a stylus/cartridge.After ensuring the above now look at the cart. The EG 1400 is actually a Nagaoaka MM 321 ,a very fine cart. Elliptical styli are available from abroad, but are expensive. I have acquired a few new old stock conical which sounds superb with older records. It is a fallacy to think that elliptical stylii are kinder to records vis-a-vis conical. Infact a 2 g VTF conical has less record wear than an equal tracking elliptical, though it's performance is better. Also ,while changing the cart on a GA 242, be very careful of the cartridge clip wires breaking due to age. So if your cartridge is fine - check with a digital multimeter at RCA end - then stylus change is recommended. For replacement an Audio Technica AT 95e is fine, however AT VM 95C or E may not be fine as it screws from the top, thus entailing removing the top plate of the GA242 headshell !
That was a long post, and you may ask any clarification and I would be glad to help.
Pl send a photo of GC 032. Will progress from there. Thanks.
Good lord. You saved me from a possible disaster. It would have been a regrettable decision to go for cart change.

So I now understand that:
1. Elliptical styli sound better and have little or nothing to do with damaging LP groves/track.
2. Till I get my AT95e or AT91, I could look for a Stylus for EG1400 conical or elliptical.
3. However, before any replacement, need to check continuity at RCA end.

I have added Cart photos also after the Philips GC032

Many a slip between the cup and the lip.....

As for pictures of Philips Type 15 GC032/07, 3-Speed Stereo without pre-amp, please find them below>



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  • Classic 700 Cart Lower Portion - broken stylus.jpg
    Classic 700 Cart Lower Portion - broken stylus.jpg
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  • Philips Type 15 GC 032-07 230V 50Hz 6Watts, Made In India.jpg
    Philips Type 15 GC 032-07 230V 50Hz 6Watts, Made In India.jpg
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  • Philips Type 15 GC 032-07 230V 50Hz 6Watts, Made In India - Original Model Np Sticker.jpg
    Philips Type 15 GC 032-07 230V 50Hz 6Watts, Made In India - Original Model Np Sticker.jpg
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  • Philips Type 15 GC 032 without Cart.jpg
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    Philips Type 15 GC 032 with Cart.jpg
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  • Cart for GC 032 - GP-204.jpg
    Cart for GC 032 - GP-204.jpg
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    Cart for GC 032 - GP-204 Top view.jpg
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    Cart for GC 032 - GP-204 Top view -2.jpg
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    Cart for GC 032 - GP-204 - Stylus view.jpg
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Hi UcSam.
1. In case the EG 1400 is already fitted to your GA 242, then do be careful about a cartridge change, as I have experienced breakage of those fragile wires. If not fitted , then ofcourse you can replace the same. Note: The screw size is different for AT95E, AT91/3600 (smaller) vis-a-vis EG 1400, Classic 700 & Shure M75 carts(larger). So be careful while fitting. Many recommend rewiring with Cardas tone arm cable.
2. Your EG 1400 looks ok, Classic 700 I can't say. You can get EG 1400 (Nagaoka MM321B) conical styli for less than €25 in Europe, in India they can be sourced for slightly more. Elliptical styli are more expensive. Better to buy from a reliable source in India, duly tested styli, rather than untested.
3. The GC 032 looks in great shape. Kudos. It is a fine tt introduced in India in 1972 for ₹275+ taxes! You can get stylus, mostly sapphire tip for ur 78 rpm records. Otherwise it's the AT120.
Do let us know how the work progresses.
Hi UcSam.
1. In case the EG 1400 is already fitted to your GA 242, then do be careful about a cartridge change, as I have experienced breakage of those fragile wires. If not fitted , then ofcourse you can replace the same. Note: The screw size is different for AT95E, AT91/3600 (smaller) vis-a-vis EG 1400, Classic 700 & Shure M75 carts(larger). So be careful while fitting. Many recommend rewiring with Cardas tone arm cable.
2. Your EG 1400 looks ok, Classic 700 I can't say. You can get EG 1400 (Nagaoka MM321B) conical styli for less than €25 in Europe, in India they can be sourced for slightly more. Elliptical styli are more expensive. Better to buy from a reliable source in India, duly tested styli, rather than untested.
3. The GC 032 looks in great shape. Kudos. It is a fine tt introduced in India in 1972 for ₹275+ taxes! You can get stylus, mostly sapphire tip for ur 78 rpm records. Otherwise it's the AT120.
Do let us know how the work progresses.
Amazing. Yes, there are different size screws and I was told when I moved from EG1400 to Classic 700 that I must keep the screw size in Mind. I am not sure if the replacement stylus come with screws. One nut unfortunately is missing. I will try and salvage it from within home (look like common electrical fittings threading). The screw of two size had perhaps been around since before EG1400 was installed.
Thanks a ton!

It is becoming difficult to get Nagaoka MM321B. I had been trying since past several hours. So far unable to locate it. If I use EG1400 to fit it back again, I am not sure why a stylus was not fitted 20 years ago. Why did they change to Classic 700. This thought occurred to me earlier this evening and so moving on to another cart is safer. Please advise.
The belt too is becoming a challenge. Naresh Goswami said he will get it, but he needs time to check with the factory which is about 5km from his resd and he needs time to go there.



  • Screw sizes for EG1400 and Classic 700.jpg
    Screw sizes for EG1400 and Classic 700.jpg
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Hi UcSam.
1.Your GA 242 has the nuts embedded in the headshell. It is stuck with rubber adhesive and is easy to pry off, but please don't try it. To fix the cartridge one has to screw it from below, after fixing the clips.
2. The reason for change to Classic 700 many aeons ago could be simply availability: Classic 700 was made in India and freely available, whereas EG 1400 was not, and styli was more expensive. Remember in those days even a 50 ₹ difference was a deciding factor. Another reason could be that your EG 1400 may have a short, which is very very rare. Check continuity with a digital meter(only) at the correct settings ( google this first).
3. Fast-forward to the present and situation is slightly different. MM 321 styli is available on many sites. (For Classic 700 you have to fit Shure M-75).Am am trying to procure a few MM 321 and if successful, will tell you the site.
4. Re' 78 playback, will share my thoughts tomorrow in your other post.
Lastly, a step by step approach is recommended. First get the tt going, then fit the cart, and then build the 78 playback system whichever one you decide.
A few observations on your TTs. The GA 242 is a later model, with red power indicator. So the electronics should be okay. Do lubricate the speed control switch, from inside.
The GC O32 will need a motor grommet ( rubber suspension) replacement. Someone has also replaced the original mat with a mat fitted on the later Hi Q International tt. If so, then the ' lip' at the edge may touch the body. Check this.
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