Well-Known Member
Would've flown to Pune, but saw no Jack Daniels on the list
Sorry. Not much of a fan of bourbon whiskey.
Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Would've flown to Pune, but saw no Jack Daniels on the list
Would've flown to Pune, but saw no Jack Daniels on the list
I agree.. I prefer a legend or Proper Jack or even a Cognac but your list is good too..!! darn no vacations and work that lets me travel ur way though!!!
the burn in that I ve experienced is purely a short living one Provided I did not abuse the screen with prolonged usage in such manner..!! I would like to know the limitations to this though!!!
a Napoleon and a Remy Martin (both VSOP). Excellent after dinner.
Can we add one more...... redo the poll with multiple options
Experienced Burn In
Can Clearly See IR
Can Regularly See Faint IR
Can Occasionally See Faint IR
Can see something that looks like IR but I'm not sure
Cannot see any IR
Can we add one more...
Can see something that looked like a TV few drinks back
Can we add one more...
Can see something that looked like a TV few drinks back
Been using a plasma for 4 years now. Can clearly see faint IR whenever the screen goes black (i.e. 'no signal' stage) after having shown a static image for 10 secs or so.
I'll gladly take that in my stride because (i) its strictly temporary and (ii) what I see on the screen when the signal feed is 'on', more than makes up for the faint IR. Period.